Welcome to this tutorial which will allow you to not display the number and message when you receive a message to force players to open the menu.
This is only explained for civilians, but it is simple to do it for other factions
This is only explained for civilians, but it is simple to do it for other factions

Let's go !
For hint (message on the top right) :
In your @The_Programmer/addons/advanced_phone/client/fn_clientMessage.sqf search these lines :
hintSilent parseText format [(["STR_RECEIVE_MESSAGE_FROM_X","Max_Settings_Phone","Phone_Localization"] call theprogrammer_core_fnc_localize),_from,_msg];
hint parseText format [(["STR_RECEIVE_MESSAGE_FROM_X","Max_Settings_Phone","Phone_Localization"] call theprogrammer_core_fnc_localize),_from,_msg];
hint "You've a new message !";
For the systemChat (mesasge in the chat) :
In the same file, search this line :
systemChat format [(["STR_RECEIVE_MESSAGE_FROM_X_SYSTEMCHAT","Max_Settings_Phone","Phone_Localization"] call theprogrammer_core_fnc_localize),_from,_msg];
systemChat "You've a new message !";
.And you can do the same for the different "cases", you just have to spot hints or notifications (bis_fnc_showNotification) (if you want to do it in the different factions).
Here we go !
Forum Manager - Mathis