English SteamSpy (Formally known as Steam Profiler)


Today I present to you a program I have been working on.

Steam Profiler

A little about the program;

It is created in vb.net and uses HtmlAgilityPack as the main form of getting the data you need, while I am new to using this package there could still be bugs & issues within it.
I have tested this myself over the last few days of creating it, and have yet to come across many bugs. The purpose of this tool was purely to learn how to use HtmlAgilityPack and to help server owners for any game from steam check a player quickly.

There is a website for this tool, which is the most basic website of all. The website was done so I had somewhere to add updates to, instead of free file uploaders etc. You can download from there also, or you can download from this thread.


The download is only a .msi built from microsoft installer package for .net. The download release for this website is the .exe version, which should install it the same way, if it does not please visit the link and click "Download v1.0 Now"

The install location should lead to C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamProfiler\StreamProfilerSetup - and this will also be the run folder, along with a desktop icon & startmenu icon.

If you use this, I would greatly appreciate if you find bugs report them to me.

Known Issues:
  • During testing phase, I faced a few issues exporting the details. So for now exporting has been removed.
  • I have made effort to detect if the steamid is valid, while this can still be avoided by entering "765xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" which will still try and search for the steamid since it contains 765. If you do this, the program will crash. It is highly recommended to use a real steamid.
  • Sometimes the nodes will not connect properly after searching for a steamid. If the program hangs, give it sometime to load everything it needs to load. If after 5-10 minutes nothing has loaded, you will need to force close it.
Not a bug: After searching a steamid the program will become unresponsive for a short amount of time, this is purely because the program is searching the nodes for the information. Usually its about 50 seconds, but could take longer.

Please note; The program can only search for a steamid. Vanity URL's are not accepted at the moment.
Please note#2; The program requires admin permissions to run, this is purely because it creates folders for the exports (once exporting is fixed), it also needs your permission to save the "SearchedSteamIds.dat" file.

Features of program: (In order of search)
Profile Details contains
  1. Steam Profile Picture
  2. Username
  3. SteamID
  4. Steam2ID
  5. Steam3ID

Profile Information contains
  1. Invite URL
  2. Profile Link
  3. Estimated Cost of Account
  4. Member Since
  5. Account Age
  6. Steam Level
  7. Country
  8. Online Status
  9. Profile State
  10. Export Options - Exporting is currently disabled.

Profile Bans contains:
  1. Total Game Bans
  2. Is VAC banned
  3. Total Community Bans
  4. Total Trade Bans
  5. Overall Bans
  6. Last Ban
  7. Detected Friend bans
  8. EAC Bans
  9. EAC Ban Information
EAC ban information is purely for rust.

Profile Hours contains:

  1. Total Hours combined
  2. Windows hours
  3. Linux hours
  4. MacOs hours
Recents contains:
  1. A list of searched steamids. - This will only save if you check the box for it in settings.
    a .dat file will be saved called SearchedSteamIds. You can select each entry, and right click it for more information such as copy links etc.
Settings contains:
  1. Automatically paste steamids from clipboard - This feature is currently not working, and has been disabled
  2. Automatically save all searched id's to recents - Enable this to save a list in the recents tab.
  3. Delete saved file - Click button to delete the "SearchedSteamIds.dat"
  4. Automatically check for updates upon program start - If you want to stay upto date with updates, select this.
    The settings tab will also tell you if there is an update or not.
  5. Check for updates manually
  6. Load default settings
  7. Open Exports Folder - Currently opens documents folder as exports are currently not working.
Exported Files contains
  1. A list of exported files. This will be enabled once exporting is finished. It will contain a list of all exported files you have done, with right click options for each one. Such as delete, open etc.
Changelog contains
  1. When I release new updates, the changelog tab will automatically display the changes made in the new version.

About contains
Basic information regarding the program and the credits.

Some pictures (Please note; the program has been changed slighly since these photos were taken)




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Dernière édition:
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Les réactions: SUTORU
Hi all,

A new update has been uploaded to the github link.
Please download the new update to be able to continue using the program.

Alternatively, download the file from this post.

Fichiers joints

Dernière édition:
Hello all,

Today I present version 1.2 of the SteamSpy (formally known as Steam Profiler)

In this update you will see the following
  • Complete re-write
  • New UI design
  • New ini settings for saving/loading
  • .pdf export feature
  • Exports - to view exported files with right click options
  • Program renamed to SteamSpy
  • Program associated files are saved in C:\ProgramData\SteamSpy
  • New .exe icon
  • Program updates will now bring you to the github repo
  • You need to uninstall the current version to install the new version
  • You can also view the change-log within the program

Each new profile you export will create its own folder inside C:\ProgramData\SteamSpy\ProfilerExports

Please note; Program does not require administrator privledges anymore, but it does require the highest level available to your current logged in account
- This is for saving files, creating folders, saving settings etc. I am still trying to find away around this.

If you do however find any issues, please report them as soon as you can. This helps me quickly fix them and update the program.

I did notice that my last 2 post attachments were .exe, I apologize for this not know the .exe version was not what you needed.

You can download the file from github as I cannot attach .msi files here.



  • Muscle
Les réactions: Maxence
Update v1.2.1 :

  • Removed .ini file saving/loading as it was causing saving issues
  • Removed Program Updates tab from settings. Checkbox is now located on the first page
  • All settings are now saved and loaded internally
  • Removed useless code
  • Change form color, and design
  • Fixed the link of the update button. (oops)
  • Fixed broken node to display user's last ban.
  • You need to uninstall previous version to install new version.
You can download the new .msi from inside the program, or from the releases page on github. -> https://github.com/System32-0/SteamProfiler/releases/tag/Release
If you have any issues with saving/exporting please run program as admin.
Dernière édition:
Update v1.2.0.2 :

  • Changed when user searches for a player, it will now take you to the first tab. - Thanks GraveYard
  • Fixed "Illegal Characters in Path" issue.
  • Changed how the program updates, and checks for updates works.
  • Removed "Save Settings" from settings page.
  • Added "Open File" option to Exports. To open the selected .pdf easier.
  • Version information will now display the actual version (e.g: Each update this number will increase by 1, unless its a major update.
  • Made the label visible to let you know if you search a profile that is private.
  • You can download the update from the Releases or directly from here
  • You need to uninstall previous version to install new version. I am trying to find a way around this.
To use the update feature the program must be ran as administrator. It will throw an error if you do not.
Update v1.2.0.3 :

  • Removed program hang when searching for a player, and replaced with a seperate progress window.
  • Fixed the incorrect update text
  • You can download the update from the Releases or directly from here
To use the update feature within the program, you must run the program as administrator. It will throw an error if you do not

  • You need to uninstall previous version to install new version. I am trying to find a way around this.