Français Solved Problème pour ajouter des points en Global après la mise à jour du serveur Arma, quelqu'un sait comment résoudre ?

1 100
Bonjour suite à une mise à jour de Arma sur mon serveur je ne peux plus mettre de point en Global. Savez vous comment faire?
La ligne numéro 2 désactive le canal global, du coup tu ne peux pas envoyer de message en global, parler en global, mettre un marqueur en global.
Tu peux supprimer la ligne pour autoriser le canal global mais les joueurs pourront parler sur toute la carte donc pour du roleplay c'est peut être pas une bonne idée
Yop! Oui c'est quand je double cliques sur un endroit de la carte
[CODE title="description.ext"]#include "infiSTAR_AdminMenu.hpp"
disableChannels[] = {{0,true,true},{1,true,true},{2,true,true}}; // Disabled text and voice for global, side, and command channels. Syntax: disableChannels[] = {{channelID<number>, disableChat<bool>, disableVoice<bool>}};
overviewText = "$STR_MISC_overviewText"; // Text to be displayed below the overviewPicture on the mission selection screen when the mission is available to play.

#include "config\Config_SpyGlass.hpp"
#include "CfgRemoteExec.hpp"
#include "dialog\MasterHandler.hpp"
#include "config\Config_Master.hpp"

#include "The-Programmer\theprogrammer_dialog_master.cpp"

class CfgServer {
DatabaseName = "altislife"; //Config name that'll be grep in the extdb-conf.ini. Default: [altislife]
DebugMode = 0; //Enable many server/hc debugging logs. Default: 0 (1 = Enabled / 0 = Disabled)
HeadlessSupport = 0; //Enable/Disable Headless client support. Default: 1 (1 = Enabled / 0 = Disabled)
Enabled: When HeadlessSupport is set to 1 (enabled), the server will run without fault when no Headless Client is connected. However, it will support the Headless Client if you choose to connect one.
Disabled: If HeadlessSupport is set to 0 (disabled), the connection of a Headless Client will make no difference. This option will increase server performance a TINY but negligible amount.

class RscTitles {
#include "The-Programmer\AdvancedIdentity\RscTitles.hpp"
#include "dialog\progress.hpp"
#include "dialog\hud_nameTags.hpp"
#include "dialog\hud_stats.hpp"

class CfgFunctions {
#include "Functions.hpp"

class CfgSounds {
sounds[] = {};
#include "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\Sounds.hpp"
class sirenLong {
name = "sirenLong";
sound[] = {"\sounds\sirenLong.ogg", 1.0, 1};
titles[] = {};

class medicSiren {
name = "medicSiren";
sound[] = {"\sounds\medicSiren.ogg", 1.0, 1};
titles[] = {};

class tazerSound {
name = "tazerSound";
sound[] = {"\sounds\tazer.ogg", 0.25, 1};
titles[] = {};

class flashbang {
name = "flashbang";
sound[] = {"\sounds\flashbang.ogg", 1.0, 1};
titles[] = {};

class mining {
name = "mining";
sound[] = {"\sounds\mining.ogg", 1.0, 1};
titles[] = {};

class harvest {
name = "harvest";
sound[] = {"\sounds\harvest.ogg", 1.0, 1};
titles[] = {};

class lockCarSound {
name = "lockCarSound";
sound[] = {"\sounds\carLock.ogg", 0.25, 1};
titles[] = {};

class unlockCarSound {
name = "unlockCarSound";
sound[] = {"\sounds\carUnlock.ogg", 0.25, 1};
titles[] = {};

class CfgDebriefing {
#include "The-Programmer\AdvancedIdentity\debriefing.sqf"
class NotWhitelisted {
title = "$STR_NotWhitelisted_Title";
subtitle = "$STR_NotWhitelisted_SubTitle";
description = "$STR_NotWhitelisted_Descript";
pictureBackground = "";
picture = "";
pictureColor[] = {0,0.3,0.6,1};
class kick {
title = "Global banned";
description = "You're not allowed to join this server cause you're banned by";


class Blacklisted {
title = "$STR_Blacklisted_Title";
subtitle = "$STR_Blacklisted_SubTitle";
description = "$STR_Blacklisted_Descript";
pictureBackground = "";
picture = "";
pictureColor[] = {0,0.3,0.6,1};

class SpyGlass {
title = "$STR_SpyDetect_Title";
subTitle = "$STR_SpyDetect_SubTitle";
description = "$STR_SpyDetect_Descript";
pictureBackground = "";
picture = "";
pictureColor[] = {0,0.3,0.6,1};

class CfgNotifications {
#include "The-Programmer\Duty_System\notifications.cpp"
class MedicalRequestEmerg {
title = "$STR_MedicalRequestEmerg_Title";
iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskIcon_ca.paa";
description = "%1";
duration = 5;
priority = 7;

class DeliveryAssigned {
title = "$STR_DeliveryAssigned_Title";
iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskIcon_ca.paa";
description = "%1";
duration = 10;
priority = 7;

class DeliveryFailed {
title = "$STR_DeliveryFailed_Title";
iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskiconfailed_ca.paa";
description = "%1";
duration = 7;
priority = 7;

class DeliverySucceeded {
title = "$STR_DeliverySucceeded_Title";
iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\mapcontrol\taskIcondone_ca.paa";
description = "%1";
duration = 6;
priority = 6;

class TextMessage {
title = "$STR_TextMessage_Title";
iconPicture = "icons\ico_messageNew.paa";
description = "%1";
duration = 10;
priority = 6;

class PoliceDispatch {
title = "$STR_PoliceDispatch_Title";
iconPicture = "icons\ico_messagePolice.paa";
description = "%1";
duration = 10;
priority = 6;

class AdminDispatch {
title = "$STR_AdminDispatch_Title";
iconPicture = "icons\ico_messageAdmin.paa";
description = "%1";
duration = 10;
priority = 6;

class AdminMessage {
title = "$STR_AdminMessage_Title";
iconPicture = "icons\ico_messageAdmin.paa";
description = "%1";
duration = 10;
priority = 5;
La ligne numéro 2 désactive le canal global, du coup tu ne peux pas envoyer de message en global, parler en global, mettre un marqueur en global.
Tu peux supprimer la ligne pour autoriser le canal global mais les joueurs pourront parler sur toute la carte donc pour du roleplay c'est peut être pas une bonne idée
Un truc dans se genre?
#include "infiSTAR_AdminMenu.hpp"
disableChannels[] = {{0,False,False},{1,False,False},{2,False,False}};    // Disabled text and voice for global, side, and command channels. Syntax: disableChannels[] = {{channelID<number>, disableChat<bool>, disableVoice<bool>}};
overviewText = "$STR_MISC_overviewText";    // Text to be displayed below the overviewPicture on the mission selection screen when the mission is available to play.
Mais aulieux d'activer le vocal ont peux pas seulement activer la possibilité d'écrire? Pour rajouter le Global