1- Introduction
Welcome to this tutorial where we will show you how to install an ArmA 3 server under the Linux OS (Debian and Ubuntu). If you want to install an ArmA 3 server on Windows, it's not the same procedures, so it's useless to follow this tutorial!
Well, let's start from the beginning, the prerequisites!
2- Prerequisites
Before you begin, please make sure that the following criteria are met, so as not to be lost in your installation.
If these conditions are met, you can continue!
3- Software Installation Requirements
Installation summary:
To start, download the latest version of MySQL, via the following command (make sure you have administrator rights):
During the installation, a superuser password will be asked, insert a secure password.
If the system does not ask you for a password, enter the following command:
Well, MySQL is installed, now, install PhpMyAdmin, to manage your databases.
Enter the following command:
You can now access the management of your databases by opening your browser and making sure
(Replaces YOURIP with the IP of your machine)
So we are done with the installation of components for development! Let's move to the server installation!
4- Installing ArmA 3 Server
Installation summary:
We will start by creating a user specifically dedicated to your server, thanks to the command:
When creating your user, a User Password will be asked, enter a secure password!
Then, let's connect to this user:
Now we are going to create a special folder dedicated to SteamCMD, which is a tool provided by VALVE to install game servers, like us here ArmA 3 Server.
Create a folder with the following command:
Then, let's move in this folder:
Now, we will install SteamCMD dependencies with the command:
To continue, we will install steamcmd in this folder, thanks to the command:
Unpack this archive with:
Then we will create a folder for ArmA 3 Server, like this.
Then let's go back to SteamCMD
Let's now run steamcmd:
SteamCMD Will Install VALVE Contents to Run SteamCMD
You must now insert your STEAM information, with the command:
/! \ Replace STEAMUSER with your Steam account name and STEAMPASS with the password of this Steam account
Once finished, we will define the path to install the ArmA 3 server, depending on the folder created above.
Just run this command:
And now, let's go, let's install our server:
And there, your ArmA 3 server is installed!
Once your server is installed, you can leave steamCMD with the command:
Your server is now installed!
Below are the useful commands to start and stop your server!
This tutorial is now complete, if you have comments to make up, improvements or other, I invite you to make me go back.
Forum Administrator Loic Shmit
1- Introduction
Welcome to this tutorial where we will show you how to install an ArmA 3 server under the Linux OS (Debian and Ubuntu). If you want to install an ArmA 3 server on Windows, it's not the same procedures, so it's useless to follow this tutorial!
Well, let's start from the beginning, the prerequisites!
2- Prerequisites
Before you begin, please make sure that the following criteria are met, so as not to be lost in your installation.
- To have a MINIMUM of knowledge in Linux, in order not to make stupidity (I do not return on the basic linux commands.)!
- Have a machine under the Debian or Ubuntu OS
- Have opened the necessary ports (and only those necessary) for ArmA 3.
If these conditions are met, you can continue!
3- Software Installation Requirements
Installation summary:
- PhpMyAdmin, with Apache 2
To start, download the latest version of MySQL, via the following command (make sure you have administrator rights):
apt-get install mysql-server
If the system does not ask you for a password, enter the following command:
Enter the following command:
apt-get install apache2 phpmyadmin
So we are done with the installation of components for development! Let's move to the server installation!
4- Installing ArmA 3 Server
Installation summary:
- SteamCMD and dependencies
- ArmA 3 Server
We will start by creating a user specifically dedicated to your server, thanks to the command:
adduser arma3server
Then, let's connect to this user:
su arma3server
Create a folder with the following command:
mkdir steamcmd
Then, let's move in this folder:
cd steamcmd
Now, we will install SteamCMD dependencies with the command:
apt-get install lib32gcc1
To continue, we will install steamcmd in this folder, thanks to the command:
wget https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
tar -xvzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
Then we will create a folder for ArmA 3 Server, like this.
cd -
mkdir server
Then let's go back to SteamCMD
cd steamcmd
You must now insert your STEAM information, with the command:
Once finished, we will define the path to install the ArmA 3 server, depending on the folder created above.
Just run this command:
force_install_dir / home / arma3server / server
And now, let's go, let's install our server:
app_update 107410 validate
Once your server is installed, you can leave steamCMD with the command:
Your server is now installed!
Below are the useful commands to start and stop your server!
cd / arma3server / server
./arma3server start
cd / arma3server / server
./arma3server stop
This tutorial is now complete, if you have comments to make up, improvements or other, I invite you to make me go back.
Forum Administrator Loic Shmit
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