English Reduce the size of his mission

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I'm the Boss

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This tutorial will allow you to move your textures and sounds from your mission to a mod
Your server must be a modded server !


For this the tutorial will be composed of several parts:

  • 1 - Create a mod
  • 2 - Put textures in a mod
  • 3 - Put sounds in a mod
  • 4 - Publish the mod
1 - Create a mod

  • Create a folder where you want and with the name of your choice
  • In this folder, create a config.cpp file and paste this code in :

2 - Put textures in the mod

  • Move all your text files (.png, .jpg, .paa) from your mission to the folder of your mod
  • Using the code editing software you are using (tutorial for using Notepad++, Sublime Text or Atom), search your mission folder and your mission.sqm file, which you will have saved in non-binarized format at the output of the Arma III editor to search for all the paths to the old textures. To do this you can search for example the name of the folder in which the textures were and add a [ICODE] \ [/ICODE] at the end
  • Change all the paths to your textures so that they point to the right file that will be in a mod now, here's an example:
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will become after modification if the name of your mod folder is my_mod and the file ico_defibrillator.paa is located directly in the folder of your mod:​
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  • Small specificity, if you have some product from the The Programmer site, it is possible that some paths to the textures are located in the .pbo files in @ The_Programmer / addons. It will convert folder with Pbo Manager installation tutorial then repeat the operation of search in these folders, replace paths then re-convert to .pbo with Pbo Manager
3 - Put sounds in the mod

  • Move all your (.ogg) sound files from your mission to your mod folder
  • In the file description.ext in your mission cut (<=> copy then delete) the class CfgSounds which looks like this for example:
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class CfgSounds {
    sounds[] = {};
    class sirenLong {
        name = "sirenLong";
        sound[] = {"\sounds\sirenLong.ogg", 1.0, 1};
        titles[] = {};

    class medicSiren {
        name = "medicSiren";
        sound[] = {"\sounds\medicSiren.ogg", 1.0, 1};
        titles[] = {};

    class tazerSound {
        name = "tazerSound";
        sound[] = {"\sounds\tazer.ogg", 0.5, 1};
        titles[] = {};
Remember that each open brace must be closed so there are as many { that of }, if you miss it you do not have to copy the whole class!

  • In the file config.cpp in the folder of your mod paste what you copied to the end of the file
  • Change all the paths to your sounds so that they point to the right file that will now be in a mod, here's an example :
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sound[] = {"\sounds\tazer.ogg", 0.5, 1};
will become after modification if the name of your mod folder is my_mod and the tazer.ogg file is located directly in the folder of your mod:​
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sound[] = {"\mon_mod\tazer.ogg", 0.5, 1};
  • Small specificity, if you have some product of the site The Programmer, it is possible that you have include in your class CfgSounds. If so, go to the file target the include from your mission and replace the include with the contents of the file it targets. You can now change the path to the sounds correctly.

4 - Publication of the mod

  • Using Pbo Manager (installation tutorial) put your folder in .pbo file
  • Add this file in the mods of your server and those of your workshop / launcher and update it so that all the players of your server have this mod during their connection
Tip to simplify your mission, save the file mission.sqm in binarized at the exit of the editor of Arma (a check box during the recording)
Dernière édition par un modérateur:
Hi, man could you write the config.cpp code that you use? or an example to create it
Dernière édition:
Hello !

Here is an example :
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class CfgPatches {
    class mod_name {
        units[] = {};
        weapons[] = {};
        requiredVersion = 1;
        requiredAddons[] = {};
        author[] = {"Me"};

class CfgSounds {
    sounds[] = {};
    class sirenLong {
        name = "sirenLong";
        sound[] = {"\mod_name\sirenLong.ogg", 1.0, 1};
        titles[] = {};

    class medicSiren {
        name = "medicSiren";
        sound[] = {"\mod_name\medicSiren.ogg", 1.0, 1};
        titles[] = {};

    class tazerSound {
        name = "tazerSound";
        sound[] = {"\mod_name\tazer.ogg", 0.5, 1};
        titles[] = {};

    class flashbang {
        name = "flashbang";
        sound[] = {"\mod_name\flashbang.ogg", 1.0, 1};
        titles[] = {};

    class mining {
        name = "mining";
        sound[] = {"\mod_name\mining.ogg", 1.0, 1};
        titles[] = {};

    class harvest {
        name = "harvest";
        sound[] = {"\mod_name\harvest.ogg", 1.0, 1};
        titles[] = {};

    class lockCarSound {
        name = "lockCarSound";
        sound[] = {"\mod_name\carLock.ogg", 1.0, 1};
        titles[] = {};

    class unlockCarSound {
        name = "unlockCarSound";
        sound[] = {"\mod_name\carUnlock.ogg", 0.75, 1};
        titles[] = {};
Anyone know how to route going to be like @mod/addons/pbofile/pics/imagen.jpg I trying but still don't get it. Did someone has an example of the Route??
Flobbah Flobbah, could you check this Link? i put everything on it and redirect like you said but still not working, everything on a pbo called missiontextures inside on a mod folder, how can i find you on discord?I'm Davidtecru
On the vItems:
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class seed_corn {
    variable = "seed_corn";
    displayName = "seed_corn";
    weight = 1;
    buyPrice = 15;
    sellPrice = -1;
    illegal = false;
    edible = -1;
    icon = "@missiontextures\icons\plants\semillas_de_elote.paa";

And the same on mission.sqm:
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                class Item0
                    class PositionInfo
                    class Attributes
                        init="call{triggerAreahis allowDamage false; this setObjectTexture [0, ""@missiontextures\textures\1.jpg""]; this setObjectTexture [1, ""@missiontextures\textures\2.jpg""] " \n "}";
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