English Delete SpyGlass

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion I'm the Boss
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I'm the Boss

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Hello, in this tutorial we will see how to delete SpyGlass completely and not disable it...

Why delete it and not just disable it?
Quite simply, when you disable SpyGlass in the Config_Master of your mission it does not completely disable and blocks some scripts like for example : Duty_System or the script of Dynamic Market.

To start, go to your mission for this tutorial I would use the basic mission provided by AsYetUntilted...

Etape 1 - Desactivate SpyGlass :
Go to your file Config_Master.hpp which is located in the folder Config at the root of your Mission
Line 10: (Base)
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spyGlass_toggle = true; //Spyglass On/Off Toggle --> True = On & False = Off
Replace true with false, like this:
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spyGlass_toggle = false; //Spyglass On/Off Toggle --> True = On & False = Off
Step 2 - Remove SpyGlass entirely:
Go to the root of your Mission and Delete the SpyGlass folder.
Then go to your folder Config and delete the file Config_SpyGlass.hpp
Then, open the file Functions.hpp which is located at the root of your Mission and Delete :
Line 14: (Base)
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class SpyGlass {
    tag = "SPY";
    class Functions {
        file = "SpyGlass";
        class cookieJar{};
        class notifyAdmins{};
        class observe{};
Then open the file description.ext which is located at the root of your Mission and Delete :
Line 4:
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#include "config\Config_SpyGlass.hpp"
Then, open the file init.sqf which is located in the folder Core at the root of your Mission then Find and Delete :
Line 22: (by default)
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[] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "core\clientValidator.sqf";
And finally, go to your folder Core which is at the root of your Mission and Delete the file :
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Here is hoping that this tutorial will help you to remove SpyGlass completely and correctly;)
Dernière édition par un modérateur:
bonsoir ca ne marche pas ou c est moi qui a un soucis ca fait 3 fois que je le fais rien du tout
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