Bonjour j'ai le script de chez altisliferpg :
j'aimerais savoir si je peux transférer l'argent dépenser dans un compte en banque d'une entreprise (j'ai company systeme)
et aussi faire que l'argent gagner se prend dans le compte ne banque
[CODE title="fn_slotSpin.sqf"]/*
File: fn_slotSpin.sqf
Author: Jacob "PapaBear" Tyler
Description: Takes bet, spins slots, determines if win, pays
_betamt = [_this,0,1,[0]] call BIS_fnc_param;
if(life_cash < _betamt) exitWith {hint format["You do not have enough money to play.",_betamt];};
life_cash = life_cash - _betamt;
_display = findDisplay 5780;
_slotPic1 = _display displayCtrl 5771;
_slotPic2 = _display displayCtrl 5772;
_slotPic3 = _display displayCtrl 5773;
_winningsText = _display displayCtrl 5775;
_bet1 = _display displayCtrl 5778;
_bet2 = _display displayCtrl 5779;
_bet3 = _display displayCtrl 5781;
_bet4 = _display displayCtrl 5782;
_bet1 ctrlEnable false;
_bet2 ctrlEnable false;
_bet3 ctrlEnable false;
_bet4 ctrlEnable false;
_number = ceil(random 7);
_pplayer = _this select 0;
if (_number isEqualTo 0) then {_slot1 = 0; _slotPic1 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_zero.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 1) then {_slot1 = 100; _slotPic1 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_one.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 2) then {_slot1 = 200; _slotPic1 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_two.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 3) then {_slot1 = 300; _slotPic1 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_three.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 4) then {_slot1 = 400; _slotPic1 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_four.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 5) then {_slot1 = 500; _slotPic1 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_five.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 6) then {_slot1 = 600; _slotPic1 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_six.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 7) then {_slot1 = 700; _slotPic1 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_seven.paa";};
life_action_inUse = true;
sleep 0.5;
_number = ceil(random 7);
_pplayer = _this select 0;
if (_number isEqualTo 0) then {_slot2 = 0; _slotPic2 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_zero.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 1) then {_slot2 = 10; _slotPic2 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_one.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 2) then {_slot2 = 20; _slotPic2 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_two.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 3) then {_slot2 = 30; _slotPic2 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_three.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 4) then {_slot2 = 40; _slotPic2 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_four.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 5) then {_slot2 = 50; _slotPic2 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_five.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 6) then {_slot2 = 60; _slotPic2 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_six.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 7) then {_slot2 = 70; _slotPic2 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_seven.paa";};
sleep 0.5;
_number = ceil(random 7);
_pplayer = _this select 0;
if (_number isEqualTo 0) then {_slot3 = 0; _slotPic3 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_zero.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 1) then {_slot3 = 1; _slotPic3 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_one.paa"; };
if (_number isEqualTo 2) then {_slot3 = 2; _slotPic3 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_two.paa"; };
if (_number isEqualTo 3) then {_slot3 = 3; _slotPic3 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_three.paa"; };
if (_number isEqualTo 4) then {_slot3 = 4; _slotPic3 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_four.paa"; ;};
if (_number isEqualTo 5) then {_slot3 = 5; _slotPic3 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_five.paa"; };
if (_number isEqualTo 6) then {_slot3 = 6; _slotPic3 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_six.paa"; };
if (_number isEqualTo 7) then {_slot3 = 7; _slotPic3 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_seven.paa"; };
sleep 0.5;
_slot = _slot1 + _slot2 + _slot3;
//cases for wins
switch (_slot) do
case 111:{_winnings = 4000;};
case 110:{_winnings = 800;};
case 123:{_winnings = 900;};
case 211:{_winnings = 80;};
case 123:{_winnings = 800;};
case 234:{_winnings = 800;};
case 345:{_winnings = 9000;};
case 456:{_winnings = 1100;};
case 567:{_winnings = 1200;};
case 311:{_winnings = 800;};
case 411:{_winnings = 800;};
case 511:{_winnings = 800;};
case 611:{_winnings = 800;};
case 110:{_winnings = 800;};
case 112:{_winnings = 800;};
case 113:{_winnings = 800;};
case 114:{_winnings = 800;};
case 115:{_winnings = 800;};
case 116:{_winnings = 800;};
case 121:{_winnings = 600;};
case 131:{_winnings = 600;};
case 141:{_winnings = 600;};
case 151:{_winnings = 600;};
case 171:{_winnings = 600;};
case 121:{_winnings = 600;};
case 222:{_winnings = 3000;};
case 333:{_winnings = 2000;};
case 444:{_winnings = 2000;};
case 555:{_winnings = 1500;};
case 666:{_winnings = 25000;};
case 777:{_winnings = 45000;};
default {_winnings = 0;}
//multiple winnings by bet amount
_slotcash = _winnings * ( _betamt / 1000 );
life_cash = life_cash + _slotcash;
_winningsText ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format["<t size='2.6px' color='#0099ff'>%1$</t>",_slotcash];
_bet1 ctrlEnable true;
_bet2 ctrlEnable true;
_bet3 ctrlEnable true;
_bet4 ctrlEnable true;
life_action_inUse = false;
[0] call SOCK_fnc_updatePartial;[/CODE]
j'aimerais savoir si je peux transférer l'argent dépenser dans un compte en banque d'une entreprise (j'ai company systeme)
et aussi faire que l'argent gagner se prend dans le compte ne banque
[CODE title="fn_slotSpin.sqf"]/*
File: fn_slotSpin.sqf
Author: Jacob "PapaBear" Tyler
Description: Takes bet, spins slots, determines if win, pays
_betamt = [_this,0,1,[0]] call BIS_fnc_param;
if(life_cash < _betamt) exitWith {hint format["You do not have enough money to play.",_betamt];};
life_cash = life_cash - _betamt;
_display = findDisplay 5780;
_slotPic1 = _display displayCtrl 5771;
_slotPic2 = _display displayCtrl 5772;
_slotPic3 = _display displayCtrl 5773;
_winningsText = _display displayCtrl 5775;
_bet1 = _display displayCtrl 5778;
_bet2 = _display displayCtrl 5779;
_bet3 = _display displayCtrl 5781;
_bet4 = _display displayCtrl 5782;
_bet1 ctrlEnable false;
_bet2 ctrlEnable false;
_bet3 ctrlEnable false;
_bet4 ctrlEnable false;
_number = ceil(random 7);
_pplayer = _this select 0;
if (_number isEqualTo 0) then {_slot1 = 0; _slotPic1 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_zero.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 1) then {_slot1 = 100; _slotPic1 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_one.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 2) then {_slot1 = 200; _slotPic1 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_two.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 3) then {_slot1 = 300; _slotPic1 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_three.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 4) then {_slot1 = 400; _slotPic1 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_four.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 5) then {_slot1 = 500; _slotPic1 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_five.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 6) then {_slot1 = 600; _slotPic1 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_six.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 7) then {_slot1 = 700; _slotPic1 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_seven.paa";};
life_action_inUse = true;
sleep 0.5;
_number = ceil(random 7);
_pplayer = _this select 0;
if (_number isEqualTo 0) then {_slot2 = 0; _slotPic2 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_zero.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 1) then {_slot2 = 10; _slotPic2 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_one.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 2) then {_slot2 = 20; _slotPic2 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_two.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 3) then {_slot2 = 30; _slotPic2 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_three.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 4) then {_slot2 = 40; _slotPic2 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_four.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 5) then {_slot2 = 50; _slotPic2 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_five.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 6) then {_slot2 = 60; _slotPic2 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_six.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 7) then {_slot2 = 70; _slotPic2 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_seven.paa";};
sleep 0.5;
_number = ceil(random 7);
_pplayer = _this select 0;
if (_number isEqualTo 0) then {_slot3 = 0; _slotPic3 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_zero.paa";};
if (_number isEqualTo 1) then {_slot3 = 1; _slotPic3 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_one.paa"; };
if (_number isEqualTo 2) then {_slot3 = 2; _slotPic3 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_two.paa"; };
if (_number isEqualTo 3) then {_slot3 = 3; _slotPic3 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_three.paa"; };
if (_number isEqualTo 4) then {_slot3 = 4; _slotPic3 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_four.paa"; ;};
if (_number isEqualTo 5) then {_slot3 = 5; _slotPic3 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_five.paa"; };
if (_number isEqualTo 6) then {_slot3 = 6; _slotPic3 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_six.paa"; };
if (_number isEqualTo 7) then {_slot3 = 7; _slotPic3 ctrlSetText "textures\SlotMachine\slot_seven.paa"; };
sleep 0.5;
_slot = _slot1 + _slot2 + _slot3;
//cases for wins
switch (_slot) do
case 111:{_winnings = 4000;};
case 110:{_winnings = 800;};
case 123:{_winnings = 900;};
case 211:{_winnings = 80;};
case 123:{_winnings = 800;};
case 234:{_winnings = 800;};
case 345:{_winnings = 9000;};
case 456:{_winnings = 1100;};
case 567:{_winnings = 1200;};
case 311:{_winnings = 800;};
case 411:{_winnings = 800;};
case 511:{_winnings = 800;};
case 611:{_winnings = 800;};
case 110:{_winnings = 800;};
case 112:{_winnings = 800;};
case 113:{_winnings = 800;};
case 114:{_winnings = 800;};
case 115:{_winnings = 800;};
case 116:{_winnings = 800;};
case 121:{_winnings = 600;};
case 131:{_winnings = 600;};
case 141:{_winnings = 600;};
case 151:{_winnings = 600;};
case 171:{_winnings = 600;};
case 121:{_winnings = 600;};
case 222:{_winnings = 3000;};
case 333:{_winnings = 2000;};
case 444:{_winnings = 2000;};
case 555:{_winnings = 1500;};
case 666:{_winnings = 25000;};
case 777:{_winnings = 45000;};
default {_winnings = 0;}
//multiple winnings by bet amount
_slotcash = _winnings * ( _betamt / 1000 );
life_cash = life_cash + _slotcash;
_winningsText ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format["<t size='2.6px' color='#0099ff'>%1$</t>",_slotcash];
_bet1 ctrlEnable true;
_bet2 ctrlEnable true;
_bet3 ctrlEnable true;
_bet4 ctrlEnable true;
life_action_inUse = false;
[0] call SOCK_fnc_updatePartial;[/CODE]