Bonjours , voila j ai un souci je voudrai sauvegarder la position des joueur quand il se déconnecter mais pas quand ya un reboot
mon problème c est que quand je mes save civilian position True a chaque reboot je reste a la même position alors que save civilian position restart est sur false une idée du pourquoi ?
save_civilian_weapons = true; //Allow civilians to save weapons on them?
save_civilian_position = true; //Save civilian location?
save_civilian_position_restart = false; //Save civilian location only between restarts. After a server restart you'll have to spawn again.
/* !!!TO SAVE POSITION BETWEEN RESTARTS save_civilian_position MUST BE TRUE!!! */
save_civilian_positionStrict = false; //Strip the player if possible combat-log? WARNING: Server crashes and lack of reliable syncing can trigger this.