English Not solved Issue with prison script not sending players to jail

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Harti
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Hello, my English is not good, I hope you understand me anyway

es geht um dieses Scriptsystem


And although we can't put our people in jail, we choose the time then we press OK,
but after that nothing happens

the person does not go to jail

Can somebody help me with it

the logs I see are these

_player setVariable ["JailTime",(_queryR>

2021/06/04, 14:55:27 Error position: <_player setVariable ["JailTime",(_queryR>

2021/06/04, 14:55:27 Error Undefined variable in expression: _player

2021/06/04, 14:55:27 File life_server\Functions\MySQL\fn_queryRequest.sqf..., line 133

I should try this call

private _player = _ownerID;

but this didn't work either, after that I didn't get any further help,

Can somebody help me with it ?
Try it with this :

if (isNull _ownerID) exitWith {};
private _player = _ownerID;
_ownerID = owner _ownerID;
And send us your fn_queryRequest file ;)
das habe ich schon probiert
wie es in der Anleitung stand, hat aber auch nicht funktioniert, kann ich dir meine Dateien hochladen?
Hellow !

Are you on west side ? Do you use Radial Menu ?

Is the dialog closed after pressing "Ok" ?
-> If yes, can you add at the top of your fn_arrestAction.sqf :
systemChat "arrestAction called";
And tell me if you see the message in the chat after pressing the button
-> If no, check again if you correctly done the step in the file Functions.hpp