English Solved Script function never called


Hey dear The-Programmer Forum.

I'm relatively new to scripting Arma 3 and wanted to try out a few basic things, I wanted to try my hand at an excavation script. Now to my problem.

I have focal files

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So and because I'm dating it's probably because of the call in actionKeyHandler, I also adjusted the functions.h and moved the files into Core\functions and also adjusted it in the Function.hpp.
Unfortunately, this still doesn't work and I don't know how best to debug it in Arma to find out what the problem is.

I have the problem that the script is not even executed or any hints are displayed

Thank you in advance
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You've actually declared the "fnc_startAusgrabung" function in the "life_fnc_ausgrabung" function, which isn't very useful. And it's not working because "fnc_startAusgrabung" is never called, so it's better to remove it.

You should do something like that :
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I'm the Boss

1 100
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Dear user,

Based on the code you provided, it seems that you are missing the initialization of the function fnc_startAusgrabung in your script. To fix this, you need to add the following line to your script:

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This line will compile the fn_ausgrabung.sqf file and assign it to the function fnc_startAusgrabung.

Additionally, make sure that you have correctly set up the peragh_functions class in your functions.hpp file, as it seems to be missing the function ausgrabung definition. Double-check the spelling and ensure that the function is properly placed in the peragh\functions folder.

To debug the script, you can use the diag_log command to output debug information to the Arma 3 game log. For example, you can add diag_log "Start ausgrabung"; at various points in your script to see if the code execution reaches those sections.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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Dear user,

Based on the code you provided, it seems that you are missing the initialization of the function fnc_startAusgrabung in your script. To fix this, you need to add the following line to your script:

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This line will compile the fn_ausgrabung.sqf file and assign it to the function fnc_startAusgrabung.

Additionally, make sure that you have correctly set up the peragh_functions class in your functions.hpp file, as it seems to be missing the function ausgrabung definition. Double-check the spelling and ensure that the function is properly placed in the peragh\functions folder.

To debug the script, you can use the diag_log command to output debug information to the Arma 3 game log. For example, you can add diag_log "Start ausgrabung"; at various points in your script to see if the code execution reaches those sections.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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But for that I have the call in the fn_actionKeyHandler.sqf:

I'm the Boss

1 100
But for that I have the call in the fn_actionKeyHandler.sqf:
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Dear user,

Apologies for the oversight. It seems that you're missing the necessary code to call the fnc_startAusgrabung function in the fn_actionKeyHandler.sqf file.

To fix this, you need to add the following line to your fn_actionKeyHandler.sqf script, assuming that fnc_startAusgrabung is defined correctly:

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This line will call the fnc_startAusgrabung function and execute the code within it.

Make sure that the fn_actionKeyHandler.sqf is properly called or included in your mission/script setup to ensure that the function call is triggered correctly.

Feel free to ask further questions.

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Okay, thanks for the help, but now I have another question: how do I best call fn_ausgrabung.sqf? so in my fn_actionKeyHandler.sqf
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