Jean-Baptiste a écrit le dernier message :
Here is an example of a possible modification (to be adapted and modified according to your needs)
1) In your fn_IdentityInitPlayer.sqf in the advanced_identity\client folder, under
Add :
Change license_civ_VARIBALE by your license name
2) Now, in your fn_IdentityDisplayCard in the advanced_identity\client folder, at the end of the file before the last }; add :
You can set your card texture by changing : gendarmerie.paa
Keep me posted
Here is an example of a possible modification (to be adapted and modified according to your needs)
1) In your fn_IdentityInitPlayer.sqf in the advanced_identity\client folder, under
if (playerSide isEqualTo civilian) then {
Add :
player addAction ["FBI Card",{[5,cursorObject] spawn the_programmer_identity_fnc_IdentityShowCard},"",0,false,false,"","[cursorObject] call the_programmer_identity_fnc_identityVerifAction && license_civ_VARIBALE"];
Change license_civ_VARIBALE by your license name
2) Now, in your fn_IdentityDisplayCard in the advanced_identity\client folder, at the end of the file before the last }; add :
case 5: {
9500 cutRsc ["The_Programmer_Identity_Card","PLAIN"];
_display = uiNameSpace getVariable "The_Programmer_Identity_Card";
_texture = if (_sexe isEqualTo 1) then {format ["%1\h_rond.paa",_basePath]} else {format ["%1\f_rond.paa",_basePath]};
(_display displayCtrl 2769) ctrlSetText _texture;
(_display displayCtrl 2765) ctrlSetText format ["%1\gendarmerie.paa",_basePath];
(_display displayCtrl 2766) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["<t align = 'center' size='2' shadow='0' font='RobotoCondensedBold' color='#ffffff'>%1</t>","Member of the FBI"];
(_display displayCtrl 2768) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["<t align = 'center' size='1.7' shadow='0' font='RobotoCondensedBold' color='#000000'>%1</t>",_namePlayer];
You can set your card texture by changing : gendarmerie.paa
Keep me posted