bonjour , voici mon probleme extDB3 : erreur avec la connexion à la base de données alors que dans mon initserver sa ressemble a ca :
Ma config extdb3 :
j ai verifier les id c'est les bon je ne c'est pas de quoi ca vient
File: initServer.sqf
Starts the initialization of the server.
[] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\life_server\init.sqf";
Version = 1
Randomize Config File = false
;; Randomizes Config File after loading.
;; Recommend to turn on, if you have enabled filepatching on arma.
Allow Reset = false
;; Allows 9:RESET, usefull for development work
Thread = 0
;; Option to force number of worker threads for extDB3.
;; Auto = 0, Min = 2, Max = 6
Flush = true
;; Flush logfile after each update.
;; Option really only usefull if running DEBUG BUILD
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