Contenu récent par Bundestag

  1. Bundestag

    English Solved Enabling Police and EMS to Repair Cars Without Mechanic

    Hello dear The Programmer Forum, i want to make it possible for the Police and EMS on my Server to be abel to rpair thair cars even when a mechanic is on duty with the Repair System. But i dont know how.
  2. Bundestag

    English Solved How to make a marker visible for only the police?

    I solved it by my self. this is how: 1. I added to the Map Eventhandler in the fn_setupEVH.sqf a new execVM to call my file "map.sqf" 2. I added my file Map.sqf with this content: params [ ["_mapOpen",false,[false]] ]; if (_mapOpen) then { if (playerSide == west) then {...
  3. Bundestag

    English Solved How to make a marker visible for only the police?

    Hello again, im trying to make a marker only visible for the police (west) the code i use looks like this: "west_funk" setMarkerAlphaLocal 0; But i dont know where to put it. Dose someone know where to put it. i tryed it in the fn_checkmap, and in the cop,civ,medMarkers. but it didt not work.
  4. Bundestag

    English Solved Issue with spawning smoke grenades on dedicated server

    Well its not that much difrent. I guess i had some kind of twist. The solution from Zoko is what got me going. Thank you Guys <3
  5. Bundestag

    English Solved Issue with spawning smoke grenades on dedicated server

    So, i have finally found out what the problem is. My Server dose not create #particelSources and smoke objects via scripts. I dont know why tho. Is there Someone that knows what could cause such behavior? Im on Vication for 2 weeks so i can not respond but i hope someone can help me out here. i...
  6. Bundestag

    English Solved Issue with spawning smoke grenades on dedicated server

    yes, but it didnt work. Kinda Strange
  7. Bundestag

    English Solved How to Add Interactive Objects to the Company System

    Thank you so much for the Help and explanation <3 I now do understand the whole process. you are the best :D
  8. Bundestag

    English Solved How to Add Interactive Objects to the Company System

    Hello dear The-Programmer Forum, i want do make an Object that is placed with the company system and i wanted to know what do I have to pay attention to when implementing the objects? I also want it to be fully implementetd in the Company-System like the other objects. I allready Saw the Object...
  9. Bundestag

    English Solved Issue with spawning smoke grenades on dedicated server

    It worked with the _smoke and _ps1? dose it not have to be _smoke or am i missing somthing? i marked it with arrows in the code private ----->_smoke = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos; --->_ps1 setParticleParams [ ["\A3\Data_F\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 7, 1], ""...
  10. Bundestag

    English Solved Issue with spawning smoke grenades on dedicated server

    Its not working :( IM calling the script via remoteExec like this: [_nObject] remoteExec ["life_fnc_myParticleFunction", 0]; The code of the Partikelscript looks like this: params [ ["_nObject",objNull,[objNull]] ]; diag_log "Script called"; _pos = getPos _nObject; private _smoke =...
  11. Bundestag

    English Solved Issue with spawning smoke grenades on dedicated server

    I think i have to do something with remote exec
  12. Bundestag

    English Solved Issue with spawning smoke grenades on dedicated server

    Thank you for your answer <3 The Part with the double "" didn't work. To clarify my problem, the smoke grenade is being created (i can see it) but the smoke effect dose not happen. Fun fact: If i pick it up with ace it starts smoking but i dont know why :D. I tried to make it work with the...