English Gang Uniforms

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IceEagle132
  • Date de début Date de début
Every wanted gangs to have their custom uniforms without having to skin them?
Well here is a very easy way to do so.

Open Config_Clothing.hpp Find the gang shop by defult looks like this:
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class gang_clothing {
        title = "STR_Shops_C_Gang";
        conditions = "";
        side = "civ";
        uniforms[] = {
            { "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_uniforms, 0, "" }
        headgear[] = {
            { "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_headgear, 0, "" }
        goggles[] = {
            { "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_goggles, 0, "" }
        vests[] = {
            { "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_vests, 0, "" },
            { "V_Rangemaster_belt", "", 1900, "" }
        backpacks[] = {
            { "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_backpacks, 0, "" }

And you will change to like so:
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class gang_clothing {
        title = "STR_Shops_C_Gang";
        conditions = "";
        side = "civ";
        uniforms[] = {
            { "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_uniforms, 0, "" },
            { "classname", "", 300, "group player getVariable ['gang_name',''] isEqualTo 'gang name here'" }
        headgear[] = {
            { "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_headgear, 0, "" },
            { "classname", "", 300, "group player getVariable ['gang_name',''] isEqualTo 'gang name here'" }
        goggles[] = {
            { "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_goggles, 0, "" },
            { "classname", "", 300, "group player getVariable ['gang_name',''] isEqualTo 'gang name here'" }
        vests[] = {
            { "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_vests, 0, "" },
            { "classname", "", 300, "group player getVariable ['gang_name',''] isEqualTo 'gang name here'" }
        backpacks[] = {
            { "NONE", $STR_C_Remove_backpacks, 0, "" },
            { "classname", "", 300, "group player getVariable ['gang_name',''] isEqualTo 'gang name here'" }

And what this does is check if they're in the gang and if so they can buy that item. This is easier than making new shops and a bonus for gang hideouts.
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