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  1. PabloTV6

    English Solved Issue with CMS message alerts

    Thanks, this worked!
  2. PabloTV6

    English Solved Issue with CMS message alerts

    ===================================================================== == D:\TCAFiles\Users\patrickr\25865\arma3server_x64.exe == D:\TCAFiles\Users\patrickr\25865\arma3server_x64.exe -server -ip= -port=2302 -profiles=Arma3Config -name=Arma3Config -config=Arma3Config\config.cfg...
  3. PabloTV6

    English Solved Issue with CMS message alerts

    /* File: fn_medicRequest.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Notifies the medics that someone has requested emergency and prompts them if they want to take the request or not. */ params [ ["_caller",objNull,[objNull]], ["_callerName","Unknown...
  4. PabloTV6

    English Solved Issue with CMS message alerts

    #include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_requestMedic.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: N/A */ private "_medicsOnline"; _medicsOnline = {!(_x isEqualTo player) && {side _x isEqualTo independent} && {alive _x}} count playableUnits > 0; //Check if medics...
  5. PabloTV6

    English Solved Issue with CMS message alerts

    Hey everyone! So I lunched my project all looks good. But I have a issue with my CMS messages if a player is dead. The CMS don't get informed, he sees only on the map. Can You help somone help me out please? Thanks
  6. PabloTV6

    Français Bloquer le stockage d'un item dans un véhicule spécifique

    For me also not working. I can put in any vehicle the item in.