1- Introduction
First of all, be aware that this tutorial is adapted to the tutorial on Linux installation, so the users and folders in which I will go in the tutorial may not be the same at home!
For more information,follow this tutorial.
2- Update his server
To update the ArmA 3 server, everything is done via SteamCMD. Navigate to the SteamCMD folder:
Then we will start SteamCMD:
Then we will tell to SteamCMD the folder where your ArmA 3 server is located (In my case, the same as the previous tutorial):
Then we will update our ArmA 3 server:
And, your server is automatically updated!
When finished, exit SteamCMD with the command:
You can now start your server with the latest version of ArmA 3 Server!
This tutorial is now complete, if you have comments to make up, improvements or other, I invite you to make me go back.
Forum Administrator Loic Shmit
1- Introduction
First of all, be aware that this tutorial is adapted to the tutorial on Linux installation, so the users and folders in which I will go in the tutorial may not be the same at home!
For more information,follow this tutorial.
2- Update his server
To update the ArmA 3 server, everything is done via SteamCMD. Navigate to the SteamCMD folder:
cd steamcmd
force_install_dir /home/arma3server/server
app_update 233780 validate
When finished, exit SteamCMD with the command:
This tutorial is now complete, if you have comments to make up, improvements or other, I invite you to make me go back.
Forum Administrator Loic Shmit
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