Contenu récent par Paris0

  1. P

    English Solved How to add stun weapon with vertigo effect to police?

    { "hgun_P07_snds_F", [眩晕], 2000, 1000, "" }, { "arifle_SDAR_F",[眩晕], 2000, 1000, "" }, { "srifle_EBR_F", [眩晕], 10000, 5000, "call life_donorlevel > 4&&call life_coplevel >= 4" },//MK18-迷彩 this
  2. P

    English Solved How to add stun weapon with vertigo effect to police?

    params [ ["_unit",objNull,[objNull]], ["_part","",[""]], ["_damage",0,[0]], ["_source",objNull,[objNull]], ["_projectile","",[""]], ["_index",0,[0]] ]; if (!isNull _source && {_source != _unit}) then { if (side _source isEqualTo west) then { //晕枪判断 if...
  3. P

    English Solved How to add stun weapon with vertigo effect to police?

    I tried to modify this script (fn_handleDamage.sqf), but it didn't work.我试过修改(fn_handleDamage.sqf)这个脚本,但是不起作用.
  4. P

    English Solved How to add stun weapon with vertigo effect to police?

    I want to know how to add the stun weapon of the police. I tried some methods, but it didn't work.(With vertigo effect)
  5. P

    English Solved How to improve visibility at night in ordinary servers?

    Ordinary servers can't see things clearly at night without night vision devices, but recently I saw in other servers that they can see things clearly at night without night vision devices. I want to know how to do this.