Salut encore un nouveau TUTO
Celui-ci n'est pas de moi mais de Lucian fait pour la communauté DE100
Voici à quoi il ressemble :
Il y as plusieurs réglage pour vos notification les voici :
Rendez-vous dans Functions.hpp et dans la classe Dialog_Controls ajoutez :
Comment l'utiliser / Choses à toujours avoir sous la main :
Celui-ci n'est pas de moi mais de Lucian fait pour la communauté DE100
Voici à quoi il ressemble :
Il y as plusieurs réglage pour vos notification les voici :
- Les couleur (Valide et Erreur)
- La vitesse du message : fast = 5 secondes / slow = 15 secondes
#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"
File: fn_notification_system.sqf
Date: 2016-07-23 18:15:17
Author: Patrick "Lucian" Schmidt
0: Text <STRING>
1: Type <BOOLEAN>
2: Speed <STRING>
if (isServer || !hasInterface) exitWith {};
_display = finddisplay 46;
if (profileNamespace getVariable ["de100_notify",true]) then {
if (_error) then {
playSound "3DEN_notificationWarning";
} else {
playSound "HintExpand";
private _headerColor = if (_error) then {
} else {
[(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R',0.3843]),(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G',0.7019]),(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B',0.8862]),(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_A',0.7])];
if (_text isEqualType "") then {
_text = parseText _text;
private _Header = _display ctrlCreate ["RscText", -1];
_Header ctrlSetPosition [0.005 * safezoneW + safezoneX, 0.01 * safezoneH + safezoneY, 0.2 * safezoneW, 0.011 * safezoneH];
_Header ctrlSetBackgroundColor _headerColor;
_Header ctrlSetFade 1;
_Header ctrlCommit 0;
_Header ctrlSetFade 0;
_Header ctrlCommit 0.4;
private _TextField = _display ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", -1];
_TextField ctrlSetStructuredText _text;
_TextField ctrlSetPosition [0.005 * safezoneW + safezoneX, 0.021 * safezoneH + safezoneY,0.2 * safezoneW, 0.5];
_TextField ctrlCommit 0;
_TextField ctrlSetPosition [0.005 * safezoneW + safezoneX, 0.021 * safezoneH + safezoneY,0.2 * safezoneW, ((ctrlTextHeight _TextField)+ (0.005 * safezoneH))];
_TextField ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0.75];
_TextField ctrlSetFade 1;
_TextField ctrlCommit 0;
_TextField ctrlSetFade 0;
_TextField ctrlCommit 0.4;
[_TextField,_Header,_speed] spawn {
if (_this select 2 isEqualTo "fast") then {
uiSleep 5;
} else {
uiSleep 15;
private _TextField = _this select 0;
private _Header = _this select 1;
_TextField ctrlSetFade 1;
_TextField ctrlCommit 0.3;
_Header ctrlSetFade 1;
_Header ctrlCommit 0.3;
uiSleep 0.3;
ctrlDelete _Header;
ctrlDelete _TextField;
private _posText = (ctrlPosition (_TextField)) select 1;
private _posHeader = (ctrlPosition (_Header)) select 1;
private _textHigh = (ctrlPosition (_TextField)) select 3;
if (isNil "life_open_notifications") then {life_open_notifications = [];};
if (count life_open_notifications > 0) then {
private _activeNotifications = 0;
private _ctrlHeader = _x select 0;
private _ctrlText = _x select 1;
if (!isNull _ctrlHeader && !isNull _ctrlText) then {
_ctrlHeader ctrlSetPosition [0.005 * safezoneW + safezoneX, (_posHeader + _textHigh + 1.5*(0.011 * safezoneH))];
_ctrlText ctrlSetPosition [0.005 * safezoneW + safezoneX, (_posText + _textHigh + 1.5*(0.011 * safezoneH))];
_ctrlHeader ctrlCommit 0.25;
_ctrlText ctrlCommit 0.25;
_posText = (_posText + _textHigh + 1.5*(0.011 * safezoneH));
_posHeader = (_posHeader + _textHigh + 1.5*(0.011 * safezoneH));
_textHigh = (ctrlPosition (_ctrlText)) select 3;
if (_activeNotifications > 3) then {
_ctrlText ctrlSetFade 1;
_ctrlHeader ctrlSetFade 1;
_ctrlText ctrlCommit 0.2;
_ctrlHeader ctrlCommit 0.2;
_activeNotifications = _activeNotifications + 1;
} forEach life_open_notifications;
life_open_notifications = ([[_Header,_TextField]] + life_open_notifications) select {!isNull (_x select 0) && !isNull (_x select 1)}; // Add the Element to the Front of the Array and remove the deleted Arrays
Rendez-vous dans Functions.hpp et dans la classe Dialog_Controls ajoutez :
class notification_system {};
Comment l'utiliser / Choses à toujours avoir sous la main :
0: Texte <STRING>
1: Type <BOOLEAN> false = VERT - true = ROUGE
2: Speed <STRING> fast = reste 5 secondes - slow = reste 15 secondes
["TEXTE",false,"fast"] call life_fnc_notification_system; // Message simple rapide en vert
["TEXTE",true,"fast"] call life_fnc_notification_system; // Message simple rapide en rouge
["TEXTE",false,"slow"] call life_fnc_notification_system; // Message simple lent en vert
["TEXTE",true,"slow"] call life_fnc_notification_system; // Message simple lent en rouge
//Exemple avec prise en charge des paramètres :
[format [localize "STR_NOTF_NE_1",[_price] call life_fnc_numberText,localize _displayName],true,"fast"] call life_fnc_notification_system;
//une autre manière de le faire :
[format ["Vous n'avez pas %1€ pour être soigné.",[_healCost] call life_fnc_numberText],false,""] call life_fnc_notification_system;
//Ou quelque choses comme ca :
if(CASH < 5000) exitWith {[format ["Vous n'avez pas assez d'argent avec vous! Il vous manque %1€ ", (5000 - CASH)],true,""] call life_fnc_notification_system;};
Dernière édition par un modérateur: