Français Not solved Probléme de Sauvegarde

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    Hello Visiteur ! The topics in this category are closed. If you wish to reopen, please contact us with the link of the post you wish to reopen !
Salut j'ai un soucis sur le serveur ou je suis y a un soucis de sauvegarde quand les joueurs deconnecte et reviennent ils perdent leur affaires vetement argent et items je n'arive pas a trouver le probléme voila mon init_civ

#include "..\script_macros.hpp"


    File: fn_initCiv.sqf

    Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine


    Initializes the civilian.


if !(isNil "The_programmer_initialised") exitWith {};

private _altisArray = ["Land_i_Shop_01_V1_F","Land_i_Shop_01_V2_F","Land_i_Shop_01_V3_F","Land_i_Shop_02_V1_F","Land_i_Shop_02_V2_F","Land_i_Shop_02_V3_F"];

private _tanoaArray = ["Land_House_Small_01_F"];

private _kelleyislandArray = [""];

private _spawnBuildings = [[["Altis", _altisArray], ["Tanoa", _tanoaArray],["Kelleyisland", _kelleyislandArray]]] call TON_fnc_terrainSort;

depart_1 = nearestObjects[getMarkerPos  "depart_1", _spawnBuildings,350];

/*civ_spawn_1 = nearestObjects[getMarkerPos  "civ_spawn_1", _spawnBuildings,350];

civ_spawn_2 = nearestObjects[getMarkerPos  "civ_spawn_2", _spawnBuildings,350];

civ_spawn_3 = nearestObjects[getMarkerPos  "civ_spawn_3", _spawnBuildings,350];

civ_spawn_4 = nearestObjects[getMarkerPos  "civ_spawn_4", _spawnBuildings,350];*/

waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))};

if (life_is_alive && !life_is_arrested) then {

    /* Spawn at our last position */

    player setVehiclePosition [life_civ_position, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

} else {

    if (!life_is_alive && !life_is_arrested) then {

        if (LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"save_civilian_positionStrict") isEqualTo 1) then {

            [] call life_fnc_startLoadout;

            CASH = 0;

            [0] call SOCK_fnc_updatePartial;


        [] call life_fnc_spawnMenu;

        waitUntil{!isNull (findDisplay 38500)}; //Wait for the spawn selection to be open.

        waitUntil{isNull (findDisplay 38500)}; //Wait for the spawn selection to be done.

    } else {

        if (life_is_arrested) then {

            life_is_arrested = false;

            [player,true] spawn life_fnc_jail;




life_is_alive = true;

player setVariable ["tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator", 45.0, true];

ainsi que mon Config_SpawnPoints.hpp
*    Format:
*        3: STRING (Conditions) - Must return boolean :
*            String can contain any amount of conditions, aslong as the entire
*            string returns a boolean. This allows you to check any levels, licenses etc,
*            in any combination. For example:
*                "call life_coplevel && license_civ_someLicense"
*            This will also let you call any other function.
class CfgSpawnPoints {
    class kelleysisland {
        class Civilian {
            class Union {
                displayName = "Union City";
                spawnMarker = "depart_1";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa";
                conditions = "";

    class Altis {
        class Civilian {
            class Kavala {
                displayName = "Kavala";
                spawnMarker = "civ_spawn_1";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa";
                conditions = "!license_civ_rebel";

            class Athira {
                displayName = "Athira";
                spawnMarker = "civ_spawn_3";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa";
                conditions = "";

            class Pyrgos {
                displayName = "Pyrgos";
                spawnMarker = "civ_spawn_2";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa";
                conditions = "";

            class Sofia {
                displayName = "Sofia";
                spawnMarker = "civ_spawn_4";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa";
                conditions = "";

            class RebelN {
                displayName = $STR_SP_Reb_N;
                spawnMarker = "Rebelop";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\bunker_ca.paa";
                conditions = "license_civ_rebel";

            class RebelS {
                displayName = $STR_SP_Reb_S;
                spawnMarker = "Rebelop_1";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\bunker_ca.paa";
                conditions = "license_civ_rebel";

            class RebelE {
                displayName = $STR_SP_Reb_E;
                spawnMarker = "Rebelop_2";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\bunker_ca.paa";
                conditions = "license_civ_rebel";

        class Cop {
            class Kavala {
                displayName = "Kavala HQ";
                spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_1";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa";
                conditions = "";

            class Athira {
                displayName = "Athira HQ";
                spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_3";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\fuelstation_ca.paa";
                conditions = "";

            class Pyrgos {
                displayName = "Pyrgos HQ";
                spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_2";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_0_gs.paa";
                conditions = "";

            class Air {
                displayName = $STR_MAR_Police_Air_HQ;
                spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_4";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\Markers\NATO\b_air.paa";
                conditions = "call life_coplevel >= 2 && {license_cop_cAir}";

            class HW {
                displayName = $STR_MAR_Highway_Patrol;
                spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_5";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_0_gs.paa";
                conditions = "call life_coplevel >= 3";

        class Medic {
            class Kavala {
                displayName = $STR_SP_EMS_Kav;
                spawnMarker = "medic_spawn_1";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa";
                conditions = "";

            class Athira {
                displayName = $STR_SP_EMS_Ath;
                spawnMarker = "medic_spawn_2";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa";
                conditions = "";

            class Pyrgos {
                displayName = $STR_SP_EMS_Pyr;
                spawnMarker = "medic_spawn_3";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa";
                conditions = "";

    class Tanoa {

        class Civilian {
            class Georgetown {
                displayName = "Georgetown";
                spawnMarker = "civ_spawn_1";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa";
                conditions = "!license_civ_rebel";

            class Balavu {
                displayName = "Balavu";
                spawnMarker = "civ_spawn_3";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa";
                conditions = "";

            class Tuvanaka {
                displayName = "Tuvanaka";
                spawnMarker = "civ_spawn_2";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa";
                conditions = "";

            class Lijnhaven {
                displayName = "Lijnhaven";
                spawnMarker = "civ_spawn_4";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa";
                conditions = "";

            class RebelNW {
                displayName = $STR_SP_Reb_NW;
                spawnMarker = "Rebelop";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\bunker_ca.paa";
                conditions = "license_civ_rebel";

            class RebelS {
                displayName = $STR_SP_Reb_S;
                spawnMarker = "Rebelop_1";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\bunker_ca.paa";
                conditions = "license_civ_rebel";

            class RebelNE {
                displayName = $STR_SP_Reb_NE;
                spawnMarker = "Rebelop_2";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\bunker_ca.paa";
                conditions = "license_civ_rebel";

        class Cop {
            class NAirport {
                displayName = $STR_SP_Cop_Air_N;
                spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_1";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\watertower_ca.paa";
                conditions = "";

            class SWAirport {
                displayName = $STR_SP_Cop_Air_SW;
                spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_3";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\fuelstation_ca.paa";
                conditions = "";

            class GeorgetownHQ {
                displayName = "Georgetown HQ";
                spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_2";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_0_gs.paa";
                conditions = "";

            class Air {
                displayName = $STR_MAR_Police_Air_HQ;
                spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_4";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\Markers\NATO\b_air.paa";
                conditions = "call life_coplevel >= 2 && {license_cop_cAir}";

            class HW {
                displayName = $STR_MAR_Highway_Patrol;
                spawnMarker = "cop_spawn_5";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_0_gs.paa";
                conditions = "call life_coplevel >= 3";

        class Medic {

            class SEHospital {
                displayName = $STR_SP_EMS_SE;
                spawnMarker = "medic_spawn_1";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa";
                conditions = "";

            class TanoukaHospital {
                displayName = $STR_SP_EMS_Tan;
                spawnMarker = "medic_spawn_2";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa";
                conditions = "";

            class NEAirportHospital {
                displayName = $STR_SP_EMS_NEair;
                spawnMarker = "medic_spawn_3";
                icon = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\hospital_ca.paa";
                conditions = "";




et mon config_master

#define true 1
#define false 0

    Master settings for various features and functionality
class Life_Settings {
/* Logging and Security Settings*/
    /* Security Settings */
    spyGlass_toggle = false; //Spyglass On/Off Toggle --> True = On & False = Off

    /* Data Logging Settings */
    battlEye_friendlyLogging = false; //False [default] - Read the logs from the server.rpt. True - Read the logs from the publicVariable.log. NOTE: Due to how diag_log works it will log to both files either way and the setting is merely for beautification purposes.
    player_advancedLog = false; //False [default] - No advanced logging. True - Logs house purchase and sale, vehicle purchase, sale, and chop shopping, police arrests, and gang creations. Search for: advanced_log
    player_moneyLog = false; //False [default] - No money logging. True - Logs player bank deposits, withdraws, and transfers, gang bank deposits and withdraws, money picked up off of the ground, and player robbery. Search for: money_log
    player_deathLog = false; //False [default] - No death logging. True - Logs victim and killer, and vehicle or weapon if used, when a player dies. Search for: death_log

/* Database Related Settings */
    /* Player Data Saving */
    save_virtualItems = true; //Save Virtual items (all sides)?
    saved_virtualItems[] = { "pickaxe","fuelEmpty","fuelFull", "spikeStrip", "lockpick", "defuseKit","storageSmall","storageBig","redgull","coffee","waterBottle","apple","peach","tbacon","oilunrefined","oilProcessed","glass","copperUnrefined","copperRefined","ironUnrefined","ironRefined","saltUnrefined","saltRefined","sand","diamondUncut","diamondCut","rock","cement","coffee","donuts","rabbit","salema","ornate","mackerel","tuna","mullet","catshark","turtle_soup","hen","rooster","sheep","goat","defibrillator","toolkit" }; //Array of virtual items that can be saved on your player.
    save_playerStats = true; //Save food, water and damage (all sides)?
    save_civilian_weapons = true; //Allow civilians to save weapons on them?
    save_civilian_position = true; //Save civilian location?
    save_civilian_position_restart = true; //Save civilian location only between restarts. After a server restart you'll have to spawn again.
    /* !!!TO SAVE POSITION BETWEEN RESTARTS save_civilian_position MUST BE TRUE!!! */
    save_civilian_positionStrict = true; //Strip the player if possible combat-log?  WARNING: Server crashes and lack of reliable syncing can trigger this.

    /* Vehicle Data Saving */
    save_vehicle_virtualItems = true; //Save virtual items inside the vehicle (all sides)(-- See defined items on next line --)
    save_vehicle_items[] = { "pickaxe","fuelEmpty","fuelFull", "spikeStrip", "lockpick", "defuseKit","storageSmall","storageBig","redgull","coffee","waterBottle","apple","peach","tbacon","oilunrefined","oilProcessed","glass","copperUnrefined","copperRefined","ironUnrefined","ironRefined","saltUnrefined","saltRefined","sand","diamondUncut","diamondCut","rock","cement","coffee","donuts","rabbit","salema","ornate","mackerel","tuna","mullet","catshark","turtle_soup","hen","rooster","sheep","goat","defibrillator","toolkit" }; //Array of virtual items that can be saved on your player.
    save_vehicle_inventory = true; //Save Arma inventory of vehicle to the database
    save_vehicle_fuel = true; //Save vehicle fuel level to the database (Impounded/Garaged).
    save_vehicle_damage = true; //Save vehicle damage to the database.
    save_vehicle_illegal = false; //This will allow cops to be advised when a vehicle, with illegal items in it, is impounded. This will also save illegal items as proof of crime, and needs "save_vehicle_virtualItems" set as true. Illegal items don't need to be set in save_vehicle_items[] for being saved, if it's enabled.

/* System Settings */
    /* ATM & Federal Reserve System Configurations */
    global_ATM = true; //Allow users to access any ATM on the map (Marked & Unmarked).
    noatm_timer = 10; //Time in minutes that players cannot deposit money after selling stolen gold.
    minimum_cops = 5; //Minimum cops required online to rob the Federal Reserve

    /*Death settings*/
    drop_weapons_onDeath = true; //Set true to enable weapon dropping on death. False (default) will delete player weapons on death, allowing them to be revived with them instead

    /* Basic System Configurations */
    donor_level = false; //Enable the donor level set in database (var = life_donorlevel; levels = 0,1,2,3,4,5). ATTENTION! Before enabling, read: &
    enable_fatigue = true; //Set to false to disable the ARMA 3 fatigue system.
    total_maxWeight = 30; //Static variable for the maximum weight allowed without having a backpack
    respawn_timer = 300; //How many seconds a player should wait, before being able to respawn. Minimum 5 seconds.

    /* Channel 7 News Station Configurations */
    news_broadcast_cost = 20000; //Cost for a player to send a news station broadcast.
    news_broadcast_cooldown = 5; //Time in minutes that is required between news station broadcasts. (Default = 20 minutes)
    news_broadcast_header_length = 120; //Number of characters that a header can consist of. Anything over this may clip. This depends on the font size and various other factors. Adjust with caution.

    /* Clothing System Configurations */
    civ_skins = false; //Enable or disable civilian skins. Before enabling, you must add all the SEVEN files to textures folder. (It must be named as: civilian_uniform_1.jpg, civilian_uniform_2.jpg...civilian_uniform_6.jpg, civilian_uniform_7.jpg)
    cop_extendedSkins = false; //Enable or disable cop skins by level. Before enabling, you must add all the EIGHT files to textures folder. (It must be named as: cop_uniform.jpg + cop_uniform_1.jpg, cop_uniform_2.jpg...cop_uniform_6.jpg, cop_uniform_7.jpg; meaning cop_uniform = life_coplevel=0, cop_uniform_1 = life_coplevel=1, cop_uniform_2 = life_coplevel=2, etc...)
    clothing_noTP = false;  //Disable clothing preview teleport? (true = no teleport. false = teleport)
    clothing_box = true; //true = teleport to a black box. false = teleport to somewhere on map. (It only affects the game if clothing_noTP is set as false)
    clothing_masks[] = { "H_Shemag_olive", "H_Shemag_khk", "H_Shemag_tan", "H_Shemag_olive_hs", "H_ShemagOpen_khk", "H_ShemagOpen_tan", "G_Balaclava_blk", "G_Balaclava_combat", "G_Balaclava_lowprofile", "G_Balaclava_oli", "G_Bandanna_aviator", "G_Bandanna_beast", "G_Bandanna_blk", "G_Bandanna_khk", "G_Bandanna_oli", "G_Bandanna_shades", "G_Bandanna_sport", "G_Bandanna_tan", "U_O_GhillieSuit", "U_I_GhillieSuit", "U_B_GhillieSuit", "H_RacingHelmet_1_black_F", "H_RacingHelmet_1_red_F", "H_RacingHelmet_1_white_F", "H_RacingHelmet_1_blue_F", "H_RacingHelmet_1_yellow_F", "H_RacingHelmet_1_green_F", "H_RacingHelmet_1_F", "H_RacingHelmet_2_F", "H_RacingHelmet_3_F", "H_RacingHelmet_4_F" };

    /* Escape Menu Configuration */
    escapeMenu_timer = 10; //Time required to pass before you can click the abort button in the escape menu.
    escapeMenu_displayExtras = true; //Display the players UID & serverName specified below in the escape menu.
    escapeMenu_displayText = "Thanks for playing!"; //Text displayed in the escape menu. Make it short.. around 20 characters.

    /* Fuel System Configurations */
    pump_service = true; //Allow users to use pump service on the map. Default = false
    fuel_cost = 5; //Cost of fuel per liter at fuel stations (if not defined for the vehicle already).
    service_chopper = 1000; //Cost to service chopper at chopper service station(Repair/Refuel).
    fuelCan_refuel = 250; //Cost to refuel an empty fuel canister at the fuel station pumps. (Be wary of your buy/sell prices on fuel cans to prevent exploits...)

    /* Gang System Configurations */
    gang_price = 75000; //Gang creation price. --Remember they are persistent so keep it reasonable to avoid millions of gangs.
    gang_upgradeBase = 10000; //The base cost for purchasing additional slots in a gang
    gang_upgradeMultiplier = 2.5; //CURRENTLY NOT IN USE
    gang_area[] = {"gang_area_1","gang_area_2","gang_area_3"}; //Variable of gang zone markers

    /* Housing System Configurations */
    house_limit = 5; //Maximum number of houses a player can own.
    houseGarage_buyPrice = 1000000;
    houseGarage_sellPrice = 350000;

    /* Hunting & Fishing System Configurations */
    animaltypes_fish[] = { "Salema_F", "Ornate_random_F", "Mackerel_F", "Tuna_F", "Mullet_F", "CatShark_F", "Turtle_F" }; //Classnames of fish you can catch
    animaltypes_hunting[] = { "Sheep_random_F", "Goat_random_F", "Hen_random_F", "Cock_random_F", "Rabbit_F" }; //Classnames of aniamls you can hunt/gut

    /* Item-related Restrictions */
    restrict_medic_weapons = true; //Set to false to allow medics to use any weapon --true will remove ANY weapon they attempt to use (primary,secondary,launcher)
    restrict_clothingPickup = true; //Set to false to allow civilians to pickup/take any uniform (ground/crates/vehicles)
    restrict_weaponPickup = false; //Set to false to allow civilians to pickup/take any weapon (ground/crates/vehicles)
    restricted_uniforms[] = { "U_Rangemaster", "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt", "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_worn", "U_B_survival_uniform" };
    restricted_weapons[] = { "hgun_P07_snds_F", "arifle_MX_F", "arifle_MXC_F" };

    /* Jail System Configurations */
    jail_seize_vItems[] = { "spikeStrip","lockpick","goldbar","blastingcharge","boltcutter","defusekit","heroin_unprocessed","heroin_processed","cannabis","marijuana","cocaine_unprocessed","cocaine_processed","turtle_raw" }; //Define VIRTUAL items you want to be removed from players upon jailing here. Use "jail_seize_inventory" for Arma inventory items.
    jail_seize_inventory = false; //Set to true to run the cop seize script on inmates. False will remove only weapons and magazines otherwise. (Basically used in case cops forget to seize items). [See Lines 127-131 below]
    sendtoJail_locations[] = { "police_hq_1", "police_hq_2", "cop_spawn_3", "cop_spawn_5", "Correctional_Facility" }; //Enter the variableName from the mission.sqm here to allow cops to send a person to jail at these locations.
    jail_forceWalk = true;
    jail_timeMultiplier = 15; //Put in minutes how long you want your victim in jail.

    /* Medical System Configurations */
    revive_cops = false; //true to enable cops the ability to revive everyone or false for only medics/ems.
    revive_civ = false; //true to enable civs the ability to revive everyone or false for only medics/ems or medic/ems/cops.
    revive_east = false; //true to enable opfor the ability to revive everyone or false for only medics/ems or medic/ems/cops.
    revive_fee = 1500; //Revive fee that players have to pay and medics only EMS(independent) are rewarded with this amount.
    hospital_heal_fee = 100; //Fee to heal at a hospital NPC

    /* Paycheck & Bank System Configurations */
    bank_cop = 7000; //Amount of cash in bank for new cops
    bank_civ = 15000; //Amount of cash in bank for new civillians
    bank_med = 6500; //Amount of cash in bank for new medics

    paycheck_cop = 500; //Payment for cops
    paycheck_civ = 350; //Payment for civillians
    paycheck_med = 450; //Payment for medics

    paycheck_period = 15; //Scaled in minutes
    bank_transferTax = .05; //Tax that player pays when transferring money from ATM. Tax = Amount * multiplier

    /* Player Job System Configurations */
    delivery_points[] = { "dp_1", "dp_2", "dp_3", "dp_4", "dp_5", "dp_6", "dp_7", "dp_8", "dp_9", "dp_10", "dp_11", "dp_12", "dp_13", "dp_14", "dp_15", "dp_15", "dp_16", "dp_17", "dp_18", "dp_19", "dp_20", "dp_21", "dp_22", "dp_23", "dp_24", "dp_25" };
    fuelTank_winMultiplier = 1; //Win Multiplier in FuelTank Missions. Increase for greater payout. Default = 1

    /* Search & Seizure System Configurations */
    seize_exempt[] = { "Binocular", "ItemWatch", "ItemCompass", "ItemGPS", "ItemMap", "NVGoggles", "FirstAidKit", "ToolKit", "Chemlight_red", "Chemlight_yellow", "Chemlight_green", "Chemlight_blue", "optic_ACO_grn_smg" }; //Arma items that will not get seized from player inventories
    seize_uniform[] = { "U_Rangemaster" }; //Any specific uniforms you want to be seized from players
    seize_vest[] = { "V_TacVest_blk_POLICE" }; //Any specific vests you want to be seized from players
    seize_headgear[] = { "H_Cap_police" }; //Any hats or helmets you want seized from players
    seize_minimum_rank = 2; //Required minimum CopLevel to be able to seize items from players

    /* Vehicle System Configurations */
    chopShop_vehicles[] = { "Car", "Air" }; //Vehicles that can be chopped. (Can add: "Ship" and possibly more -> look at the BI wiki...)
    vehicle_infiniteRepair[] = {false, false, true, false}; //Set to true for unlimited repairs with 1 toolkit. False will remove toolkit upon use. civilian, west, independent, east
    vehicleShop_rentalOnly[] = { "chdepanpl","depanren" }; //Vehicles that can only be rented and not purchased. (Last only for the session)
    vehicleShop_3D = true; //Add preview 3D inside Shop vehicle.       Default : False

    /* Vehicle Purchase Prices */
    vehicle_purchase_multiplier_CIVILIAN = 1; //Civilian Vehicle Buy Price = Config_Vehicle price * multiplier
    vehicle_purchase_multiplier_COP = .5; //Cop Vehicle Buy Price = Config_Vehicle price * multiplier
    vehicle_purchase_multiplier_MEDIC = .75; //Medic Vehicle Buy Price = Config_Vehicle price * multiplier
    vehicle_purchase_multiplier_OPFOR = -1; // -- NOT IN USE -- Simply left in for east support.

    /* Vehicle Rental Prices */
    vehicle_rental_multiplier_CIVILIAN = .80; //Civilian Vehicle Rental Price = Config_Vehicle price * multiplier
    vehicle_rental_multiplier_COP = .3; //Cop Vehicle Rental Price = Config_Vehicle price * multiplier
    vehicle_rental_multiplier_MEDIC = .55; //Medic Vehicle Rental Price = Config_Vehicle price * multiplier
    vehicle_rental_multiplier_OPFOR = -1; // -- NOT IN USE -- Simply left in for east support.

    /* Vehicle Sell Prices */
    vehicle_sell_multiplier_CIVILIAN = .5; //Civilian Vehicle Garage Sell Price = Vehicle Buy Price * multiplier
    vehicle_sell_multiplier_COP = .5; //Cop Vehicle Garage Sell Price = Vehicle Buy Price * multiplier
    vehicle_sell_multiplier_MEDIC = .5; //Medic Vehicle Garage Sell Price = Vehicle Buy Price * multiplier
    vehicle_sell_multiplier_OPFOR = -1; // -- NOT IN USE -- Simply left in for east support.

    /* "Other" Vehicle Prices */
    vehicle_chopShop_multiplier = .25; //Chop Shop price for vehicles. TO AVOID EXPLOITS NEVER SET HIGHER THAN A PURCHASE/RENTAL multipler!   Payout = Config_vehicle Price * multiplier
    vehicle_storage_fee_multiplier = .01; //Pull from garage cost --> Cost takes the playersides Buy Price * multiplier
    vehicle_cop_impound_multiplier = .01; //TO AVOID EXPLOITS NEVER SET HIGHER THAN A PURCHASE/RENTAL multipler!   Payout = Config_vehicle Price * multiplier

    disableCommanderView = true; //false - Group leaders can access the commander view. true [default] - Group leaders cannot access the commander view.
                                 //Commander/tactical view is accessed via pressing . [NUM] by default. It raises the camera significantly higher and steeper above the player in order to give a boarder tactical view of the surrounding area.

    /* Wanted System Settings *
    /* crimes[] = {String, Bounty, Code} */
    crimes[] = {
    /* ! --- Do not change --- ! */
    framework_version = "5.0.0";
    /* ------------------------- */

#include "Config_Clothing.hpp"
#include "Config_Licenses.hpp"
#include "Config_Vehicles.hpp"
#include "Config_vItems.hpp"
#include "Config_Weapons.hpp"
#include "Config_Gather.hpp"
#include "Config_SpawnPoints.hpp"
#include "Config_Process.hpp"
#include "Config_Housing.hpp"
#include "Config_Garages.hpp"
#include "Config_Loadouts.hpp"
== C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\arma3server_x64.exe
== arma3server_x64.exe  -config=config\server.cfg -autoinit -port=2302 -cpuCount=4 -mod= -servermod=@life_server;@extDB3;@kelley;@The_Programmer -profiles=config

Original output filename: Arma3Retail_Server_x64
Exe timestamp: 2020/10/12 10:56:58
Current time:  2021/02/15 16:05:37

Type: Public
Build: Stable
Version: 2.00.146773

Allocator: C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\Dll\tbb4malloc_bi_x64.dll [2017.0.0.0] [2017.0.0.0]
PhysMem: 32 GiB, VirtMem : 131072 GiB, AvailPhys : 24 GiB, AvailVirt : 131068 GiB, AvailPage : 26 GiB

16:05:37 Detected number of DLCs: 26
16:05:37 DLC index:3 - unable to get DLC data
16:05:37 DLC index:22 - unable to get DLC data
16:05:37 DLC index:23 - unable to get DLC data
16:05:37 ---------------------------------------------------------- Game ----------------------------------------------------------
16:05:37                                                                name      appId   owned  installed  available   isDlc
16:05:37                                                              Arma 3     107410     yes        yes        yes      no
16:05:37                                                             Unknown         -1      no         no         no     yes
16:05:37 ---------------------------------------------------------- Dlcs ----------------------------------------------------------
16:05:37  index                                                         name      appId   owned  installed  available   isDlc
16:05:37      0                              Arma 3 Alpha Lite - expires now     228800      no         no         no     yes
16:05:37      1                                                Arma 3 Server     233780     yes        yes         no     yes
16:05:37      2                                                 Arma 3 Tools     233800     yes        yes         no     yes
16:05:37      4                                            Arma 3 Soundtrack     249860     yes        yes         no     yes
16:05:37      5                                                  Arma 3 Maps     249861     yes        yes         no     yes
16:05:37      6                                        Arma 3 Tactical Guide     249862     yes        yes         no     yes
16:05:37      7                                                  Arma 3 Zeus     275700     yes        yes        yes     yes
16:05:37      8                                                 Arma 3 Karts     288520     yes        yes        yes     yes
16:05:37      9                                           Arma 3 Helicopters     304380      no         no        yes     yes
16:05:37     10                                          Arma 3 DLC Bundle 1     304400      no         no         no     yes
16:05:37     11                                              Arma 3 Marksmen     332350      no         no        yes     yes
16:05:37     12                                               Arma 3 Samples     390500     yes        yes         no     yes
16:05:37     13                                                  Arma 3 Apex     395180     yes        yes        yes     yes
16:05:37     14                                           Arma 3 Laws of War     571710      no         no        yes     yes
16:05:37     15                                                  Arma 3 Jets     601670      no         no        yes     yes
16:05:37     16                                          Arma 3 DLC Bundle 2     612480      no         no         no     yes
16:05:37     17                                                Arma 3 Malden     639600     yes        yes        yes     yes
16:05:37     18                                  Arma 3 Tac-Ops Mission Pack     744950      no         no        yes     yes
16:05:37     19                                                 Arma 3 Tanks     798390      no         no        yes     yes
16:05:37     20                                               Arma 3 Contact    1021790      no         no        yes     yes
16:05:37     21   Arma 3 Creator DLC: Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany    1042220      no         no        yes     yes
16:05:37     24                        Arma 3 Creator DLC: CSLA Iron Curtain    1294440      no         no         no     yes
16:05:37     25                                            Arma 3 Art of War    1325500      no         no         no     yes
16:05:37 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16:05:38 Initializing stats manager.
16:05:38 Stats config disabled.
16:05:38 sessionID: d8694067477f16601bacec964c3e206850281ef4
16:05:41 Unsupported language English in stringtable
16:05:41 Unsupported language English in stringtable
16:05:41 Unsupported language English in stringtable
16:05:41 Unsupported language English in stringtable
16:05:41 Unsupported language English in stringtable
16:05:41 Unsupported language English in stringtable
16:05:41 Unsupported language English in stringtable
16:05:42 Conflicting addon DED_Fence_01 in 'catalinaobjects\ded_fence_02\', previous definition in 'catalinaobjects\ded_fence_01\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon E76_BuildingsShops in 'e76_objects\credits\', previous definition in 'e76_buildings\shops\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon E76_roadsroadsigns in 'e76_roads\roadsigns\', previous definition in 'ca\roadsigns\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon EM_buildings in 'EM_buildings\', previous definition in 'emoglobinsky\em_buildings\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon german_industries_adac in 'german_industries_adac\carbuene\', previous definition in 'german_industries_adac\fahrrampen\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon german_industries_adac in 'german_industries_adac\', previous definition in 'german_industries_adac\fahrrampen\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon mbg_killhouses_a3 in 'mbg_killhouses_a3\', previous definition in 'mbg\mbg_killhouses_a3\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Sounds_F in 'mm_buildings\prison\sounds\', previous definition in 'mm_bank\sound\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon Mattaust_Objects in 'MM_Shopping\', previous definition in 'MM_objects\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\u235\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\molotov\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\pastilla_exp\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'POP_objects\tiburon\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'POP_objects\pda\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\tronco\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'POP_objects\bomba\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\llave_inglesa\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\esposas\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'POP_objects\pez2\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\tarjeta_s\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\bolsa\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\tela\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\correos\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\pintura\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\polvora\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\paneldecristal\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\moviles\iphone\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\caja_armario_g\item\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\moviles\note3\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\calabaza\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\silicio\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\ganzua\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'POP_objects\c4\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\portatil\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'POP_objects\slotmachine\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\para icaruk\llaves\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\diamante\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\hacha\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\fardo\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\cajaalimentos\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'POP_objects\pez4\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\botelladeagua\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\moviles\nokia\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\pala\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\movil_s\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\componentes\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\uranio\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\agualimpia\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'POP_objects\alcohol\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_objects in 'POP_objects\lingotes\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\para icaruk\lingotes\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\llaves\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'POP_objects\paja\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'POP_objects\soplete\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\combustible\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\aceitunas\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_objects in 'POP_objects\camara\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\para icaruk\lingotes\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon pop_cajas in 'POP_objects\caja\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\para icaruk\caja\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\drogo_test\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'POP_objects\pez\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\caja_armario_p\item\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'POP_objects\pez3\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\barrel\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\madera\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'POP_objects\maleta\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\tabaco\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\pociones\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'POP_objects\para icaruk\fardo\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'POP_objects\caja_fuerte\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'Pop_objects2\par_pistones\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'Pop_objects2\faros\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'Pop_objects2\piston\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'Pop_objects2\carroceria\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'Pop_objects2\pistones\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'Pop_objects2\bateria\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'Pop_objects2\escape\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'Pop_objects2\moneda\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'Pop_objects2\capo\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'Pop_objects2\moneda_plata\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'Pop_objects2\rueda\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'Pop_objects2\techo\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'Pop_objects2\moneda_cobre\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'Pop_objects2\puerta\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon Pop_objects2 in 'Pop_objects2\pop_taladro1\', previous definition in 'Pop_objects2\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon mbg_killhouses_a3 in 'pop_objects3\mbg_killhouses_a3\', previous definition in 'mbg\mbg_killhouses_a3\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'pop_objects3\leche_cabra\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'pop_objects3\lana\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon POP_Objects in 'pop_objects3\caja_mercancia\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\pico\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'pop_objects3\lampara_deco1\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'pop_objects3\carne\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon sfp_objects_rocks in 'sfp_objects\rocks\', previous definition in 'sfp_objects\plants\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Sounds_F in 'Shooting_Range_v2\sound\', previous definition in 'mm_bank\sound\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon tas_table_dir_1 in 'TAS_table_dir_garage\', previous definition in 'TAS_table_dir\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon tuto in 'tenues\', previous definition in 'Sharywan_Pompiers\'
16:05:43 File TextureDepanneur\config.cpp, line 71: '/cfgvehicles/personnage.uniformClass': Missing ';' at the end of line
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'vvv_city\autovia\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'vvv_lowmodel\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon vvv_vvv_tennis in 'vvv_modelos1\makinacarne\', previous definition in 'vvv_modelos1\carritodebatidos\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon vvv_vvv_tennis in 'vvv_modelos1\jetdepapel\', previous definition in 'vvv_modelos1\carritodebatidos\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon vvv_vvv_tennis in 'vvv_modelos1\puertosembarcadero\', previous definition in 'vvv_modelos1\carritodebatidos\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon vvv_vvv_tennis in 'vvv_modelos1\petroleo\', previous definition in 'vvv_modelos1\carritodebatidos\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon vvv_vvv_tennis in 'vvv_modelos1\fama\', previous definition in 'vvv_modelos1\carritodebatidos\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon vvv_vvv_tennis in 'vvv_modelos1\carpa\', previous definition in 'vvv_modelos1\carritodebatidos\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon vvv_vvv_tennis in 'vvv_modelos1\limpiacristalesmini\', previous definition in 'vvv_modelos1\carritodebatidos\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon vvv_vvv_casas in 'vvv_modelos1\treen\', previous definition in 'vvv_modelos1\casa_caravana\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon vvv_vvv_tennis in 'vvv_modelos1\limpiacristales\', previous definition in 'vvv_modelos1\carritodebatidos\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'vvv_modelos2\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'vvv_modelos3\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'vvv_modelos4\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon vvv_vvv_casas in 'vvv_modelos5\caravanas\camper_trailer\', previous definition in 'vvv_modelos1\casa_caravana\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'vvv_modelos5\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'vvv_modelos6\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'vvv_modelos7\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:43 Conflicting addon TAC_VESTS in 'zabb2\', previous definition in 'zabb\'
16:05:44 Conflicting addon A3_Sounds_F in 'a3\sounds_f\', previous definition in 'mm_bank\sound\'
16:05:44 Conflicting addon A3_Structures_F in 'a3\structures_f\', previous definition in 'Tesla\'
16:05:44 Conflicting addon A3_Weapons_F_Items in 'a3\weapons_f\items\', previous definition in 'POP_objects\csikit\'
16:05:44 Updating base class Car->parking, by Charlieco89_Panneaux\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/bus/ (original (no unload))
16:05:44 Updating base class Car->, by DIR_iveco_d_urgence\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/car_f/ (original 5008_heisenberg\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class ->Car, by Luke_R35P\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Car_F/ (original (5008_heisenberg\config.bin - no unload))
16:05:44 Updating base class ->InventoryItem_Base_F, by reallife_objets\casque_f1\config.cpp/cfgWeapons/UniformItem/ (original (no unload))
16:05:44 Updating base class ->InventoryItem_Base_F, by reallife_objets\casque_f1\config.cpp/cfgWeapons/HeadgearItem/ (original (no unload))
16:05:44 Updating base class All->Land, by SLB2k11_Items\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Static/ (original (bin\config.bin - no unload))
16:05:44 Updating base class HouseBase->, by TAS_autoecole\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/ (original (no unload))
16:05:44 Updating base class Land->All, by Tesla\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Static/ (original (bin\config.bin - no unload))
16:05:44 Updating base class ->ItemCore, by TextureDepanneur\config.cpp/cfgWeapons/Uniform_Base/ (original (no unload))
16:05:44 Updating base class parking->Car, by a3\data_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Bus/ (original (no unload))
16:05:44 Updating base class ->HouseBase, by a3\data_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/House/ (original (no unload))
16:05:44 Updating base class NonStrategic->House, by a3\data_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Church/ (original (no unload))
16:05:44 Updating base class ->All, by a3\data_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/FloatingStructure_F/ (original a3\data_f\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class ->Thing, by a3\data_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ThingX/ (original a3\data_f\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class Default->BombSmk1, by a3\data_f\particleeffects\config.bin/CfgCloudlets/BombSmk2/ (original ca\data\particleeffects\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class Default->BombSmk1, by a3\data_f\particleeffects\config.bin/CfgCloudlets/BombSmk3/ (original ca\data\particleeffects\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class Default->LeftDust1, by a3\data_f\particleeffects\config.bin/CfgCloudlets/RightDust1/ (original ca\data\particleeffects\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class Default->LeftDustLong, by a3\data_f\particleeffects\config.bin/CfgCloudlets/RightDustLong/ (original ca\data\particleeffects\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class Default->RightWater1, by a3\data_f\particleeffects\config.bin/CfgCloudlets/LeftWater1/ (original ca\data\particleeffects\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class Default->RightEng1, by a3\data_f\particleeffects\config.bin/CfgCloudlets/LeftEng1/ (original ca\data\particleeffects\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Controls/B_OK/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class RscSliderH->RscXSliderH, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Slider/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class RscText->RscPicture, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Preview/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionLoad/Controls/B_OK/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionSave/Controls/B_OK/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class ->Ruins, by a3\structures_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_F/ (original a3\structures_f\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class ->Wall, by a3\structures_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Wall_F/ (original a3\structures_f\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class ->House_Small_F, by a3\structures_f\civ\lamps\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Lamps_base_F/ (original a3\structures_f\civ\lamps\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class ThingX->jbad_misc_market, by jbad_misc\misc_market\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Land_jbad_crates/ (original (no unload))
16:05:44 Updating base class House->House_f, by pop_objects3\mbg_killhouses_a3\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Land_MBG_Killhouse_1/ (original (no unload))
16:05:44 Updating base class Land_RattanChair_01_F->Land_BarrelEmpty_F, by sfp_objects\misc\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_storage_rack/ (original (no unload))
16:05:44 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesBasic/DefaultDie/ (original a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin)
16:05:44 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Crew/ (original a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class Default->GdtConcrete, by a3\map_data\config.bin/CfgSurfaces/carpet/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class Default->GdtStratisDirt, by a3\map_data\config.bin/CfgSurfaces/mud/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->NonStrategic, by a3\signs_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Sign_Direction_F/ (original a3\signs_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroup, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoVScrollbars/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLine/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscActivePicture/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonTextOnly/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscShortcutButtonMain/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonEditor/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIShortcutButton/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscGearShortcutButton/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenu/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuOK/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuCancel/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuSteam/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLoadingText/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscListBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListBox/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscListNBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListNBox/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackground/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUI/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUILeft/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIRight/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIBottom/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUITop/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIDark/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundLogo/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscMapControl, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlEmpty/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Mainback/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Back/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title_Back/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Black_Back/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscTitle, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->CA_Logo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo_Small/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->CA_RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton_dialog/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image2/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_text/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscVignette/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlTooltip/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscUnitInfo->RscUnitInfoAirNoWeapon, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfoAir/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscControlsGroup->RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscTaskOverview/controls/TaskOverviewAssigned/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_OK/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Cancel/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Clear/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/TimeLines/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonAverages/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonSavePreviousData/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/ButtonPreviousData/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/IconPicture/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcOwnedIconPicture/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcIconPicture/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscControlsGroup->RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCampaignLoad/controls/OverviewGroup/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonSearch, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCampaignLoad/controls/SearchButton/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCampaignLoad/controls/ButtonCancel/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCampaignLoad/controls/ButtonGameOptions/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuSteam, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCampaignLoad/controls/ButtonBuyDLC/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCampaignLoad/controls/ButtonRevert/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCampaignLoad/controls/ButtonOK/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscListBox->RscCombo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCustomizeController/Steepness/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscStandardDisplay, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonCancel/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/controls/ButtonOK/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFileSelectImage/controls/OverviewPicture/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayFieldManual/Controls/ButtonCancel/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Cannot delete class B_KickOff, it is referenced somewhere (used as a base class probably).
16:05:45 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMission/controls/ButtonCancel/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonOK/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayPublishMissionSelectTags/controls/ButtonCancel/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->RscSubmenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMainMenu/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->DistanceClose, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CfgSimpleTasks/Icon3D/DistanceMid/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->DistanceClose, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CfgSimpleTasks/Icon3D/DistanceLong/ (original bin\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->CarHorn, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/SportCarHorn/ (original a3\weapons_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Default, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemCore/ (original a3\weapons_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->ItemCore, by a3\weapons_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemWatch/ (original a3\weapons_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->ThingX, by a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ReammoBox_F/ (original a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_AssaultPack_Base, by a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_AssaultPack_blk/ (original a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_Kitbag_Base, by a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_Kitbag_cbr/ (original a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_FieldPack_Base, by a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_FieldPack_blk/ (original a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_Carryall_Base, by a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_Carryall_cbr/ (original a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_Bergen_Base, by a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_Bergen_rgr/ (original a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_Carryall_Base, by a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_Carryall_oli/ (original a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->InventoryItem_Base_F, by a3\weapons_f\items\config.bin/CfgWeapons/InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F/ (original a3\weapons_f\items\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->InventoryItem_Base_F, by a3\weapons_f\items\config.bin/CfgWeapons/VestItem/ (original a3\weapons_f\items\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Man, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CAManBase/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Civilian_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_man_1/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->SoldierWB, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_Soldier_base_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_Soldier_base_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_Soldier_02_f/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_Soldier_base_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_Soldier_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_Soldier_base_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_RangeMaster_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_Soldier_base_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_soldier_M_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_Soldier_02_f, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_medic_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_Soldier_04_f, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_Helipilot_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_Soldier_base_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_officer_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_Soldier_diver_base_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_diver_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_Soldier_diver_base_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_diver_exp_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_Soldier_base_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_Soldier_recon_base/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_Soldier_sniper_base_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_spotter_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_Soldier_sniper_base_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_sniper_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->C_man_1, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_man_polo_1_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->C_man_1, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_man_p_fugitive_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->C_man_w_worker_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_scientist_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->C_man_1, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_man_pilot_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->SoldierGB, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I_G_Soldier_base_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->I_G_Soldier_base_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I_G_Soldier_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->I_G_Soldier_base_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I_G_Soldier_AR_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_G_Soldier_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I_G_Story_Protagonist_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->I_Soldier_diver_base_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I_diver_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->O_Soldier_base_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/O_officer_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->B_RangeMaster_F, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_Marshal_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->UniformItem, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/Uniform_Base/ItemInfo/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Uniform_Base, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/U_BasicBody/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Uniform_Base, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/U_B_CombatUniform_mcam/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Uniform_Base, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Uniform_Base, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Uniform_Base, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/U_B_HeliPilotCoveralls/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Uniform_Base, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/U_C_Poloshirt_stripped/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Uniform_Base, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_worn/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Uniform_Base, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/U_I_GhillieSuit/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Uniform_Base, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/U_I_Wetsuit/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Uniform_Base, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/U_I_G_resistanceLeader_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Uniform_Base, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/U_Marshal/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->ItemCore, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/Vest_Camo_Base/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->ItemCore, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/Vest_NoCamo_Base/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Vest_NoCamo_Base, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/V_Rangemaster_belt/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Vest_NoCamo_Base, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/V_PlateCarrier1_rgr/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->V_PlateCarrier1_rgr, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/V_PlateCarrier2_rgr/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Vest_Camo_Base, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/V_PlateCarrier1_blk/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Vest_Camo_Base, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/V_TacVest_khk/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->V_TacVest_khk, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/V_TacVest_blk/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->ItemCore, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/H_HelmetB/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->H_Booniehat_khk, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/H_Booniehat_mcamo/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->HelmetBase, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/H_Cap_red/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->H_Cap_red, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/H_Cap_press/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->H_Cap_red, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/H_Cap_police/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->H_HelmetB, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/H_PilotHelmetHeli_B/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->HelmetBase, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/H_MilCap_ocamo/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->HelmetBase, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgWeapons/H_Beret_blk/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->None, by a3\characters_f\config.bin/CfgGlasses/G_Combat/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Car_F, by a3\sounds_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Hatchback_01_base_F/ (original a3\sounds_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Car_F, by a3\sounds_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Offroad_01_base_F/ (original a3\sounds_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class B_Soldier_04_f->B_Soldier_base_F, by unlocked_uniforms\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/B_Helipilot_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class B_Soldier_05_f->B_Helipilot_F, by unlocked_uniforms\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/B_Pilot_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class B_Soldier_02_f->B_Soldier_base_F, by unlocked_uniforms\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/B_Story_SF_Captain_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class B_Soldier_02_f->B_Soldier_base_F, by unlocked_uniforms\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/B_Story_Protagonist_F/ (original a3\characters_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Helicopter, by a3\air_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Helicopter_Base_F/ (original a3\air_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Helicopter_Base_F, by a3\air_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Helicopter_Base_H/ (original a3\air_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Heli_Light_01_unarmed_base_F, by a3\air_f\heli_light_01\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_Heli_Light_01_F/ (original a3\air_f\heli_light_01\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Heli_Light_01_armed_base_F, by a3\air_f\heli_light_01\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F/ (original a3\air_f\heli_light_01\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Heli_Light_02_unarmed_base_F, by a3\air_f\heli_light_02\config.bin/CfgVehicles/O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F/ (original a3\air_f\heli_light_02\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Heli_Transport_02_base_F, by a3\air_f_beta\heli_transport_02\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I_Heli_Transport_02_F/ (original a3\air_f_beta\heli_transport_02\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->offroad_01_base_f, by a3\soft_f\offroad_01\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Offroad_01_unarmed_base_F/ (original a3\soft_f\offroad_01\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Offroad_01_military_base_F, by a3\soft_f\offroad_01\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Offroad_01_armed_base_F/ (original a3\soft_f\offroad_01\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Offroad_01_armed_base_F, by a3\soft_f\offroad_01\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I_G_Offroad_01_armed_F/ (original a3\soft_f\offroad_01\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->MRAP_03_base_F, by a3\soft_f_beta\mrap_03\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I_MRAP_03_F/ (original a3\soft_f_beta\mrap_03\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->MRAP_03_hmg_base_F, by a3\soft_f_beta\mrap_03\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I_MRAP_03_hmg_F/ (original a3\soft_f_beta\mrap_03\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->MRAP_03_gmg_base_F, by a3\soft_f_beta\mrap_03\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I_MRAP_03_gmg_F/ (original a3\soft_f_beta\mrap_03\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Wreck_Base, by a3\structures_f\wrecks\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Wreck_base_F/ (original a3\structures_f\wrecks\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class Car->Truck_02_base_F, by DTC_depanneuse\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Car_F/ (original (5008_heisenberg\config.bin - no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class Truck_02_base_F->Car, by dtc_moto\dtc_1200rt\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Car_F/ (original (5008_heisenberg\config.bin - no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class DefaultEventhandlers->, by dtc_moto\dtc_1200rt\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Car_F/EventHandlers/ (original dtc_moto\dtc_1200rt\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class Car->Truck_02_base_F, by DTC_renault_depannage\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Car_F/ (original (5008_heisenberg\config.bin - no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class Truck_02_base_F->Car, by pop_objects3\pop_sofa\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Car_F/ (original (5008_heisenberg\config.bin - no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Heli_light_03_base_F, by a3\air_f_epb\heli_light_03\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I_Heli_light_03_F/ (original a3\air_f_epb\heli_light_03\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class SportCarHorn->chkla1, by Charlieco89_Base\config.cpp/cfgWeapons/chgns/ (original 5008_heisenberg\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class Car_F->Charlieco89_Base, by Charlieco89_BEA_Scania_P280\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/BEA_Scania_P280_base_F/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Charlieco89_Base, by Charlieco89_Benne\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/chbenne_base_F/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class Car_F->Charlieco89_Base, by Charlieco89_CCGC\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/CCGC_base_F/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class Car_F->Charlieco89_Base, by Charlieco89_CCRL\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/ccrl_base_F/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Charlieco89_Base, by Charlieco89_Dacia_Duster_14_civ\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/chduster14_civ_base/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->chgolf7_base, by Charlieco89_Golf_VII\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/chgolf7_bac/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->chKodiaq_pn, by Charlieco89_Kodiaq\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/chKodiaq_bac/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Charlieco89_Base, by Charlieco89_Master2_civ\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/chmaster2_civ_base/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class Car_F->Charlieco89_Base, by Charlieco89_Master3\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/chMaster3_base/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->chmegane2_base, by Charlieco89_Megane2\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/chmegane2_bac/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->mondeo_base, by Charlieco89_Mondeo_Bac\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/mondeo_bac/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->mondeoswch_base, by Charlieco89_Mondeo_SW\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/mondeoswch_bac/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->mondeovch_base, by Charlieco89_Mondeo_Vignale\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/mondeovch_bac/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->chOctavia_pn, by Charlieco89_Octavia\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/chOctavia_bac/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class Car_F->Peugeot_Expert_civ_base, by Charlieco89_Peugeot_Expert\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Peugeot_Expert_car_civ/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Charlieco89_Base, by Charlieco89_Plateau\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/plateau_base_F/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Renault_Espace_base, by Charlieco89_Renault_Espace\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Renault_Espace_sphp/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->chrr_svr_base, by Charlieco89_RR_SVR\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/chrr_svr_bac/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Scenic_Pn_base_F, by Charlieco89_Scenic_PN\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Scenic_Bac/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->chvwt5_base_F, by Charlieco89_T5\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/chvwt5_raid/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->chvwT6_base_F, by Charlieco89_T6\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/chvwT6_raid/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class Car_F->Charlieco89_Base, by Charlieco89_Trafic3\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/trafic3_base/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->chzoe_base_F, by Charlieco89_Zoe\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/chzoe_bac/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->307_base, by Charlieco89_307\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/307_bac/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->308_base, by Charlieco89_308\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/308_bac/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->308_2015_base, by Charlieco89_308_2015\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/308_2015_bac/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class Car_F->dir_pack_base, by Charlieco89_DIR\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Trafic_DIR/ (original (no unload))
16:05:45 Updating base class ->Furniture_base_F, by a3\structures_f_heli\furniture\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_RattanChair_01_F/ (original a3\structures_f_heli\furniture\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->ctrlDefaultText, by a3\3den\config.bin/ctrlStatic/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->ctrlActiveText, by a3\3den\config.bin/ctrlActivePicture/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->ctrlDefaultText, by a3\3den\config.bin/ctrlStructuredText/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->ctrlControlsGroup, by a3\3den\config.bin/ctrlControlsGroupNoScrollbars/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->ctrlDefault, by a3\3den\config.bin/ctrlCheckbox/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->ctrlCheckbox, by a3\3den\config.bin/ctrlCheckboxBaseline/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisable, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayOptionsAudio/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisable/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisableTiles, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayOptionsAudio/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisableTiles/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisable, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayConfigure/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisable/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisableTiles, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayConfigure/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisableTiles/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisable, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayConfigureAction/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisable/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisableTiles, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayConfigureAction/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisableTiles/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisable, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayConfigureControllers/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisable/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisableTiles, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayConfigureControllers/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisableTiles/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisable, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayGameOptions/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisable/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class RscText->ctrlStaticBackgroundDisableTiles, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayGameOptions/ControlsBackground/BackgroundDisableTiles/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class controls->, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayArcadeMap_Layout_2/Controls/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class controls->, by a3\3den\config.bin/RscDisplayArcadeMap_Layout_6/Controls/ (original a3\ui_f\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->ctrlControlsGroupNoScrollbars, by a3\3den\config.bin/Cfg3DEN/Attributes/Default/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->ctrlStatic, by a3\3den\config.bin/Cfg3DEN/Attributes/Title/Controls/Title/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class ->ctrlToolbox, by a3\3den\config.bin/Cfg3DEN/Attributes/Toolbox/Controls/Value/ (original a3\3den\config.bin)
16:05:45 Updating base class Offroad_01_military_base_F->offroad_01_base_f, by task_force_radio_items\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Offroad_01_armed_base_F/ (original a3\soft_f\offroad_01\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class ->FloatingStructure_F, by a3\props_f_exp\military\camps\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Device_slingloadable_F/ (original a3\props_f_exp\military\camps\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class ->B_Bergen_Base_F, by a3\supplies_f_exp\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_Bergen_dgtl_F/ (original a3\supplies_f_exp\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class ->B_ViperHarness_base_F, by a3\supplies_f_exp\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_ViperHarness_blk_F/ (original a3\supplies_f_exp\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class ->B_ViperLightHarness_base_F, by a3\supplies_f_exp\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_ViperLightHarness_blk_F/ (original a3\supplies_f_exp\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class ->B_GEN_Soldier_base_F, by a3\characters_f_exp\config.bin/CfgVehicles/B_GEN_Commander_F/ (original a3\characters_f_exp\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class I_1stRegiment->BaseGuer, by a3\missions_f_orange\config.bin/CfgORBAT/BIS/I_3rdRegiment/ (original a3\missions_f_epa\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class offroad_01_base_f->Offroad_01_military_base_F, by a3\soft_f_enoch\offroad_01\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Offroad_01_armed_base_F/ (original (a3\soft_f\offroad_01\config.bin - no unload))
16:05:46 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot_65, by a3\weapons_f_enoch\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_MX_Base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ (original a3\weapons_f\rifles\mx\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot_65, by a3\weapons_f_enoch\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_Katiba_Base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ (original a3\weapons_f\rifles\khaybar\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot_65, by a3\weapons_f_enoch\config.bin/CfgWeapons/LMG_Mk200_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ (original a3\weapons_f\machineguns\m200\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot_65, by a3\weapons_f_enoch\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_MX_SW_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ (original a3\weapons_f\rifles\mx\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot_556, by a3\weapons_f_enoch\config.bin/CfgWeapons/mk20_base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ (original a3\weapons_f\rifles\mk20\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot_556, by a3\weapons_f_enoch\config.bin/CfgWeapons/Tavor_base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ (original a3\weapons_f\rifles\trg20\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot_762, by a3\weapons_f_enoch\config.bin/CfgWeapons/DMR_03_base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ (original a3\weapons_f_mark\longrangerifles\dmr_03\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot_762, by a3\weapons_f_enoch\config.bin/CfgWeapons/DMR_06_base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ (original a3\weapons_f_mark\longrangerifles\dmr_06\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot_762, by a3\weapons_f_enoch\config.bin/CfgWeapons/EBR_base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ (original a3\weapons_f\longrangerifles\ebr\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot_762, by a3\weapons_f_enoch\config.bin/CfgWeapons/DMR_01_base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ (original a3\weapons_f\longrangerifles\dmr_01\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot_762, by a3\weapons_f_enoch\rifles\ak12\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_AK12_base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ (original a3\weapons_f_exp\rifles\ak12\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class CowsSlot->CowsSlot_Rail, by a3\weapons_f_enoch\rifles\ak12\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_AK12_base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/CowsSlot/ (original a3\weapons_f_exp\rifles\ak12\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class UnderBarrelSlot->UnderBarrelSlot_rail, by a3\weapons_f_enoch\rifles\ak12\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_AK12_base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/UnderBarrelSlot/ (original a3\weapons_f_exp\rifles\ak12\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class PointerSlot->PointerSlot_Rail, by a3\weapons_f_enoch\rifles\mx\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_MX_Base_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/PointerSlot/ (original a3\weapons_f\rifles\mx\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot_65, by a3\weapons_f_enoch\rifles\mx\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_MXC_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ (original a3\weapons_f\rifles\mx\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class PointerSlot->PointerSlot_Rail, by a3\weapons_f_enoch\rifles\mx\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_MXC_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/PointerSlot/ (original a3\weapons_f\rifles\mx\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class MuzzleSlot->MuzzleSlot_65, by a3\weapons_f_enoch\rifles\mx\config.bin/CfgWeapons/arifle_MXM_F/WeaponSlotsInfo/MuzzleSlot/ (original a3\weapons_f\rifles\mx\config.bin)
16:05:46 Updating base class HubTemplate_Briefing->CutSceneAnimationBaseZoZo, by a3\anims_f_enoch\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/HubBriefing_ext/ (original a3\anims_f\config\sdr\config.bin)
16:05:47 Failed to load TextureHeaderManager from file "JD_Client\texheaders.bin" - failed to open the file.
16:05:47 Failed adding texture headers from file "JD_Client\texheaders.bin"
16:05:47 Failed to load TextureHeaderManager from file "NP_BuildingsCasino2\texheaders.bin" - failed to open the file.
16:05:47 Failed adding texture headers from file "NP_BuildingsCasino2\texheaders.bin"
16:05:48 Initializing Steam Manager
16:05:48 Starting initial content check.
16:05:48 Steam Manager initialized.
16:05:48 ==== Loaded addons ====
16:05:48 dta\bin.pbo - 146773
16:05:48 dta\core.pbo - 129618
16:05:48 dta\languagecore_f.pbo - 149197
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\air_f_enoch.ebo - 145904
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\anims_f_enoch.ebo - 146917
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\armor_f_enoch.ebo - 145904
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\cargoposes_f_enoch.ebo - 142478
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\characters_f_enoch.ebo - 148738
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\data_f_enoch.ebo - 147098
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\dubbing_radio_f_enoch.ebo - 146854
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\dubbing_radio_f_enoch_data.ebo - 147175
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\editorpreviews_f_enoch.ebo - 145440
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\functions_f_enoch.ebo - 148356
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\languagemissions_f_enoch.ebo - 149197
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\language_f_enoch.ebo - 149197
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\map_enoch.ebo - 148551
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\map_enoch_data.ebo - 145274
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\map_enoch_data_layers.ebo - 146184
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\map_enoch_scenes_f.ebo - 143336
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\missions_f_enoch.ebo - 146307
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\music_f_enoch.ebo - 147472
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\music_f_enoch_music.ebo - 147127
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\props_f_enoch.pbo - 148738
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\rocks_f_enoch.pbo - 148432
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\soft_f_enoch.ebo - 148783
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\sounds_f_enoch.ebo - 148786
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\static_f_enoch.ebo - 145904
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\structures_f_enoch.pbo - 148551
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\structures_f_enoch_civilian.pbo - 148739
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\structures_f_enoch_commercial.pbo - 148419
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\structures_f_enoch_cultural.pbo - 148739
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\structures_f_enoch_data.pbo - 148419
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\structures_f_enoch_furniture.pbo - 148419
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\structures_f_enoch_industrial.pbo - 148804
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\structures_f_enoch_infrastructure.pbo - 148551
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\structures_f_enoch_military.pbo - 148739
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\supplies_f_enoch.ebo - 146762
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\ui_f_enoch.ebo - 147095
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\vegetation_f_enoch.pbo - 148432
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch\addons\weapons_f_enoch.ebo - 148392
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\tank\addons\cargoposes_f_tank.pbo - 128283
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\tank\addons\languagemissions_f_tank.pbo - 149196
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\tank\addons\language_f_tank.pbo - 149197
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\tank\addons\missions_f_tank.pbo - 148726
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\tank\addons\missions_f_tank_data.pbo - 128937
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\tank\addons\modules_f_tank.pbo - 147857
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\tank\addons\ui_f_tank.pbo - 148551
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\tank\addons\weapons_f_tank.pbo - 146892
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\tacops\addons\language_f_tacops.ebo - 149197
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\tacops\addons\ui_f_tacops.ebo - 148551
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\orange\addons\characters_f_orange.pbo - 148442
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\orange\addons\missions_f_orange.pbo - 148436
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\orange\addons\ui_f_orange.pbo - 148551
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\argo\addons\languagemissions_f_patrol.pbo - 149196
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\argo\addons\language_f_argo.pbo - 149197
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\argo\addons\language_f_patrol.pbo - 149196
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\argo\addons\map_malden_data_layers.pbo - 135888
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\argo\addons\missions_f_patrol.pbo - 126663
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\argo\addons\rocks_f_argo.pbo - 148432
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\argo\addons\ui_f_patrol.pbo - 141307
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\jets\addons\cargoposes_f_jets.pbo - 126225
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\jets\addons\data_f_jets.pbo - 146856
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\jets\addons\language_f_jets.pbo - 149196
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\jets\addons\language_f_sams.pbo - 149196
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\jets\addons\props_f_jets.pbo - 129371
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\jets\addons\static_f_jets.pbo - 146744
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\jets\addons\static_f_sams.pbo - 146744
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\jets\addons\ui_f_jets.pbo - 126137
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\jets\addons\weapons_f_destroyer.pbo - 132268
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\jets\addons\weapons_f_jets.pbo - 131383
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\jets\addons\weapons_f_sams.pbo - 132352
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\cargoposes_f_exp.pbo - 126224
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\characters_f_oldman.pbo - 148698
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\data_f_exp.pbo - 148936
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\dubbing_f_oldman.pbo - 148756
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\dubbing_radio_f_exp_data_fre.pbo - 119457
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\functions_f_oldman.pbo - 148553
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\languagemissions_f_oldman.pbo - 149197
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\language_f_exp.pbo - 149197
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\language_f_oldman.pbo - 149197
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\map_tanoabuka_data_layers.pbo - 121192
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\map_tanoabuka_data_layers_00_00.pbo - 121192
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\map_tanoa_scenes_f.pbo - 123527
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\missions_f_exp_data.pbo - 119459
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\missions_f_oldman.pbo - 149207
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\modules_f_oldman.pbo - 148553
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\music_f_exp_music.pbo - 119477
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\music_f_oldman_music.pbo - 148679
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\soft_f_oldman.pbo - 148580
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\sounds_f_oldman.pbo - 148553
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\static_f_oldman.pbo - 148580
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\structures_f_exp_commercial.pbo - 148419
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\structures_f_exp_cultural.pbo - 148419
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\structures_f_exp_data.pbo - 148419
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\structures_f_exp_industrial.pbo - 148419
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\structures_f_exp_infrastructure.pbo - 148551
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\structures_f_oldman.pbo - 148738
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion\addons\ui_f_oldman.pbo - 149216
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\mark\addons\dubbing_f_mark.pbo - 119457
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\mark\addons\dubbing_f_mp_mark.pbo - 119457
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\mark\addons\language_f_mark.pbo - 149196
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\mark\addons\language_f_mp_mark.pbo - 149197
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\mark\addons\ui_f_mp_mark.pbo - 119478
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\heli\addons\boat_f_heli.pbo - 119457
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\heli\addons\cargoposes_f_heli.pbo - 126231
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\heli\addons\data_f_heli.pbo - 119457
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\heli\addons\languagemissions_f_heli.pbo - 149197
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\heli\addons\language_f_heli.pbo - 149196
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\heli\addons\missions_f_heli_data.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\heli\addons\missions_f_heli_video.pbo - 119459
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\heli\addons\music_f_heli_music.pbo - 119477
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\heli\addons\supplies_f_heli.pbo - 145695
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\heli\addons\ui_f_heli.pbo - 119478
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\kart\addons\languagemissions_f_kart.pbo - 149197
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\kart\addons\missions_f_kart_data.pbo - 119459
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\kart\addons\modules_f_kart_data.pbo - 124178
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\kart\addons\soft_f_kart.pbo - 143035
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\kart\addons\ui_f_kart.pbo - 119478
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\curator\addons\data_f_curator_music.pbo - 119457
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\curator\addons\language_f_curator.pbo - 149197
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\curator\addons\modules_f_curator.pbo - 144810
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\curator\addons\ui_f_curator.pbo - 148756
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\a3l_runway.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\a3l_schultz_fences.pbo - unknown
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\ca.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\catalinaobjects.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_accessory.pbo - e4ec856a
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_ai.pbo - e4ec856a
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_common.pbo - e4ec856a
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_disposable.pbo - e4ec856a
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_help.pbo - e4ec856a
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_jam.pbo - e4ec856a
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_jr.pbo - e4ec856a
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_keybinding.pbo - e4ec856a
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_main.pbo - e4ec856a
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_main_a3.pbo - e4ec856a
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_modules.pbo - e4ec856a
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_music.pbo - e4ec856a
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_network.pbo - e4ec856a
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_optics.pbo - e4ec856a
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_settings.pbo - e4ec856a
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_statemachine.pbo - e4ec856a
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_strings.pbo - e4ec856a
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_vectors.pbo - e4ec856a
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_versioning.pbo - e4ec856a
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cba_xeh.pbo - e4ec856a
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cg_apartment.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cg_banktower.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cg_banktowermainvault.pbo - unknown
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\chapeau.pbo - unknown
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_108.pbo - 19062000
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_126p.pbo - 19062000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_135i.pbo - 20010621
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_206.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_206_civ.pbo - 19062000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_207.pbo - 19062000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_208.pbo - 19062000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_208_gti.pbo - 20010419
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_250_gto.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_2cv.pbo - 19100919
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_300c.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_306.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_307.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_307_civ.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_308.pbo - 20092317
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_308_2015.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_308_2015_civ.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_308_rcz.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_309.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_406_taxi.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_4l.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_504.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_508.pbo - 19090100
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_690_duke.pbo - 19090100
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_911_04.pbo - 19112518
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_911_07.pbo - 19112518
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_93aero.pbo - 19062000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_93turbox.pbo - 19062000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_a110.pbo - 19112421
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_a110_2017.pbo - 20030712
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_a320.pbo - 19081223
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_agila.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_agora.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_ar_159.pbo - 19081821
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_aygo.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_b777.pbo - 20032614
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_balayeuse.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_base.pbo - 20092013
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_bea_scania_p280.pbo - 19101117
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_beetle.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_benne.pbo - 19101116
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_berlingo1.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_berlingo1_civ.pbo - 19062521
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_berlingo2.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_berlingo2_civ.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_betonniere.pbo - 19101116
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_bom.pbo - 19101116
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_bora.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_boxer1.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_boxster_03.pbo - 19112518
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_boxster_10.pbo - 19112518
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_brancard.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_brera.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_c15.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_c3ii.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_c4h.pbo - 20091923
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_c4h_civ.pbo - 20091923
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_c8.pbo - 20092121
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_caddy.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_california.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_cayenne.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_ccfm_mercedes.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_ccfm_renault.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_ccfs_renault.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_ccgc.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_ccrl.pbo - 20092000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_ccrm_man.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_ccrm_renault.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_ceed.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_chariot.pbo - 19101117
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_citan.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_citan_civ.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_citelis.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_citerne_volvo.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_citroen_c1.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_citroen_c2.pbo - 20091923
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_class_a.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_clioi.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_clioiii.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_clioiii_civ.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_clioiv.pbo - 20091923
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_clioivrs.pbo - 20091923
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_clioi_civ.pbo - 19062017
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_clio_gn.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_cmax.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_cmax_civ.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_crossfire.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_dacia_duster.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_dacia_duster_14.pbo - 20101518
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_dacia_duster_14_civ.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_dacia_duster_civ.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_dauphine.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_defender.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_defender_civ.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_depanpl.pbo - 20051416
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_depan_renault.pbo - 20051416
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_devidoire.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_dir.pbo - 20092920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_discovery.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_do228.pbo - 19082517
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_ds3.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_ds4.pbo - 19112022
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_ds5.pbo - 19112022
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_ds_21.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_epa.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_epa_man.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_epa_mercedes_atego.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_epa_mercedes_atego_1530.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_epa_renaultm.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_epa_renault_lander.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_epa_scania_124l.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_epa_scania_p280.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_equipement.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_espacei.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_espaceiii.pbo - 20091923
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_expert1.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_expert3.pbo - 19062719
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_expert3_civ.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_expert_gn.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_f500.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_fatboy.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_fc.pbo - 19112019
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_fiesta.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_fjr1300.pbo - 20092011
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_fmogp.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_focus03.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_focus03_civ.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_focus3.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_focus3_civ.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_focusrs.pbo - 20040310
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_focusrs_civ.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_focussw1998.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_focussw1998_civ.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_focussw2p2.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_focussw2p2_civ.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_focussw3.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_focussw3p2.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_focussw3_civ.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_fox.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_fptl_renault.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_fpt_man.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_fpt_mercedes.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_fpt_renault.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_fpt_scania_94d.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_fpt_scania_p280.pbo - 19111920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_galaxy.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_galaxy_civ.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_gbc_180.pbo - 19062118
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_gendarmerie_bana.pbo - 19073112
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_giulietta.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_golfi.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_golfii.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_golfiii.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_golfiv.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_golfv.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_golfvi.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_golf_vii.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_golf_vii_civ.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_grand_cherokee.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_gran_torino_zebra3.pbo - 18093010
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_gran_torino_zebra3_civ.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_grue.pbo - 19101122
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_h1.pbo - 19062018
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_lagunai.pbo - 19062019
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_laposte.pbo - 20092012
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_leaf.pbo - 20092000
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_master2_civ.pbo - 19062018
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_master3p2_civ.pbo - 19062018
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_panneaux.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_partner2.pbo - 19062021
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_peugeot_308.pbo - 19062018
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_plateau.pbo - 19062119
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_r5turbo.pbo - 19062119
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_renault_espace.pbo - 20092000
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_renault_master.pbo - 19111921
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_renault_midlum.pbo - 19111921
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_renault_range_t.pbo - 19101116
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_renault_trafic.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_renegade.pbo - 19112022
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_rs01.pbo - 20092819
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_rs2.pbo - 19062120
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_rtm.pbo - 20010800
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_s1000rr.pbo - 20092010
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_s431dt.pbo - 19062120
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_scania_124l.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_scania_bdf.pbo - 19062120
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_scenic1.pbo - 19062120
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_scenic3.pbo - 19112023
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_scenic3_civ.pbo - 19112023
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_scenic_pn.pbo - 20092000
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_sm.pbo - 19062120
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_sonata.pbo - 19083114
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_sprinter.pbo - 20092000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_subaruwrx.pbo - 20092819
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_subaruwrx_civ.pbo - 19062121
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_t1.pbo - 19062121
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_t5.pbo - 19062121
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16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_t6.pbo - 19062315
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_tente_pma.pbo - 18093013
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_toilet.pbo - 18093018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_tondeuse.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_touareg.pbo - 19062315
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_touran.pbo - 19062315
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_touran_civ.pbo - 19062315
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_town_car.pbo - 19081220
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_trafic.pbo - 20092920
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_trafic3.pbo - 20092823
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_trafic3_civ.pbo - 19062019
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_trafici.pbo - 19111921
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_trafici_civ.pbo - 19062315
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_transit.pbo - 19111921
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_transport_l.pbo - 19101116
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_trans_pen.pbo - 19062315
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_trueno.pbo - 20011320
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_tt.pbo - 19062316
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_tt_2.pbo - 19062316
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_twingoi.pbo - 20092000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_twingoii.pbo - 20092000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_twingoii_civ.pbo - 20092000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_twingoi_civ.pbo - 20092000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_twizy.pbo - 20092000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_type_h.pbo - 19111921
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vab.pbo - 19062118
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vario_blinde.pbo - 19062317
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vbl.pbo - 19062118
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_velos.pbo - 19080114
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_versa.pbo - 19062317
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vigipirate.pbo - 18093018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_visa.pbo - 19062317
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vito.pbo - 19062317
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vito_civ.pbo - 19062317
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_volvo_fh13.pbo - 19062018
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vol_850.pbo - 19062317
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vol_c30.pbo - 19062317
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vol_s60.pbo - 19062317
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vol_s60r.pbo - 19062317
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vpc.pbo - 19111921
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vpl_boxer.pbo - 19111921
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vrch_boxer.pbo - 19111921
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vsavar.pbo - 20092921
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vsav_boxer.pbo - 19111921
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vsav_ducato.pbo - 20092218
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vsav_sprinter.pbo - 20092000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_vsr.pbo - 20092823
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_willys.pbo - 19062318
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_wrangler.pbo - 19062318
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_x3.pbo - 19062318
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_x5m.pbo - 20010515
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_xantia.pbo - 19062318
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_xj6.pbo - 20092000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_xsara.pbo - 19062318
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_xts_royal.pbo - 19062318
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_z4_e85.pbo - 20092020
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_z4_e89.pbo - 20010800
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\charlieco89_zoe.pbo - 20092000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\courthouse.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\crp_tactical_hand_signals.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\csa38_sbwz39.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\cy-rf-ec-635.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_actros_14.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_cars_core.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_cars_core_18.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_cayenne_16.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_e60_09.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_f10_12.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_f80_14.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_giulia_16.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_gls63amg_17.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_q7_15.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_r8v10_19.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_scania_16.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_stelvio_18.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_svr_17.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_tahoe_08.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_teslas_16.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_titan_17.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_vantage_19.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_vesta_15.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d3s_xc90_17.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\d41_trawler.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\ddopp_taserpack.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dir_benne_orange.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dir_dacia.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dir_gors_benne.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dir_iveco_d_urgence.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dir_master2_tp.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dir_master3_bl.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dir_master3_inter.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dir_master3_v2.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dir_master3_v3.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dir_nacelle.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dir_peugeot_expert.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dir_renault_saleuse.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dir_trafic3.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dtc_batiments.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dtc_depanneuse.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dtc_moto.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dtc_renault_depannage.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\dtc_sounds.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\e76_buildings.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\e76_objects.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\e76_roads.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\eden_extended_objects.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\ef.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\emoglobinsky.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\em_buildings.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\femal3_v1-2.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\fire_department_building.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\fr_items.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\gasmask.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\gas_station.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\gendarmerie.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\german_industries_adac.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\gign.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\gnstizz.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\hafm_ec635.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\hafm_ec635_config.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\hafm_nh90.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\hafm_nh90_config.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\il_firestation.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\immersion_pops.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\jbad_defines.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\jbad_misc.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\jbad_rocks.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\jbad_sounds.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\jbad_structures.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\jd_client.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\kelleysisland.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\klf_borne.pbo - 00000000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\klf_textures.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\luke_r35p.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mbg.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mbg_buildings_2.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mbg_buildings_3.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mbg_islandobject.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mbg_killhouses_a3.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\meanscourt.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mm_apartment.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mm_bank.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mm_buildings.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mm_buildings2.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mm_buildings3.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mm_buildings4.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mm_fence.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mm_objects.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mm_post.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mm_residential.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mm_residential2.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mm_shopping.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\mm_showroom.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\np_buildingscasino2.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\np_buildingsfiredept1.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\papy_concess.pbo - 00000000
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\plp_beachobjects.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\plp_rmairport.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\plp_urban_barriers.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\pop_objects.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\pop_objects2.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\pop_objects3.pbo - 17082922
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\pop_tarmacs.pbo - 17080908
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\r3f_armes.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\reallife_objets.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\reserve_federale_smith.pbo - 18041615
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\secu_gilet.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\secu_tenue.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\sfp_objects.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\sharywan_gendarmerie.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\sharywan_pompiers.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\shooting_range_v2.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\slb2k11_base.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\slb2k11_items.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\smd_sahrani_artif_obj.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\task_force_radio.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\task_force_radio_items.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_autoecole.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_boutique_orange.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_caserne_pompier_2.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_garage_dir.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_gendarmerie.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_hangar_dir.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_hangar_multi.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_helipad_2.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_lampes.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_lampe_heli.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_lampe_neon_1.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_moto_mythic.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_murs_dir.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_murs_gendarmerie.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_murs_pompier.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_objets_gendarmerie.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_portail_dir.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_portail_gendarmerie.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_portail_pompier.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_table_dir.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_table_dir_garage.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tas_table_pompier.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tenue_dir.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tesla_xnooz.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\texturedepanneur.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\the_programmer_cellphone.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\the_programmer_restrain.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\tomograph.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\unlocked_uniforms.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\vvv_base.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\vvv_city.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\vvv_lowmodel.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\vvv_modelos.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\vvv_modelos1.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\vvv_modelos2.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\vvv_modelos3.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\vvv_modelos4.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\vvv_modelos5.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\vvv_modelos6.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\vvv_modelos7.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\woman.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\women.pbo - 17091921
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\xcam_objects.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\xnooz_coffre.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\zabb.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\zabb2.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\zara.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\zephik_female_base.pbo - 19092802
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\zephik_uniforms.pbo - 19092803
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley\addons\zpk_murv.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@extDB3\addons\extdb3.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@life_server\addons\life_server.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 addons\3den.pbo - 149197
16:05:48 addons\3den_language.pbo - 149197
16:05:48 addons\a3.pbo - unknown
16:05:48 addons\air_f.pbo - 148232
16:05:48 addons\air_f_beta.pbo - 141933
16:05:48 addons\air_f_epb.pbo - 145119
16:05:48 addons\air_f_epc.pbo - 148514
16:05:48 addons\air_f_gamma.pbo - 130580
16:05:48 addons\animals_f.pbo - 148893
16:05:48 addons\animals_f_beta.pbo - 123208
16:05:48 addons\anims_f.pbo - 148954
16:05:48 addons\anims_f_bootcamp.pbo - 123209
16:05:48 addons\anims_f_data.pbo - 148601
16:05:48 addons\anims_f_epa.pbo - 134499
16:05:48 addons\anims_f_epc.pbo - 121358
16:05:48 addons\anims_f_exp_a.pbo - 123209
16:05:48 addons\anims_f_mod.pbo - 135280
16:05:48 addons\armor_f.pbo - 148740
16:05:48 addons\armor_f_beta.pbo - 148783
16:05:48 addons\armor_f_epb.pbo - 148783
16:05:48 addons\armor_f_epc.pbo - 148819
16:05:48 addons\armor_f_gamma.pbo - 148783
16:05:48 addons\baseconfig_f.pbo - 119457
16:05:48 addons\boat_f.pbo - 148352
16:05:48 addons\boat_f_beta.pbo - 132036
16:05:48 addons\boat_f_epc.pbo - 131911
16:05:48 addons\boat_f_gamma.pbo - 127529
16:05:48 addons\cargoposes_f.pbo - 148783
16:05:48 addons\characters_f.pbo - 148591
16:05:48 addons\characters_f_beta.pbo - 148392
16:05:48 addons\characters_f_bootcamp.pbo - 148714
16:05:48 addons\characters_f_epa.pbo - 148392
16:05:48 addons\characters_f_epb.pbo - 148392
16:05:48 addons\characters_f_epc.pbo - 148392
16:05:48 addons\characters_f_gamma.pbo - 148392
16:05:48 addons\data_f.pbo - 148783
16:05:48 addons\data_f_bootcamp.pbo - 129618
16:05:48 addons\data_f_exp_a.pbo - 119457
16:05:48 addons\data_f_exp_b.pbo - 119457
16:05:48 addons\data_f_mod.pbo - 131534
16:05:48 addons\data_f_warlords.pbo - 147096
16:05:48 addons\drones_f.pbo - 146855
16:05:48 addons\dubbing_f.pbo - 119457
16:05:48 addons\dubbing_f_beta.pbo - 119457
16:05:48 addons\dubbing_f_bootcamp.pbo - 119457
16:05:48 addons\dubbing_f_epa.pbo - 119457
16:05:48 addons\dubbing_f_epb.pbo - 119457
16:05:48 addons\dubbing_f_epc.pbo - 119457
16:05:48 addons\dubbing_f_gamma.pbo - 122449
16:05:48 addons\dubbing_f_warlords.pbo - 136700
16:05:48 addons\dubbing_radio_f.pbo - 119457
16:05:48 addons\dubbing_radio_f_data_eng.pbo - 119457
16:05:48 addons\dubbing_radio_f_data_engb.pbo - 119458
16:05:48 addons\dubbing_radio_f_data_gre.pbo - 119458
16:05:48 addons\dubbing_radio_f_data_per.pbo - 119458
16:05:48 addons\dubbing_radio_f_data_vr.pbo - 119458
16:05:48 addons\editorpreviews_f.pbo - 149003
16:05:48 addons\editor_f.pbo - 121103
16:05:48 addons\functions_f.pbo - 148927
16:05:48 addons\functions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 148864
16:05:48 addons\functions_f_epa.pbo - 138704
16:05:48 addons\functions_f_epc.pbo - 119458
16:05:48 addons\functions_f_exp_a.pbo - 122619
16:05:48 addons\functions_f_warlords.pbo - 148927
16:05:48 addons\languagemissions_f.pbo - 149196
16:05:48 addons\languagemissions_f_beta.pbo - 149196
16:05:48 addons\languagemissions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 149197
16:05:48 addons\languagemissions_f_epa.pbo - 149196
16:05:48 addons\languagemissions_f_epb.pbo - 149196
16:05:48 addons\languagemissions_f_epc.pbo - 149196
16:05:48 addons\languagemissions_f_exp_a.pbo - 149197
16:05:48 addons\languagemissions_f_gamma.pbo - 149196
16:05:48 addons\language_f.pbo - 149197
16:05:48 addons\language_f_beta.pbo - 149197
16:05:48 addons\language_f_bootcamp.pbo - 149196
16:05:48 addons\language_f_epa.pbo - 149197
16:05:48 addons\language_f_epb.pbo - 149196
16:05:48 addons\language_f_epc.pbo - 149197
16:05:48 addons\language_f_exp_a.pbo - 149196
16:05:48 addons\language_f_exp_b.pbo - 149197
16:05:48 addons\language_f_gamma.pbo - 149196
16:05:48 addons\language_f_mod.pbo - 149197
16:05:48 addons\language_f_warlords.pbo - 149196
16:05:48 addons\map_altis.pbo - 148442
16:05:48 addons\map_altis_data.pbo - 135904
16:05:48 addons\map_altis_data_layers.pbo - 135913
16:05:48 addons\map_altis_data_layers_00_00.pbo - 0000
16:05:48 addons\map_altis_data_layers_00_01.pbo - 0000
16:05:48 addons\map_altis_data_layers_01_00.pbo - 0000
16:05:48 addons\map_altis_data_layers_01_01.pbo - 0000
16:05:48 addons\map_altis_scenes_f.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\map_data.pbo - 134124
16:05:48 addons\map_stratis.pbo - 148442
16:05:48 addons\map_stratis_data.pbo - 135888
16:05:48 addons\map_stratis_data_layers.pbo - 135888
16:05:48 addons\map_stratis_scenes_f.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\map_vr.pbo - 135900
16:05:48 addons\map_vr_scenes_f.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\misc_f.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\missions_f.pbo - 141704
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_beta.pbo - 149173
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_beta_data.pbo - 149165
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_beta_video.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_bootcamp.pbo - 145509
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_bootcamp_data.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_bootcamp_video.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_data.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_epa.pbo - 144315
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_epa_data.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_epa_video.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_epb.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_epc.pbo - 141704
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_exp_a.pbo - 141704
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_exp_a_data.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_gamma.pbo - 149041
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_gamma_data.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_gamma_video.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_video.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\missions_f_warlords.pbo - 145437
16:05:48 addons\modules_f.pbo - 148754
16:05:48 addons\modules_f_beta.pbo - 149136
16:05:48 addons\modules_f_beta_data.pbo - 149056
16:05:48 addons\modules_f_bootcamp.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\modules_f_data.pbo - 122470
16:05:48 addons\modules_f_epb.pbo - 134655
16:05:48 addons\modules_f_exp_a.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\modules_f_warlords.pbo - 144205
16:05:48 addons\music_f.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\music_f_bootcamp.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\music_f_bootcamp_music.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\music_f_epa.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\music_f_epa_music.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\music_f_epb.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\music_f_epb_music.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\music_f_epc.pbo - 119459
16:05:48 addons\music_f_epc_music.pbo - 119477
16:05:48 addons\music_f_music.pbo - 119477
16:05:48 addons\plants_f.pbo - 148432
16:05:48 addons\props_f_exp_a.pbo - 147637
16:05:48 addons\roads_f.pbo - 148432
16:05:48 addons\rocks_f.pbo - 148432
16:05:48 addons\signs_f.pbo - 148432
16:05:48 addons\soft_f.pbo - 148582
16:05:48 addons\soft_f_beta.pbo - 147054
16:05:48 addons\soft_f_bootcamp.pbo - 148207
16:05:48 addons\soft_f_epc.pbo - 140053
16:05:48 addons\soft_f_gamma.pbo - 148582
16:05:48 addons\sounds_f.pbo - 148927
16:05:48 addons\sounds_f_arsenal.pbo - 143218
16:05:48 addons\sounds_f_bootcamp.pbo - 119477
16:05:48 addons\sounds_f_characters.pbo - 143095
16:05:48 addons\sounds_f_environment.pbo - 143095
16:05:48 addons\sounds_f_epb.pbo - 126923
16:05:48 addons\sounds_f_epc.pbo - 125380
16:05:48 addons\sounds_f_exp_a.pbo - 119477
16:05:48 addons\sounds_f_mod.pbo - 131534
16:05:48 addons\sounds_f_sfx.pbo - 143211
16:05:48 addons\sounds_f_vehicles.pbo - 146855
16:05:48 addons\static_f.pbo - 148738
16:05:48 addons\static_f_beta.pbo - 132365
16:05:48 addons\static_f_gamma.pbo - 122615
16:05:48 addons\structures_f.pbo - 148886
16:05:48 addons\structures_f_bootcamp.pbo - 143436
16:05:48 addons\structures_f_data.pbo - 148419
16:05:48 addons\structures_f_epa.pbo - 149092
16:05:48 addons\structures_f_epb.pbo - 148421
16:05:48 addons\structures_f_epc.pbo - 148804
16:05:48 addons\structures_f_exp_a.pbo - 132665
16:05:48 addons\structures_f_households.pbo - 148419
16:05:48 addons\structures_f_ind.pbo - 148442
16:05:48 addons\structures_f_mil.pbo - 148419
16:05:48 addons\structures_f_wrecks.pbo - 148419
16:05:48 addons\uifonts_f.pbo - 119478
16:05:48 addons\uifonts_f_data.pbo - 128439
16:05:48 addons\ui_f.pbo - 149092
16:05:48 addons\ui_f_bootcamp.pbo - 119478
16:05:48 addons\ui_f_data.pbo - 149112
16:05:48 addons\ui_f_exp_a.pbo - 119478
16:05:48 addons\weapons_f.pbo - 148893
16:05:48 addons\weapons_f_beta.pbo - 148783
16:05:48 addons\weapons_f_bootcamp.pbo - 141713
16:05:48 addons\weapons_f_epa.pbo - 148783
16:05:48 addons\weapons_f_epb.pbo - 137810
16:05:48 addons\weapons_f_epc.pbo - 130416
16:05:48 addons\weapons_f_gamma.pbo - 148783
16:05:48 addons\weapons_f_mod.pbo - 143522
16:05:48 =======================
16:05:48 ============================================================================================= List of mods ===============================================================================================
16:05:48 modsReadOnly = true
16:05:48 safeModsActivated = false
16:05:48 customMods = true
16:05:48 hash = '198B1F8987DB07CF281186C00DB67B5C2C710256'
16:05:48 hashShort = '4fd5dd97'
16:05:48                                               name |               modDir |    default |   official |               origin |                                     hash | hashShort | fullPath
16:05:48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16:05:48                          Arma 3 Contact (Platform) |                enoch |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | 1ba0bd900ebe2592bc131b6076b3188912ef400a |  cc42b20a | C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\enoch
16:05:48                                       Arma 3 Tanks |                 tank |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | 1741984a682960e6d5cea03802d56fcb8733f1ee |  e3600f2e | C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\tank
16:05:48                                     Arma 3 Tac-Ops |               tacops |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | 97b1dbbcf02653320d4a971972e3fa7b86de0bb6 |  3f7c910a | C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\tacops
16:05:48                                 Arma 3 Laws of War |               orange |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | 9ffa496322c2448b3406a8da16acf6acdf767b4e |  9ddb9ce4 | C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\orange
16:05:48                                      Arma 3 Malden |                 argo |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | 7e514225d7ca25f6ac7fd327d29bfbef7895faf1 |  3e898373 | C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\argo
16:05:48                                        Arma 3 Jets |                 jets |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | ca8d2b15096709f721442f1bd8daaf340efe3c7a |  4dedcd93 | C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\jets
16:05:48                                        Arma 3 Apex |            expansion |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | ba42c2077a3ccc61ad9da08b0520dcdd3bf836e1 |  a9ced3d9 | C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\expansion
16:05:48                                    Arma 3 Marksmen |                 mark |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | f4f2299213d3fbac83f93a40f3a9189981d3b4d4 |  bdd1f9cf | C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\mark
16:05:48                                 Arma 3 Helicopters |                 heli |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | a864c4890a0a81805ec227cad1f26be1773aa0a8 |  da5627a1 | C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\heli
16:05:48                                       Arma 3 Karts |                 kart |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | dda4727989bdfbf55ca28fe990bcf47d86ace303 |   3e52333 | C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\kart
16:05:48                                        Arma 3 Zeus |              curator |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | d6bd1f0f8278a7e1c60de7d92c098cf210834cf3 |  2c4264c1 | C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\curator
16:05:48                                             Arma 3 |                   A3 |       true |       true |            NOT FOUND |                                          |           |
16:05:48                                    @The_Programmer |      @The_Programmer |      false |      false |             GAME DIR | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 |  11fdd19c | C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@The_Programmer
16:05:48                               Kelley's life France |              @kelley |      false |      false |             GAME DIR | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 |  11fdd19c | C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@kelley
16:05:48                                            @extDB3 |              @extDB3 |      false |      false |             GAME DIR | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 |  11fdd19c | C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@extDB3
16:05:48                                       @life_server |         @life_server |      false |      false |             GAME DIR | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 |  11fdd19c | C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@life_server
16:05:48 ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================
16:05:48 InitSound ...
16:05:48 InitSound - complete
16:05:48 PhysX3 SDK Init started ...
16:05:48 PhysX3 SDK Init ended.
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) INFO: [0,15.494,0] PreStart started.
16:05:53 [CBA] (settings) INFO: Userconfig: Ignored.
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) INFO: [0,15.656,0] PreStart finished.
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Car does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Tank does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Air does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Car_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: expansion
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 5008_heisenberg_Gendarmerie does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: plateau_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chbenne_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ccrl_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: DIR_iveco_d_urgence does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: DIR_master3_bl does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: DIR_master3_inter does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: DIR_master3_v2 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmaster3_vsrl does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: DIR_master3_v3 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: BEA_Scania_P280_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: DIR_peugeot_expert does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: CCGC_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ALtrafficLights does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ALtrafficLights2 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: I_G_Offroad_01_armed_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chair_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Max_Taky_woman1 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Max_Tak2_woman1 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Max_Tak_woman1 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Max_woman_soldier1 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Max_woman_soldier2 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Max_woman_soldier3 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Max_woman_soldier4 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Max_woman1 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Max_woman2 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Max_woman3 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Max_woman4 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: max_female_body does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Van_01_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Truck_01_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Truck_03_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Offroad_02_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: expansion
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: MRAP_02_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: LSV_01_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: expansion
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: LSV_02_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: expansion
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Quadbike_01_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: APC_Wheeled_02_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: APC_Wheeled_03_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Offroad_01_civil_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: expansion
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: C_Offroad_01_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Offroad_01_repair_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: B_G_Offroad_01_repair_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: O_G_Offroad_01_repair_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: I_G_Offroad_01_repair_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: I_G_Offroad_01_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: enoch
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: I_G_Offroad_01_AT_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: C_Hatchback_01_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: C_Hatchback_01_sport_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: C_SUV_01_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Truck_02_MRL_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: I_G_Van_01_transport_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: C_Van_01_fuel_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: I_G_Van_01_fuel_F does not support Extended Event Handlers!
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: brancardch does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: morgue does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_actros_14_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_amazing_f10_12_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_cayenne_16_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_e60_09_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_giulia_16_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_gls63amg_17_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_Q7_15_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_r8v10_19_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_scania_16_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_stelvio_18_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_svr_17_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_tahoe_08_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_teslaS_16_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_titan_17_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_vantage_19_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_vesta_15_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_xc90_17_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: D41_Trawler does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: HAFM_EC635Wreck does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: HAFM_NH90Wreck does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: pop_sofa_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: berlingo1_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: berlingo1_vlcg does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: berlingo2_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: berlingo2_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: berlingo2_pm does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: berlingo2_vlcg does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chbetonniere_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chbom_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chboxer1_vsav does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chboxer1_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chboxer1_gn1 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chC15_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chC15_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: c4hch_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chC8_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chC8_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chC8_samu does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Caddych_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ccfm_mercedes_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ccfm_renault_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ccfs_renault_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: CCRM_MAN_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: CCRM_Renault_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chcitan_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: citelisch_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: citelis_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chciternvol_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Clio_GN does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Clio_VLCG does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Clio_PN does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ClioIch does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ClioIch_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chClioIII_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ClioIV_PM does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ClioIV_GN does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: cmax_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Dacia_Duster_vlhr does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Dacia_Duster_pm does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Dacia_Duster_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chduster14_vlhr does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chduster14_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chduster14_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chdauphine_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chdefender_vlhr does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chdefender_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chdefender_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chdefender_vsavhr does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chdefender_grimp does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chdefender_apn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: depanren_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chdepanpl_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chdiscovery_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chds_21_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chds_21_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: EPA_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: epa_MAN_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: epa_Mercedes_Atego_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: epa_Mercedes_Atego_1530_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: epa_renault_lander_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: EPA_RenaultM_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: epa_Scania_124L_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: epa_Scania_P280_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chexpert1_vat does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chexpert1_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chexpert1_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chExpert3_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chExpert3_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Expert_GN does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Expert_VRID does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: fcch_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: FJR1300_gn_ch does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: FJR1300_pn_ch does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chfmogp_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Focus03_GN does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Focus03_bac does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: focusch3_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chfcrs_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: focussw1998_GN_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: focussw2p2_GN_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: focussw3_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: focussw3_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chfocussw3p2_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chfocussw3p2_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: FPT_MAN_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: FPT_Mercedes_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: fpt_renault_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: FPT_Scania_94D_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: FPT_Scania_P280_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: fptl_renault_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: galaxych_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: galaxych_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: galaxych_samu does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: galaxych_raid does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chgbc_180_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: cmax_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: focusch3_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Focus03_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: mondeo_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: mondeoswch_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: mondeovch_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 307_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 308_2015_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 308_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chrr_svr_bac does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chrr_svr_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Renault_Espace_sphp does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Renault_Espace_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmegane2_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Scenic_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chgolf7_bac does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chgolf7_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chvwt5_raid does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chvwt5_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chvwt6_raid does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chvwt6_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chzoe_bac does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chzoe_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chKodiaq_bac does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chKodiaq_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chOctavia_gn_bana does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chgolf7_pp does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: fgtz3_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chgrue_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chGrue_Mobile_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: IvecoCh_GN does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: IvecoCh_grimp does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chiveco_vpc does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chj9_vsab does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chj9_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: kangooI1_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: kangooI1_vl does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: kangooI1_pm does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: kangooI2_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: kangooI2_vl does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: kangooI2_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: kangooII1_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: kangooII1_vl does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: kangooII1_adp does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: kangooII1_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: kangooII1_pn2 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chKodiaq_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chKodiaq_gn1 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chKodiaq_gn2 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chKodiaq_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chKodiaq_samu does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chlagunaI_estate_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmaster2_vtp does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmaster2_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmaster2_adp does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmaster2_pnb does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmaster2_vsav does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmaster2_ap does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmaster2_vtu does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmaster2_vps does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmaster2p1_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmaster2p1_vsab does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chMaster3_vtp does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chMaster3_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chMaster3_crs does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chMaster3_vsav does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chMaster3_ap does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chMaster3_vtu does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chMaster3_vrch does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chMaster3p2_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chMaster3p2_pn2 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chMaster3p2_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chMaster3p2_crs does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chMaster3p2_gn2 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chMaster3p2_vsav does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmaster3p3_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmaster3p3 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: master3p3_PN does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: master3p3_CRS does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: master3p3_VSAV does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmaster1_vsab does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmegane2_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Megane_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Megane_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: megane_4_estate_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: megane_4_estate_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: megane_4_estate_vl does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Megane_Estate_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Megane_Estate_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Megane_Estate_vli does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Megane_Estate_douane does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Megane_Estate_p2_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Megane_Estate_p2_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Megane_Estate_p2_dne does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmgrs_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chmerc_amb_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: mondeo_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: mondeoswch_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: mondeoswch_samu does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: mondeoswch_civ_velo does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: mondeovch_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chOctavia_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chOctavia_Combi_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chOctavia_Combi_samu does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chOctavia_Combi_velo does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chOshkosh_striker_3000_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: partner2_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: partner2_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: partner2_pnn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: passatb6ch_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: passatb7ch_samu does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chPassatB8_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chPassatB8_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chPassatB8_bac does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chPassatB8_bac_n does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chPassatB8_velo does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: PMA_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chps5g_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chpush_back_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: PVP_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: PVP_raid does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: PVP_BRI does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: PVP_GN does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chr11_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chr12_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chr18_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chR19_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chR21_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chR21_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chR21_H_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chr5_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chr8_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ranger15ch_GN does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ranger15ch_VLHR does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ranger15ch_samu does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ranger17ch_GN does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ranger17ch_VLHR does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ranger17ch_samu does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chrenault_bdf_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Renault_Espace_samu does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Renault_Lander_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: midlum_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: midlum_p2_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Renault_Range_T_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: roller_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: rs01ch_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: S431DTch_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: S516HDch_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Scania_124L_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chscania_bdf_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chScenic2p1_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Scenic3_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Scenic3_Vli does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Scenic_Pn_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Scenic_vli does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Sharanch_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Sharanch_samu does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Sharanch_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chsm_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chSonata_taxi does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chSonata_Pol does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chSonata_Pol2 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: SubaruWRXgn_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chvwt5_samu does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chvwt5_ap does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chvwT6_samu does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chvwT6_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chvwT6_ap does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chtondeuse_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: touranch_samu does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chTown_FR_Car does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chTown_US_Car does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chTown_UK_Car does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chTown_Swiss_Car does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: trafic3_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: trafic3_crs does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: trafic3_vtp does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: trafic3_vsm does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: trafic3_vsat does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: trafic3_ap does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Trafic_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Trafic_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Trafic_crs does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Trafic_vezi does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Trafic_vtp does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Trafic_pn2 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Trafic_adp does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Trafic_douane does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Trafic_ap does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Trafic_pna does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chtrafic1_vsab does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chtrafic1_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: trans_pen_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Transit_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Transit_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Transit_crs does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Transit_vtp does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Transit_adp does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Transit_dne does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chTransport_L_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chtwingoI_PN does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chTwizy_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chTwizy_vl does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chtype_h_vsab does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chtype_h_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: VAB_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chVario_Blinde_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: VBL_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chVisa_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Mer_Vito_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Mer_Vito_samu does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Mer_Vito_ap does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Volvo_FH13_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: VPC_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: VPL_Boxer_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: VRCH_Boxer_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: VSAV_Boxer_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ap_Boxer does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: VSAV_Ducato_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: VSAV_Ducato does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ap_Ducato does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Ducato_civ_grdf does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chvsav_sprinter_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chvsavar_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ch_umh_master3 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ch_umh_master3p2 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ch_umh_boxer does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ch_umh_master2 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ch_umh_sprinter does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ch_umh_iveco does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ch_umh_ducato does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: VSR_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chx3_samu does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chxantia_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chxsara_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: d3s_f80_14_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 1150RT_gn_ch does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 1150RT_pn_ch does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 1200RT_gn_ch does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 1200RT_pn_ch does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 1200RT_sp_ch does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 1200RT_samu_ch does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 206_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 206_gns does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 206_vl does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ch306_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ch306_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 307_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 308_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 308_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 308_pnn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 308_vlcg does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 308_2015_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ch309_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ch309_apn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 4l_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 4l_vl does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ch504_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: ch508_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: 508_taxi does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: cha110_gn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: agorach_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: agora_pn does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chAR_159_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: AR_159_Pol does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: AR_159_Carib does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: chbalayeuse_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: dir_pack_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @kelley
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: C_Kart_01_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: kart
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Van_02_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: orange
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: AFV_Wheeled_01_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: tank
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Offroad_01_military_covered_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: enoch
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: I_E_Offroad_01_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: enoch
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: I_E_Offroad_01_covered_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: enoch
16:05:53 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: Tractor_01_base_F does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: enoch
16:05:53 core\skyobject\skyobject.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:53 a3\data_f\krater.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:53 a3\data_f\koule.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:53 String STR_DN_FUEL_STATION not found
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.scope'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.model'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.simulation'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.accuracy'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.camouflage'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.displayName'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.textSingular'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.speechSingular'.
16:05:53 unable to load bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.speechSingular
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.textPlural'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.speechPlural'.
16:05:53 unable to load bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.speechPlural
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.maxDetectRange'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.detectSkill'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.mineAlertIconRange'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.weaponSlots'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.spotableNightLightsOff'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.spotableDarkNightLightsOff'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.spotableNightLightsOn'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.nameSound'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.side'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.destrType'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.picture'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.portrait'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.icon'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.cost'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.fuelCapacity'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.fuelConsumptionRate'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.armor'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.crewCrashProtection'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.damageResistance'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.maxSpeed'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.limitedSpeedCoef'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.secondaryExplosion'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.sensitivity'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.sensitivityEar'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.brakeDistance'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.precision'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.formationX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.formationZ'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.formationTime'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.steerAheadSimul'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.steerAheadPlan'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.ViewPilot'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.HeadLimits'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.rotZRadius'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleZ'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleZ'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.PilotSpec'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.showHeadPhones'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.predictTurnSimul'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.predictTurnPlan'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.minFireTime'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.enableWatch'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.enableRadio'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.transportFuel'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.transportRepair'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.transportAmmo'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.transportMaxWeapons'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.transportMaxMagazines'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.transportMaxBackpacks'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.allowTabLock'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.showAllTargets'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.TransportWeapons'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.TransportMagazines'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.alwaysTarget'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.irTarget'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.irScanToEyeFactor'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.irScanRangeMin'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.irScanRangeMax'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.nightVision'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.laserScanner'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.laserTarget'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.nvTarget'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.artilleryTarget'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.artilleryScanner'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.nvScanner'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.commanderCanSee'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.driverCanSee'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.gunnerCanSee'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.radarType'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.attendant'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.uavHacker'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.preferRoads'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.hideUnitInfo'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundEngine'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundDammage'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundGetIn'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundGetOut'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundServo'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundEngineOnInt'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundEngineOffInt'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundEngineOnExt'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundEngineOffExt'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundLocked'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundIncommingMissile'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundGearUp'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundGearDown'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundCrashes'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundLandCrashes'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundWaterCrashes'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundWoodCrash'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundBushCrash'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundBuildingCrash'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.soundArmorCrash'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.weapons'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.magazines'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.threat'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ruins_EP1.type'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.scope'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.model'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.simulation'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.accuracy'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.camouflage'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.displayName'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.textSingular'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.speechSingular'.
16:05:53 unable to load bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.speechSingular
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.textPlural'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.speechPlural'.
16:05:53 unable to load bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.speechPlural
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.maxDetectRange'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.detectSkill'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.mineAlertIconRange'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.weaponSlots'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.spotableNightLightsOff'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.spotableDarkNightLightsOff'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.spotableNightLightsOn'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.nameSound'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.side'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.destrType'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.picture'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.portrait'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.icon'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.cost'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.fuelCapacity'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.fuelConsumptionRate'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.armor'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.crewCrashProtection'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.damageResistance'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.maxSpeed'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.limitedSpeedCoef'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.secondaryExplosion'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.sensitivity'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.sensitivityEar'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.brakeDistance'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.precision'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.formationX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.formationZ'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.formationTime'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.steerAheadSimul'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.steerAheadPlan'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.ViewPilot'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.HeadLimits'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.rotZRadius'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleZ'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleZ'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.PilotSpec'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.showHeadPhones'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.predictTurnSimul'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.predictTurnPlan'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.minFireTime'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.enableWatch'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.enableRadio'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.transportFuel'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.transportRepair'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.transportAmmo'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.transportMaxWeapons'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.transportMaxMagazines'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.transportMaxBackpacks'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.allowTabLock'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.showAllTargets'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.TransportWeapons'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.TransportMagazines'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.alwaysTarget'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.irTarget'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.irScanToEyeFactor'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.irScanRangeMin'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.irScanRangeMax'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.nightVision'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.laserScanner'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.laserTarget'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.nvTarget'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.artilleryTarget'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.artilleryScanner'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.nvScanner'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.commanderCanSee'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.driverCanSee'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.gunnerCanSee'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.radarType'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.attendant'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.uavHacker'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.preferRoads'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.hideUnitInfo'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundEngine'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundDammage'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundGetIn'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundGetOut'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundServo'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundEngineOnInt'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundEngineOffInt'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundEngineOnExt'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundEngineOffExt'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundLocked'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundIncommingMissile'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundGearUp'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundGearDown'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundCrashes'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundLandCrashes'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundWaterCrashes'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundWoodCrash'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundBushCrash'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundBuildingCrash'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.soundArmorCrash'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.weapons'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.magazines'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.threat'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Small_Items.type'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.scope'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon ItemInfo with scope=private
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.displayName'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.nameSound'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.type'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.picture'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.Library'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.model'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.simulation'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.fireLightDuration'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.fireLightIntensity'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.fireLightDiffuse'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.fireLightAmbient'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.weaponLockDelay'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.weaponLockSystem'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.cmImmunity'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.weight'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.lockingTargetSound'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.lockedTargetSound'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.detectRange'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/ItemInfo.muzzles'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.scope'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon WeaponSlotsInfo with scope=private
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.displayName'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.nameSound'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.type'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.picture'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.Library'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.model'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.simulation'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.fireLightDuration'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.fireLightIntensity'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.fireLightDiffuse'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.fireLightAmbient'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.weaponLockDelay'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.weaponLockSystem'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.cmImmunity'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.weight'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.lockingTargetSound'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.lockedTargetSound'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.detectRange'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/WeaponSlotsInfo.muzzles'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Error in expression <private>
16:05:53   Error position: <>
16:05:53   Error Invalid number in expression
16:05:53 Error in expression <private>
16:05:53   Error position: <>
16:05:53   Error Invalid number in expression
16:05:53 Error in expression <private>
16:05:53   Error position: <>
16:05:53   Error Invalid number in expression
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.scope'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.model'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.simulation'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.accuracy'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.camouflage'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.displayName'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.textSingular'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.speechSingular'.
16:05:53 unable to load bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.speechSingular
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.textPlural'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.speechPlural'.
16:05:53 unable to load bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.speechPlural
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.maxDetectRange'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.detectSkill'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.mineAlertIconRange'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.weaponSlots'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.spotableNightLightsOff'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.spotableDarkNightLightsOff'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.spotableNightLightsOn'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.nameSound'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.side'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.destrType'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.picture'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.portrait'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.icon'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.cost'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.fuelCapacity'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.fuelConsumptionRate'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.armor'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.crewCrashProtection'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.damageResistance'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.maxSpeed'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.limitedSpeedCoef'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.secondaryExplosion'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.sensitivity'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.sensitivityEar'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.brakeDistance'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.precision'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.formationX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.formationZ'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.formationTime'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.steerAheadSimul'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.steerAheadPlan'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.ViewPilot'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.HeadLimits'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.rotZRadius'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleZ'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleZ'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.PilotSpec'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry '.showHeadPhones'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.predictTurnSimul'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.predictTurnPlan'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.minFireTime'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.enableWatch'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.enableRadio'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.transportFuel'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.transportRepair'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.transportAmmo'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.transportMaxWeapons'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.transportMaxMagazines'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.transportMaxBackpacks'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.allowTabLock'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.showAllTargets'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.TransportWeapons'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.TransportMagazines'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.alwaysTarget'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.irTarget'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.irScanToEyeFactor'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.irScanRangeMin'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.irScanRangeMax'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.nightVision'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.laserScanner'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.laserTarget'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.nvTarget'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.artilleryTarget'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.artilleryScanner'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.nvScanner'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.commanderCanSee'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.driverCanSee'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.gunnerCanSee'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.radarType'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.attendant'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.uavHacker'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.preferRoads'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.hideUnitInfo'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundEngine'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundDammage'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundGetIn'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundGetOut'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundServo'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundEngineOnInt'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundEngineOffInt'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundEngineOnExt'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundEngineOffExt'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundLocked'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundIncommingMissile'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundGearUp'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundGearDown'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundCrashes'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundLandCrashes'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundWaterCrashes'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundWoodCrash'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundBushCrash'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundBuildingCrash'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.soundArmorCrash'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.weapons'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.magazines'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.threat'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:53 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:53 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/C_FireFighter.type'.
16:05:53 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.scope'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.model'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.simulation'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.accuracy'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.camouflage'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.displayName'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.textSingular'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.speechSingular'.
16:05:54 unable to load bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.speechSingular
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.textPlural'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.speechPlural'.
16:05:54 unable to load bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.speechPlural
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.maxDetectRange'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.detectSkill'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.mineAlertIconRange'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.weaponSlots'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.spotableNightLightsOff'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.spotableDarkNightLightsOff'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.spotableNightLightsOn'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.nameSound'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.side'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.destrType'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.picture'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.portrait'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.icon'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.cost'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.fuelCapacity'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.fuelConsumptionRate'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.armor'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.crewCrashProtection'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.damageResistance'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.maxSpeed'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.limitedSpeedCoef'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.secondaryExplosion'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.sensitivity'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.sensitivityEar'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.brakeDistance'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.precision'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.formationX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.formationZ'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.formationTime'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.steerAheadSimul'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.steerAheadPlan'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.ViewPilot'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.HeadLimits'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.rotZRadius'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleZ'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleZ'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.PilotSpec'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.showHeadPhones'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.predictTurnSimul'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.predictTurnPlan'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.minFireTime'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.enableWatch'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.enableRadio'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.transportFuel'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.transportRepair'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.transportAmmo'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.transportMaxWeapons'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.transportMaxMagazines'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.transportMaxBackpacks'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.allowTabLock'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.showAllTargets'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.TransportWeapons'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.TransportMagazines'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.alwaysTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.irTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.irScanToEyeFactor'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.irScanRangeMin'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.irScanRangeMax'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.nightVision'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.laserScanner'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.laserTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.nvTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.artilleryTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.artilleryScanner'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.nvScanner'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.commanderCanSee'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.driverCanSee'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.gunnerCanSee'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.radarType'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.attendant'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.uavHacker'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.preferRoads'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.hideUnitInfo'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundEngine'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundDammage'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundGetIn'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundGetOut'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundServo'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundEngineOnInt'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundEngineOffInt'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundEngineOnExt'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundEngineOffExt'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundLocked'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundIncommingMissile'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundGearUp'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundGearDown'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundCrashes'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundLandCrashes'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundWaterCrashes'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundWoodCrash'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundBushCrash'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundBuildingCrash'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.soundArmorCrash'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.weapons'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.magazines'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.threat'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Bridge_01_F.type'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.scope'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.simulation'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.accuracy'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.camouflage'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.textSingular'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.speechSingular'.
16:05:54 unable to load bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.speechSingular
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.textPlural'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.speechPlural'.
16:05:54 unable to load bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.speechPlural
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.maxDetectRange'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.detectSkill'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.mineAlertIconRange'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.weaponSlots'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.spotableNightLightsOff'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.spotableDarkNightLightsOff'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.spotableNightLightsOn'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.nameSound'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.side'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.destrType'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.picture'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.portrait'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.icon'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.cost'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.fuelCapacity'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.fuelConsumptionRate'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.armor'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.crewCrashProtection'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.damageResistance'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.maxSpeed'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.limitedSpeedCoef'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.secondaryExplosion'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.sensitivity'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.sensitivityEar'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.brakeDistance'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.precision'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.formationX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.formationZ'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.formationTime'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.steerAheadSimul'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.steerAheadPlan'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.ViewPilot'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.HeadLimits'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.rotZRadius'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleZ'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleZ'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.PilotSpec'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.showHeadPhones'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.predictTurnSimul'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.predictTurnPlan'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.minFireTime'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.enableWatch'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.enableRadio'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.transportFuel'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.transportRepair'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.transportAmmo'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.transportMaxWeapons'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.transportMaxMagazines'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.transportMaxBackpacks'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.allowTabLock'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.showAllTargets'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.TransportWeapons'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.TransportMagazines'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.alwaysTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.irTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.irScanToEyeFactor'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.irScanRangeMin'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.irScanRangeMax'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.nightVision'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.laserScanner'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.laserTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.nvTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.artilleryTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.artilleryScanner'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.nvScanner'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.commanderCanSee'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.driverCanSee'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.gunnerCanSee'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.radarType'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.attendant'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.uavHacker'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.preferRoads'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.hideUnitInfo'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundEngine'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundDammage'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundGetIn'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundGetOut'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundServo'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundEngineOnInt'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundEngineOffInt'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundEngineOnExt'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundEngineOffExt'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundLocked'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundIncommingMissile'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundGearUp'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundGearDown'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundCrashes'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundLandCrashes'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundWaterCrashes'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundWoodCrash'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundBushCrash'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundBuildingCrash'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.soundArmorCrash'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.weapons'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.magazines'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.threat'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_flat.type'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.scope'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.simulation'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.accuracy'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.camouflage'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.textSingular'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.speechSingular'.
16:05:54 unable to load bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.speechSingular
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.textPlural'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.speechPlural'.
16:05:54 unable to load bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.speechPlural
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.maxDetectRange'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.detectSkill'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.mineAlertIconRange'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.weaponSlots'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.spotableNightLightsOff'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.spotableDarkNightLightsOff'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.spotableNightLightsOn'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.nameSound'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.side'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.destrType'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.picture'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.portrait'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.icon'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.cost'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.fuelCapacity'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.fuelConsumptionRate'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.armor'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.crewCrashProtection'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.damageResistance'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.maxSpeed'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.limitedSpeedCoef'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.secondaryExplosion'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.sensitivity'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.sensitivityEar'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.brakeDistance'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.precision'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.formationX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.formationZ'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.formationTime'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.steerAheadSimul'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.steerAheadPlan'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.ViewPilot'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.HeadLimits'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.rotZRadius'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleZ'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleZ'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.PilotSpec'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.showHeadPhones'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.predictTurnSimul'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.predictTurnPlan'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.minFireTime'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.enableWatch'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.enableRadio'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.transportFuel'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.transportRepair'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.transportAmmo'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.transportMaxWeapons'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.transportMaxMagazines'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.transportMaxBackpacks'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.allowTabLock'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.showAllTargets'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.TransportWeapons'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.TransportMagazines'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.alwaysTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.irTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.irScanToEyeFactor'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.irScanRangeMin'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.irScanRangeMax'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.nightVision'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.laserScanner'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.laserTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.nvTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.artilleryTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.artilleryScanner'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.nvScanner'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.commanderCanSee'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.driverCanSee'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.gunnerCanSee'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.radarType'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.attendant'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.uavHacker'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.preferRoads'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.hideUnitInfo'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundEngine'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundDammage'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundGetIn'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundGetOut'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundServo'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundEngineOnInt'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundEngineOffInt'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundEngineOnExt'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundEngineOffExt'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundLocked'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundIncommingMissile'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundGearUp'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundGearDown'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundCrashes'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundLandCrashes'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundWaterCrashes'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundWoodCrash'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundBushCrash'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundBuildingCrash'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.soundArmorCrash'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.weapons'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.magazines'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.threat'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_middle2.type'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.scope'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.simulation'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.accuracy'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.camouflage'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.textSingular'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.speechSingular'.
16:05:54 unable to load bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.speechSingular
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.textPlural'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.speechPlural'.
16:05:54 unable to load bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.speechPlural
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.maxDetectRange'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.detectSkill'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.mineAlertIconRange'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.weaponSlots'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.spotableNightLightsOff'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.spotableDarkNightLightsOff'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.spotableNightLightsOn'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.nameSound'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.side'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.destrType'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.picture'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.portrait'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.icon'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.cost'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.fuelCapacity'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.fuelConsumptionRate'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.armor'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.crewCrashProtection'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.damageResistance'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.groupCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.extCameraPosition'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.maxSpeed'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.limitedSpeedCoef'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.secondaryExplosion'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.sensitivity'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.sensitivityEar'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.brakeDistance'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.precision'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.formationX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.formationZ'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.formationTime'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.steerAheadSimul'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.steerAheadPlan'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.ViewPilot'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initFov'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minFov'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxFov'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.HeadLimits'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.rotZRadius'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleY'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.initAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleX'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.minAngleZ'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.maxAngleZ'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.PilotSpec'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry '.showHeadPhones'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.predictTurnSimul'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.predictTurnPlan'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.minFireTime'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.enableWatch'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.enableRadio'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.transportFuel'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.transportRepair'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.transportAmmo'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.transportMaxWeapons'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.transportMaxMagazines'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.transportMaxBackpacks'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.allowTabLock'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.showAllTargets'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.TransportWeapons'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.TransportMagazines'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.alwaysTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.irTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.irScanToEyeFactor'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.irScanRangeMin'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.irScanRangeMax'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.nightVision'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.laserScanner'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.laserTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.nvTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.artilleryTarget'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.artilleryScanner'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.nvScanner'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.commanderCanSee'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.driverCanSee'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.gunnerCanSee'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.radarType'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.attendant'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.uavHacker'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.preferRoads'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.hideUnitInfo'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundEngine'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundDammage'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundGetIn'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundGetOut'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundServo'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundEngineOnInt'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundEngineOffInt'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundEngineOnExt'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundEngineOffExt'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundLocked'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundIncommingMissile'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundGearUp'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundGearDown'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundCrashes'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundLandCrashes'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundWaterCrashes'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundWoodCrash'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundBushCrash'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundBuildingCrash'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.soundArmorCrash'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.weapons'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.magazines'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.threat'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: []: '/' not an array
16:05:54 Cannot evaluate '' - no file
16:05:54 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_bridge1_up_down.type'.
16:05:54 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
16:05:54 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
16:05:54 Loading movesType CfgGesturesMale
16:05:54 Creating action map cache
16:05:54 MovesType CfgGesturesMale load time 59 ms
16:05:54 Loading movesType CfgMovesMaleSdr
16:05:54   bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Hospitalbed_Anim.interpolateTo: Bad move KIA_AH1Z_Pilot
16:05:54 Reading cached action map data
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_ls doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uplf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwlb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwlf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_upm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone ear_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone corr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone tongue_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone tongue_f doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_upl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_lwl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_lt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone nose_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone nose_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone forehead_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone forehead_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone forehead_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_lwr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_rt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_upr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone tongue_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone ear_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uprf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uprb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_rc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwrb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwrf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_t doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone chin doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_rs doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_ls doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uplf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwlb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwlf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_upm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone ear_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone corr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone tongue_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone tongue_f doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_upl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_lwl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_lt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone nose_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone nose_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone forehead_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone forehead_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone forehead_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_lwr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_rt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_upr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone tongue_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone ear_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uprf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uprb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_rc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwrb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwrf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_t doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone chin doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_rs doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_ls doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uplf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwlb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwlf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_upm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone ear_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone corr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone tongue_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone tongue_f doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_upl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_lwl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_lt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone nose_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone nose_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone forehead_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone forehead_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone forehead_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_lwr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_rt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_upr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone tongue_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone ear_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uprf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uprb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_rc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwrb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwrf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_t doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone chin doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_rs doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_ls doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uplf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwlb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwlf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_upm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone ear_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone corr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone tongue_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone tongue_f doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_upl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_lwl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_lt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone nose_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone nose_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone forehead_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone forehead_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone forehead_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_lwr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_rt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_upr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone tongue_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone ear_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uprf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uprb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_rc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwrb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwrf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_t doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone chin doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_rs doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Animation d3s_2k18\cars\alfieri_14_driver.rtm not found or empty
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_ls doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uplf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwlb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwlf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_upm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone ear_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone corr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone tongue_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone tongue_f doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_upl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_lwl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_lb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_lt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone nose_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_lm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone nose_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone forehead_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone forehead_m doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone forehead_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_lwr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_rt doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone cheek_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eye_upr doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone eyebrow_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone tongue_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone ear_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_l doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uprf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_r doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_uprb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_rc doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwrb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone lip_lwrf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_b doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone zig_rb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone neck_t doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_rf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone chin doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_rm doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw_rs doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone jaw doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:54 Error: Bone headcutscene doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton
16:05:55 Warning: looped for animation: a3\anims_f_epa\data\anim\sdr\cts\hubcleaned\briefing\hubbriefing_loop.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: hubbriefing_ext
16:05:55 Warning: looped for animation: a3\anims_f_epa\data\anim\sdr\cts\hubcleaned\spectator\hubspectator_stand.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: hubspectator_stand
16:05:55 Warning: looped for animation: a3\anims_f_epa\data\anim\sdr\cts\hubcleaned\wounded\hubwoundedprone_idle1.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: plp_bo_ani_cargo_lying1
16:05:55 MovesType CfgMovesMaleSdr load time 896 ms
16:05:55 a3\characters_f\proxies\flag.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:55 'kick' voteThreshold must be in 0..1 range. Using global voteThreshold
16:05:55 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 2303
16:05:55 Steam AppId in current environment: 107410
16:05:55 Unexpected stringtable format inside <Text ID="STR_Shops_Depanneur"><Key>
16:05:55 Item STR_Process_frite listed twice
16:05:55 Unsupported language English in stringtable
16:05:55 Unexpected stringtable format inside <Text ID="STR_Shops_Depanneur"><Key>
16:05:55 Item STR_Process_frite listed twice
16:05:55 Unsupported language English in stringtable
16:05:55 File mpmissions\klf.kelleysisland\config\Config_Licenses.hpp, line 29: '/Licenses/depanneur.price': Missing ';' at the end of line
16:05:55 File mpmissions\klf.kelleysisland\config\Config_Gather.hpp, line 106: '/CfgGather/Minerals/rubis.item': Missing ';' at the end of line
16:05:56 Mission klf.kelleysisland: Number of roles (101) is different from 'description.ext::Header::maxPlayer' (126)
16:05:56 Starting mission:
16:05:56  Mission file: klf
16:05:56  Mission world: kelleysisland
16:05:56  Mission directory: mpmissions\klf.kelleysisland\
16:05:56 a3\data_f\blesk1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:56 a3\data_f\blesk2.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:56 Warning Message: Cannot open object ca\plants2\clutter\c_grassbunch.p3d
16:05:56 ca\plants2\clutter\c_grassbunch.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:56 Warning Message: Cannot open object ca\plants2\clutter\c_grasscrooked.p3d
16:05:56 ca\plants2\clutter\c_grasscrooked.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:56 Warning Message: Cannot open object ca\plants2\clutter\c_grasscrookedgreen.p3d
16:05:56 ca\plants2\clutter\c_grasscrookedgreen.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:56 Warning Message: Cannot open object ca\plants2\clutter\c_grasscrookedforest.p3d
16:05:56 ca\plants2\clutter\c_grasscrookedforest.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:56 Warning Message: Cannot open object ca\plants2\clutter\c_fern.p3d
16:05:56 ca\plants2\clutter\c_fern.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:56 Warning Message: Cannot open object ca\plants2\clutter\c_ferntall.p3d
16:05:56 ca\plants2\clutter\c_ferntall.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:56 a3\data_f\raindrop.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:56 a3\map_stratis\data\obloha.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:56 a3\data_f\stars.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:56 a3\map_stratis\data\horizont.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:56 a3\data_f\rainbow.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:57 Strange convex component108 in mm_buildings4\centrelink.p3d:geometry
16:05:57 Strange convex component109 in mm_buildings4\centrelink.p3d:geometry
16:05:57 Strange convex component112 in mm_buildings4\centrelink.p3d:geometry
16:05:57 Strange convex component113 in mm_buildings4\centrelink.p3d:geometry
16:05:57 Strange convex component116 in mm_buildings4\centrelink.p3d:geometry
16:05:57 Strange convex component117 in mm_buildings4\centrelink.p3d:geometry
16:05:57 Strange convex component120 in mm_buildings4\centrelink.p3d:geometry
16:05:57 Strange convex component121 in mm_buildings4\centrelink.p3d:geometry
16:05:57 Array tex in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Centrelink/Damage/ not even
16:05:57 Array mat in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Centrelink/Damage/ not multiply of 3
16:05:57 mm_buildings4\proxy\stairs.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:57 mm_buildings4\proxy\stairs.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\e76_helipad01.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\e76_helipad01.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\e76_helipad01.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 Warning Message: Cannot open object taunusobjects\tob_mk_crosswalkwhtslope.p3d
16:05:57 taunusobjects\tob_mk_crosswalkwhtslope.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:57 a3\rocks_f\sharprock_wallh.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\wall_c_dam.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\e76_slidedoor_black.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\e76_slidedoor_black.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\e76_slidedoor_black.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\e76_slidedoor_black.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\wall_a_window1b.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\wall_a_window1a.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\wall_a_window1b.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\wall_a_window1a.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\wall_a_window1a.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\wall_a_window1a.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\wall_a_window1a.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\wall_a_window1a.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\wall_a_window1b.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\wall_a_doorblack.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\wall_a_doorblack.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\e76_slidedoor_black.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\e76_slidedoor_black.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\e76_slidedoor_black.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\e76_slidedoor_black.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\e76_slidedoor_green.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\e76_slidedoor_green.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\e76_slidedoor_green.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\wall_a_doorgreen.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\e76_slidedoor_green.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\e76_slidedoor_green.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 e76_buildings\proxy\e76_slidedoor_green.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 Strange convex component95 in mm_buildings2\police_station\policestation.p3d:geometry
16:05:57 mm_buildings2\police_station\proxy\outsidestuff.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:57 mm_buildings2\police_station\proxy\roof_2.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:57 mm_buildings2\police_station\proxy\glass.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:57 mm_buildings2\police_station\proxy\roof_1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:57 mm_buildings2\police_station\proxy\extras.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:57 Strange convex component149 in mm_residential2\housedoubleal2.p3d:geometryFire
16:05:57 Strange convex component145 in mm_residential2\housedoubleal2.p3d:geometryView
16:05:57 Strange convex component149 in mm_residential2\housedoubleal2.p3d:geometryView
16:05:57 Strange convex component183 in mm_residential2\housedoubleal2.p3d:geometryView
16:05:57 Strange convex component184 in mm_residential2\housedoubleal2.p3d:geometryView
16:05:57 mm_residential2\proxy\window placementa.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:57 mm_residential2\proxy\window placementa.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 mm_residential2\proxy\garagedoor.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:57 mm_residential2\proxy\garagedoor.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 mm_residential2\proxy\tempa.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:57 mm_residential2\proxy\tempa.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 mm_residential2\proxy\window placementb.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:57 mm_residential2\proxy\window placementb.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 mm_residential2\proxy\rooforange.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:57 mm_residential2\proxy\rooforange.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 Strange convex component149 in mm_residential2\housedoubleal.p3d:geometryFire
16:05:57 Strange convex component145 in mm_residential2\housedoubleal.p3d:geometryView
16:05:57 Strange convex component149 in mm_residential2\housedoubleal.p3d:geometryView
16:05:57 Strange convex component183 in mm_residential2\housedoubleal.p3d:geometryView
16:05:57 Strange convex component184 in mm_residential2\housedoubleal.p3d:geometryView
16:05:57 mm_residential2\proxy\tempa.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 mm_residential2\proxy\window placementa.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 mm_residential2\proxy\garagedoor.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 mm_residential2\proxy\window placementb.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 mm_residential2\proxy\roof.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:57 mm_residential2\proxy\roof.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 cg_banktower\sky7_floor1_middle1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 cg_banktower\sky7_floor1_middle1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 cg_banktower\sky7_bottom1_middle1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 cg_banktower\sky7_bottom1_middle1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:57 Warning Message: Cannot load material file pld_roads\data\asf1_dashedline.rvmat.
16:05:57 Cannot load material file pld_roads\data\asf1_dashedline.rvmat
16:05:57 Strange convex component40 in mm_buildings3\pub_c\pub_c.p3d:geometry
16:05:57 Strange convex component41 in mm_buildings3\pub_c\pub_c.p3d:geometry
16:05:57 Strange convex component42 in mm_buildings3\pub_c\pub_c.p3d:geometry
16:05:57 Strange convex component43 in mm_buildings3\pub_c\pub_c.p3d:geometry
16:05:57 Strange convex component44 in mm_buildings3\pub_c\pub_c.p3d:geometry
16:05:57 Strange convex component45 in mm_buildings3\pub_c\pub_c.p3d:geometry
16:05:57 Strange convex component46 in mm_buildings3\pub_c\pub_c.p3d:geometry
16:05:57 Strange convex component40 in mm_buildings3\pub_c\pub_c.p3d:geometryFire
16:05:57 Strange convex component41 in mm_buildings3\pub_c\pub_c.p3d:geometryFire
16:05:57 Strange convex component42 in mm_buildings3\pub_c\pub_c.p3d:geometryFire
16:05:57 Strange convex component43 in mm_buildings3\pub_c\pub_c.p3d:geometryFire
16:05:57 Strange convex component44 in mm_buildings3\pub_c\pub_c.p3d:geometryFire
16:05:57 Strange convex component45 in mm_buildings3\pub_c\pub_c.p3d:geometryFire
16:05:57 Strange convex component46 in mm_buildings3\pub_c\pub_c.p3d:geometryFire
16:05:57 mm_buildings3\light\light.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:57 Strange convex component145 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView
16:05:57 Strange convex component149 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView
16:05:58 plp_beachobjects\plp_bo_beachbar.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:58 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_field_gate_wide.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:05:58 Bad simulation thingx, type land_sfp_villa_fence2_gate (class=vehicle), sfp_objects\misc\sfp_villa_fence2_gate.p3d
16:05:58 plp_beachobjects\plp_bo_beachbarempty.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:58 plp_beachobjects\plp_bo_beachbarempty.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:58 plp_beachobjects\plp_bo_beachbarempty.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:58 plp_beachobjects\plp_bo_beachbar.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:58 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_field_gate_wide.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:05:58 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_field_gate_narrow.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:05:58 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_field_fence4.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:05:58 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_field_fence4.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:05:58 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_field_fence4.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:05:58 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_field_fence4.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:05:58 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_field_fence4.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:05:58 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_field_fence4.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:05:58 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_field_fence4.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:05:58 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_field_fence4.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:05:58 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_field_fence4.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:05:58 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_field_fence4.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:05:58 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_field_fence4.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(16, 19) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(19, 18) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(29, 28) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(28, 31) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(42, 41) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(41, 40) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(53, 52) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(52, 55) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(65, 64) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(64, 67) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(76, 79) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(79, 78) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(88, 89) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(89, 91) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(101, 100) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(100, 103) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(113, 112) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(112, 115) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(126, 125) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(125, 124) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(18, 17) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(17, 16) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(31, 30) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(30, 29) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(40, 43) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(43, 42) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(55, 54) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(54, 53) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(67, 66) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(66, 65) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(78, 77) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(77, 76) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(91, 90) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(90, 88) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(103, 102) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(102, 101) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(115, 114) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(114, 113) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(124, 127) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(127, 126) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(153, 152) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(152, 155) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(155, 154) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Opposite edge to P(154, 153) was not found - shadow geometry is not closed.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Error: e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d: Shadow polygon doesn't have 3 vertices - it has not been considered.
16:05:58 Strange convex component07 in e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight03a.p3d:geometry
16:05:58 Strange convex component70 in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\multistorybuilding_01\multistorybuilding_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:05:58 Strange convex component75 in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\multistorybuilding_01\multistorybuilding_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:05:58 Strange convex component76 in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\multistorybuilding_01\multistorybuilding_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:05:58 Strange convex component77 in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\multistorybuilding_01\multistorybuilding_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:05:58 Strange convex component78 in a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\multistorybuilding_01\multistorybuilding_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsblackjacktable1\mesh\elementsblackjacktable1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsblackjacktable1\mesh\elementsblackjacktable1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsblackjacktable1\mesh\elementsblackjacktable1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsblackjacktable1\mesh\elementsblackjacktable1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsblackjacktable1\mesh\elementsblackjacktable1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsblackjacktable1\mesh\elementsblackjacktable1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsblackjacktable1\mesh\elementsblackjacktable1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsblackjacktable1\mesh\elementsblackjacktable1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsblackjacktable1\mesh\elementsblackjacktable1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsslotmachine1\mesh\elementsslotmachine1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsblackjacktable1\mesh\elementsblackjacktable1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsblackjacktable1\mesh\elementsblackjacktable1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 np_buildingscasino2\proxy\elementsblackjacktable1\mesh\elementsblackjacktable1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:05:59 Strange convex component90 in mm_bank\commonwealthbank.p3d:geometry
16:05:59 Strange convex component91 in mm_bank\commonwealthbank.p3d:geometry
16:05:59 Strange convex component94 in mm_bank\commonwealthbank.p3d:geometry
16:05:59 Strange convex component95 in mm_bank\commonwealthbank.p3d:geometry
16:05:59 Strange convex component98 in mm_bank\commonwealthbank.p3d:geometry
16:05:59 Strange convex component99 in mm_bank\commonwealthbank.p3d:geometry
16:05:59 Strange convex component102 in mm_bank\commonwealthbank.p3d:geometry
16:05:59 Strange convex component103 in mm_bank\commonwealthbank.p3d:geometry
16:05:59 mm_bank\words.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:59 mm_bank\wordsrev2.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:59 Error: selection end missing in memory LOD of model sfp_objects\houses\apartment\sfp_2tr_apartment_2_red.p3d
16:05:59 Strange convex component115 in mm_buildings\prison\gaol_main.p3d:geometry
16:05:59 Error: selection Ladder_1_end missing in memory LOD of model mm_buildings\prison\gaol_main.p3d
16:05:59 Error: selection Ladder_2_end missing in memory LOD of model mm_buildings\prison\gaol_main.p3d
16:05:59 mm_buildings\prison\proxynew\rooftop.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:05:59 mm_buildings\prison\proxynew\rooftop2.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:05:59 mm_buildings\prison\proxynew\rooftop.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:05:59 mm_buildings\prison\proxynew\rooftop2.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:05:59 mm_buildings\prison\proxynew\rooftop2.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:05:59 Warnings in e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight01b.p3d:shadow(1000)
16:05:59 Warnings in e76_roads\trafficlights\e76_trafficlight01a.p3d:shadow(1000)
16:05:59 jbad_structures\afghan_house_a\a_villa\proxies\a_villa_ep1_wingl.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:05:59 jbad_structures\afghan_house_a\a_villa\proxies\a_villa_ep1_wingr.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\households\clutter\c_grass_tall_dead_inhouse.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:06:00 Strange convex component322 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:00 Strange convex component327 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:00 Bad simulation shipx, type Land_BuoyBig_F (class=vehicle), a3\structures_f\naval\buoys\buoybig_f.p3d
16:06:00 Bad simulation shipx, type Land_BuoyBig_F (class=vehicle), a3\structures_f\naval\buoys\buoybig_f.p3d
16:06:00 Warning: special LOD contains 2nd UV set.
16:06:00 Warnings in e76_roads\bridge1\e76_bridge3_usc4_road_10_100d.p3d:shadow(10)
16:06:00 Warning: special LOD contains 2nd UV set.
16:06:00 Warnings in e76_roads\bridge1\e76_bridge3_usc4_road_10_100d.p3d:geometry
16:06:00 Warning: special LOD contains 2nd UV set.
16:06:00 Warnings in e76_roads\bridge1\e76_bridge3_column_a.p3d:shadow(10)
16:06:00 Warning: special LOD contains 2nd UV set.
16:06:00 Warnings in e76_roads\bridge1\e76_bridge3_column_a.p3d:geometry
16:06:00 Warning: special LOD contains 2nd UV set.
16:06:00 Warnings in e76_roads\bridge1\e76_bridge3_usc4_roadd.p3d:shadow(10)
16:06:00 Warning: special LOD contains 2nd UV set.
16:06:00 Warnings in e76_roads\bridge1\e76_bridge3_usc4_roadd.p3d:geometry
16:06:00 Warning: special LOD contains 2nd UV set.
16:06:00 Warnings in e76_roads\bridge1\e76_bridge3_usc4_road_10_100.p3d:shadow(10)
16:06:00 Warning: special LOD contains 2nd UV set.
16:06:00 Warnings in e76_roads\bridge1\e76_bridge3_usc4_road_10_100.p3d:geometry
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 79 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 78 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 81 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 80 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 87 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 86 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 89 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 88 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 95 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 94 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 97 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 96 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 103 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 102 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 105 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 104 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 111 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 110 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 113 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 112 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 127 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 126 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 129 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 128 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 135 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 134 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 137 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 136 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 151 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 150 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 153 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 152 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 159 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 158 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 161 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 160 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 175 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 174 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 177 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 176 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 183 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 182 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 185 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 184 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 199 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 198 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 201 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 200 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warnings in e76_roads\bridge1\e76_bridge1_asf1_road.p3d:0
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 79 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 78 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 81 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 80 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 87 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 86 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 89 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 88 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 95 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 94 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 97 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 96 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 103 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 102 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 105 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 104 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 111 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 110 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 113 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 112 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 127 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 126 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 129 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 128 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 135 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 134 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 137 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 136 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 151 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 150 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 153 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 152 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 159 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 158 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 161 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 160 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 175 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 174 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 177 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 176 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 183 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 182 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 185 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 184 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 199 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 198 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 201 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 200 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warnings in e76_roads\bridge1\e76_bridge1_asf1_road.p3d:1
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 79 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 78 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 81 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 80 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 87 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 86 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 89 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 88 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 95 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 94 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 97 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 96 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 103 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 102 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 105 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 104 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 111 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 110 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 113 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 112 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 127 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 126 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 129 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 128 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 135 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 134 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 137 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 136 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 151 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 150 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 153 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 152 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 159 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 158 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 161 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 160 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 175 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 174 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 177 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 176 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 183 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 182 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 185 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 184 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 199 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 198 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 201 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 200 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warnings in e76_roads\bridge1\e76_bridge1_asf1_road.p3d:3
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 67 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 66 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 69 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 68 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 75 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 74 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 77 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 76 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 83 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 82 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 85 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 84 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 91 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 90 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 93 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 92 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 99 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 98 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 101 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 100 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 115 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 114 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 117 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 116 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 123 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 122 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 125 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 124 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 139 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 138 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 141 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 140 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 147 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 146 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 149 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 148 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 163 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 162 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 165 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 164 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 171 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 170 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 173 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 172 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 187 is too big UV(-101.082153, -6.022345) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 186 is too big UV(-101.082153, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 189 is too big UV(-109.726791, -5.293191) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warning: UV coordinate on point 188 is too big UV(-109.726791, -4.564011) - the UV compression may produce inaccurate results
16:06:00 Warn: Shape '???' contains water texture however it does not carry a property "class=pond". Consider creating one to speed up the detection!
16:06:00 cg_apartment\row1_bottom1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 cg_apartment\row1_bottom1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 cg_apartment\row1_bottom1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 cg_apartment\row1_bottom1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 cg_apartment\row1_bottom1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 cg_apartment\row1_bottom1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 cg_apartment\row1_bottom1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 cg_apartment\row1_bottom1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 Strange convex component13 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_06_f.p3d:geometry
16:06:00 Strange convex component16 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_06_f.p3d:geometry
16:06:00 Strange convex component19 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_06_f.p3d:geometry
16:06:00 Strange convex component13 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_06_f.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:00 Strange convex component16 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_06_f.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:00 Strange convex component19 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_06_f.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:00 Strange convex component13 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_06_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:00 Strange convex component16 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_06_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:00 Strange convex component19 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_06_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:00 Strange convex component13 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_06_f.p3d:geometryView
16:06:00 Strange convex component16 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_06_f.p3d:geometryView
16:06:00 Strange convex component19 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_06_f.p3d:geometryView
16:06:00 Strange convex component07 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_04_f.p3d:geometry
16:06:00 Strange convex component10 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_04_f.p3d:geometry
16:06:00 Strange convex component13 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_04_f.p3d:geometry
16:06:00 Strange convex component07 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_04_f.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:00 Strange convex component10 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_04_f.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:00 Strange convex component13 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_04_f.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:00 Strange convex component07 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_04_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:00 Strange convex component10 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_04_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:00 Strange convex component13 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_04_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:00 Strange convex component07 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_04_f.p3d:geometryView
16:06:00 Strange convex component10 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_04_f.p3d:geometryView
16:06:00 Strange convex component13 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\market_ded_market_04_f.p3d:geometryView
16:06:00 Warnings in e76_roads\bridge1\e76_bridge1_asf1_pylon.p3d:shadow(1000)
16:06:00 Error: selection Ladder_1_end missing in memory LOD of model mm_buildings\prison\gatea\gatedoora.p3d
16:06:00 Error: selection Ladder_2_end missing in memory LOD of model mm_buildings\prison\gatea\gatedoora.p3d
16:06:00 mm_buildings\prison\gaol_gate.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:06:00 mm_buildings\prison\prison_misc.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:06:00 mm_buildings\prison\prison_misc.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 Error: selection Ladder_1_end missing in memory LOD of model mm_buildings\prison\gateb\gateb.p3d
16:06:00 Error: selection Ladder_2_end missing in memory LOD of model mm_buildings\prison\gateb\gateb.p3d
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_f.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_f.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_f.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_f.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_f.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_f.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_f.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_f.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_f.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_f.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_f.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_f.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_f.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 a3\structures_f\training\target_popup_moving_90deg_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:00 Strange convex component290 in mm_buildings\prison\proxy\mainsection.p3d:geometry
16:06:00 Strange convex component382 in mm_buildings\prison\proxy\mainsection.p3d:geometry
16:06:00 Strange convex component383 in mm_buildings\prison\proxy\mainsection.p3d:geometry
16:06:00 Strange convex component291 in mm_buildings\prison\proxy\mainsection.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:00 Strange convex component384 in mm_buildings\prison\proxy\mainsection.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:00 mm_buildings\prison\proxy\misc3.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 Strange convex component36 in mm_buildings\prison\proxy\roof.p3d:geometry
16:06:00 mm_buildings\prison\proxy\roof.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 mm_buildings\prison\proxy\rooftop.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 mm_buildings\prison\proxy\security.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 mm_buildings\prison\proxy\carparkheli.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 mm_buildings\prison\proxy\misc3.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 mm_buildings\prison\proxy\roof.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 mm_buildings\prison\proxy\rooftop.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 mm_buildings\prison\proxy\security.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 mm_buildings\prison\proxy\exercisefence.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 mm_buildings\prison\proxy\carparkfence.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
16:06:00 Error: selection end missing in memory LOD of model sfp_objects\houses\cowhouse\sfp_cow_house_3.p3d
16:06:00 Error: selection end missing in memory LOD of model sfp_objects\houses\cowhouse\sfp_cow_house_3_3.p3d
16:06:00 Strange convex component317 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry
16:06:00 Strange convex component318 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry
16:06:00 Strange convex component319 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometry
16:06:00 Strange convex component317 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometryView
16:06:00 Strange convex component318 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometryView
16:06:00 Strange convex component319 in a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntrock_wallv.p3d:geometryView
16:06:01 mm_residential2\proxy\roofroof.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:01 mm_residential2\proxy\roofroof.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:01 Strange convex component31 in sfp_objects\houses\shop01\sfp_shop01.p3d:geometry
16:06:01 Strange convex component32 in sfp_objects\houses\shop01\sfp_shop01.p3d:geometry
16:06:01 Strange convex component38 in sfp_objects\houses\shop01\sfp_shop01.p3d:geometry
16:06:01 Strange convex component39 in sfp_objects\houses\shop01\sfp_shop01.p3d:geometry
16:06:01 a3\structures_f\training\target_rail_end_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:01 a3\structures_f\training\target_rail_end_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:01 a3\structures_f\training\target_rail_end_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:01 a3\structures_f\training\target_rail_end_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:01 a3\structures_f\training\target_rail_end_f.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:01 Strange convex component04 in a3\structures_f\ind\transmitter_tower\ttowerbig_2_ruins_f.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:01 Strange convex component24 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small02\i_house_small_02_v3_dam_f.p3d:geometryView
16:06:01 Strange convex component49 in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\playground\slidecastle_ruins_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:01 Strange convex component50 in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\playground\slidecastle_ruins_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:01 Strange convex component51 in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\playground\slidecastle_ruins_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:01 Strange convex component52 in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\playground\slidecastle_ruins_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:01 Strange convex component53 in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\playground\slidecastle_ruins_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:01 Strange convex component54 in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\playground\slidecastle_ruins_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:01 Strange convex component55 in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\playground\slidecastle_ruins_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:01 Strange convex component57 in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\playground\slidecastle_ruins_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:01 Strange convex component68 in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\playground\slidecastle_ruins_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:01 Strange convex component69 in a3\structures_f_epb\civ\playground\slidecastle_ruins_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:01 Strange convex component202 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small01\d_house_small_01_v1_f.p3d:geometryView
16:06:01 Strange convex component203 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small01\d_house_small_01_v1_f.p3d:geometryView
16:06:01 Strange convex component57 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small03\i_house_small_03_v1_dam_f.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:01 Strange convex component285 in a3\structures_f\ind\dieselpowerplant\dp_bigtank_ruins_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:01 Strange convex component172 in a3\structures_f\ind\dieselpowerplant\dp_bigtank_ruins_f.p3d:geometryView
16:06:01 Warning Message: Animation source Door_1_source not found in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/land_sfp_gate/
16:06:02 plp_rmairport\plants\plp_rmair_plants_fern_big.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:06:02 plp_rmairport\rmair_07_atriumrb_glass.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:06:02 plp_rmairport\rmair_06_atriumrf_glass.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:06:02 plp_rmairport\rmair_04_atriumlf.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:02 Warn: Shape '???' contains water texture however it does not carry a property "class=pond". Consider creating one to speed up the detection!
16:06:02 plp_rmairport\rmair_03_atriummb_glass.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:06:02 plp_rmairport\rmair_05_atriumlb_glass.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:06:02 Bad simulation shipx, type Land_BuoyBig_F (class=vehicle), a3\structures_f\naval\buoys\buoybig_f.p3d
16:06:02 Bad simulation shipx, type Land_BuoyBig_F (class=vehicle), a3\structures_f\naval\buoys\buoybig_f.p3d
16:06:02 Bad simulation shipx, type Land_BuoyBig_F (class=vehicle), a3\structures_f\naval\buoys\buoybig_f.p3d
16:06:02 String STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR_DEFAULT not found
16:06:02 String STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR_DEFAULT not found
16:06:02 String STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR_DEFAULT not found
16:06:02 String STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR_DEFAULT not found
16:06:02 String STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR_DEFAULT not found
16:06:02 String STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR_DEFAULT not found
16:06:02 String STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR_DEFAULT not found
16:06:02 String STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR_DEFAULT not found
16:06:02 String STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR_DEFAULT not found
16:06:02 String STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR_DEFAULT not found
16:06:02 String STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR_DEFAULT not found
16:06:02 String STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR_DEFAULT not found
16:06:02 String STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR_DEFAULT not found
16:06:02 String STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR_DEFAULT not found
16:06:02 String STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR_DEFAULT not found
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 Placement slopelandcontact failed on model sfp_objects\misc\walls\sfp_brickwall_white.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it.
16:06:02 mbg_islandobject\mbg_hangar1.p3d: house, config class missing
16:06:02 Strange convex component19 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\home6b_ded_home6b_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:02 Strange convex component20 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\home6b_ded_home6b_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:02 Strange convex component22 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\home6b_ded_home6b_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:02 Strange convex component23 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\home6b_ded_home6b_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:02 Strange convex component24 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\home6b_ded_home6b_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:02 Strange convex component25 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\home6b_ded_home6b_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:02 Strange convex component27 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\home6b_ded_home6b_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:02 Strange convex component28 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\home6b_ded_home6b_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:02 Strange convex component29 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\home6b_ded_home6b_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:02 Strange convex component30 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\home6b_ded_home6b_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:02 Strange convex component33 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\home6b_ded_home6b_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:02 Strange convex component34 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\home6b_ded_home6b_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:02 Strange convex component35 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\home6b_ded_home6b_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:02 Strange convex component36 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\home6b_ded_home6b_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:02 Strange convex component37 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\home6b_ded_home6b_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:02 Strange convex component38 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\home6b_ded_home6b_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:02 Strange convex component39 in catalinaobjects\ded_simple_01\home6b_ded_home6b_01_f.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:02 Error: selection end missing in memory LOD of model sfp_objects\houses\wooden_house01\sfp_wooden_house01_brick.p3d
16:06:02 Error: selection end missing in memory LOD of model sfp_objects\houses\wooden_house01\sfp_wooden_house01.p3d
16:06:02 Error: selection end missing in memory LOD of model sfp_objects\houses\cowhouse\sfp_cow_house_3_2.p3d
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 006003 (632.5,3419.6)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 006003 (631.4,3423.2)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 006003 (631.7,3452.2)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 006004 (632.7,3487.6)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 006004 (633.9,3491.8)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 006003 (640.3,3409.6)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 006004 (639.9,3501.8)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 006004 (643.3,3504.5)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 006004 (655.1,3507.7)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 006001 (699.6,3223.3)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 006001 (697.2,3259.6)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 006003 (671.6,3391.0)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 007004 (703.6,3495.4)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 007002 (734.3,3298.9)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 007002 (769.0,3308.3)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 007002 (769.3,3333.2)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 007003 (779.3,3388.6)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 007004 (779.3,3507.1)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 008001 (800.2,3209.0)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 008001 (830.5,3190.6)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 008002 (801.5,3314.6)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 008003 (814.0,3468.7)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 008004 (814.3,3493.4)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 008001 (838.5,3173.4)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 008001 (832.4,3240.0)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 008002 (833.7,3289.9)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 008002 (834.5,3314.7)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 008002 (833.7,3289.7)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 008002 (834.5,3314.7)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 008002 (835.1,3339.5)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 008003 (849.8,3458.7)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 008010 (896.6,4098.1)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 009008 (947.5,3879.1)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 009008 (930.5,3952.2)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 009007 (970.2,3781.7)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 009019 (964.8,5004.4)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 009005 (998.5,3660.0)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 009006 (992.9,3684.3)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 010004 (1042.1,3504.2)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 010004 (1025.4,3544.8)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 010020 (1023.6,5110.7)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 010020 (1026.1,5099.0)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 010004 (1072.3,3528.4)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 010004 (1071.2,3525.0)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 010004 (1069.9,3557.4)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 010006 (1055.9,3689.6)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 010014 (1082.0,4545.8)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 010020 (1089.5,5100.7)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 011016 (1150.5,4679.2)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 011016 (1184.8,4746.0)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 012017 (1251.3,4852.9)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 012018 (1270.7,4899.9)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 012018 (1269.1,4934.2)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 012018 (1260.8,4970.8)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 012019 (1249.7,5019.5)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 024978 (2495.7,927.4)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 028976 (2879.2,719.0)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 029976 (2902.9,711.7)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 029975 (2914.9,659.8)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 031977 (3187.7,843.7)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 037999 (3703.6,3048.0)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 037999 (3703.6,3048.0)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 037000 (3708.2,3072.6)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 037000 (3708.2,3072.4)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 037000 (3708.2,3072.4)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 038018 (3883.7,4948.4)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 049013 (4956.1,4418.0)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 049013 (4956.1,4418.0)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 049013 (4956.1,4418.0)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 049013 (4956.1,4418.0)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 049013 (4959.2,4441.8)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 049013 (4956.1,4418.0)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 049013 (4959.2,4441.8)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 049013 (4959.2,4441.8)
16:06:02 No more slot to add connection at 068994 (6874.2,2556.8)
16:06:03 [InitSoundMap] begin
16:06:04 [InitSoundMap] end
16:06:30 Double id 0 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 2 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 3 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 4 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 5 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 6 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 7 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 8 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 9 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 10 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 11 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 12 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 13 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 14 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 15 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 16 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 17 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 18 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 19 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 20 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 21 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 22 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 23 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 24 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 25 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 26 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 27 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 28 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 29 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 30 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 31 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 32 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 33 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 34 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 35 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 36 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 37 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 38 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 39 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 40 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 41 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 42 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 43 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 44 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 45 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 46 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 47 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 48 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 49 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 50 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 51 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 52 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 53 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 54 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 55 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 56 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 57 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 58 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 59 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 60 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 61 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 62 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 63 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 64 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 65 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 66 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 67 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 68 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 69 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 70 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 71 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 72 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 73 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 74 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 75 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 76 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 77 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 78 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 79 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 80 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 81 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 82 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 83 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 84 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 85 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 86 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 87 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 88 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 89 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 90 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 91 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 92 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 93 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 94 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 95 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 96 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 97 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 98 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 99 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 100 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 101 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 102 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 103 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 104 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 105 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 106 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 109 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 110 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 111 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 112 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 113 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 114 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 115 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 116 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 117 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 118 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 119 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 120 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 121 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 122 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 123 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 124 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 125 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 126 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 127 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 128 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 129 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 130 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 131 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 132 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 133 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 134 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 135 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 136 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 137 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 138 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 139 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 140 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 141 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 142 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 143 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 144 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 145 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 146 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 147 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 148 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 149 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 150 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 151 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 152 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 153 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 154 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 155 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 156 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 157 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 158 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 159 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 160 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 161 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 162 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 163 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 164 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 165 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 166 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 169 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 170 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 171 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 172 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 173 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 174 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 175 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 176 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 177 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 178 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 179 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 180 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 181 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 182 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 183 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 184 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 185 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 186 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 187 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 188 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 189 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 190 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 191 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 192 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 193 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 194 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 195 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 196 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 197 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 198 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 199 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 200 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 201 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 202 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 203 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 204 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 205 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 206 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 209 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 210 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 211 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 212 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 213 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 214 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 215 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 216 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 217 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 218 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 219 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 220 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 221 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 222 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 223 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 224 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 225 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 226 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 227 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 228 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 229 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 230 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 231 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 232 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 233 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 234 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 235 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 236 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 237 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 238 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 239 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 240 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 241 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 242 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 243 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 244 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 245 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 246 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 247 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 248 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 249 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 250 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 251 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 252 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 253 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 254 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 255 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 256 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 257 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 258 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 259 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 260 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 261 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 262 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 263 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 264 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 265 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 266 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 268 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 269 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 270 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 271 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 272 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 273 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 274 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 275 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 276 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 277 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 278 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 279 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 280 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 281 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 282 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 283 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 284 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 285 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 286 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 287 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 288 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 289 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 290 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 291 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 292 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 293 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 294 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 295 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 296 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 298 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 299 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 300 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 301 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 302 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 303 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 304 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 305 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 306 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 307 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 308 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 309 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 310 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 311 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 312 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 313 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 314 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 315 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 316 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 317 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 318 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 319 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 320 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 321 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 322 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 323 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 324 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 325 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 326 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 327 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 328 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 329 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 330 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 331 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 332 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 333 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 334 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 335 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 336 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 337 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 338 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 339 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 340 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 341 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 342 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 343 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 344 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 345 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 346 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 347 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 348 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 349 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 350 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 351 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 352 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 353 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 354 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 355 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 356 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 357 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 358 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 359 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 360 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 361 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 362 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 363 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 364 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 365 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 366 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 367 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 368 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 369 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 370 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 371 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 372 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 373 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 374 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 375 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 376 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 377 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 378 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 379 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 380 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 381 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 382 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 383 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 384 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 385 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 386 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 387 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 388 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 389 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 390 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 391 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 392 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 393 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 394 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 395 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 396 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 397 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 398 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 399 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 400 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 401 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 402 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 403 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 404 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 405 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 406 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 407 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 408 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 409 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 410 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 411 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 412 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 413 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 414 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 415 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 416 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 417 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 418 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 419 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 424 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 426 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 428 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 429 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 430 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 431 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 432 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 433 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 434 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 439 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 440 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 441 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 442 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 443 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 444 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 445 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 446 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 447 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 448 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 449 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 450 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 451 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 452 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 453 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 454 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 455 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 457 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 458 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 459 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 460 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 461 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 462 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 463 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 464 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 465 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 466 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 467 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 468 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 469 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 470 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 471 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 472 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 473 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 474 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 475 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 476 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 477 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 478 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 479 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 480 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 481 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 482 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 483 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 484 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 485 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 486 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 487 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 488 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 489 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 490 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 491 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 492 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 493 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 494 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 495 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 496 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 499 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 501 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 502 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 503 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 504 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 507 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 508 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 509 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 510 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 511 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 512 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 513 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 514 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 515 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 517 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 518 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 519 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 520 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 521 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 522 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 523 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 524 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 525 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 526 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 527 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 528 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 529 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 530 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 531 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 532 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 533 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 534 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 535 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 536 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 537 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 538 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 539 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 540 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 541 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 542 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 543 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 544 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 545 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 546 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 547 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 548 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 549 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 550 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 551 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 552 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 553 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 554 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 555 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 556 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 557 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 558 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 559 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 560 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 561 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 562 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 563 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 564 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 565 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 566 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 567 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 568 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 569 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 570 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 571 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 572 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 573 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 574 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 575 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 576 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 577 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 578 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 579 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 580 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 581 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 582 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 583 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 584 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 585 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 586 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 587 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 588 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 589 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 590 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 591 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 592 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 593 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 594 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 595 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 596 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 597 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 598 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 599 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 600 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 601 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 602 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 603 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 605 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 606 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 607 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 608 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 609 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 610 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 611 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 612 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 613 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 614 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 615 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 616 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 617 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 618 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 619 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 620 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 621 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 622 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 623 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 624 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 625 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 626 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 627 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 628 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 629 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 630 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 631 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 632 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 633 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 634 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 635 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 636 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 637 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 638 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 639 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 640 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 641 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 642 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 643 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 644 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 645 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 646 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 647 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 675 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 680 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 699 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 700 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 768 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 907 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 909 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 910 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 911 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 912 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 914 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 922 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 924 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 927 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 930 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 978 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 999 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1000 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 1011 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 1030 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 1100 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1101 detected (1x)
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16:06:30 Double id 1114 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1115 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1116 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1117 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1118 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1119 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1120 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1121 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1122 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1123 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1124 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1125 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1126 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1127 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1128 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1129 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1130 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1131 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1132 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1133 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1134 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1135 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1136 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1137 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1138 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1139 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1140 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1141 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1142 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1143 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1144 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1145 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1146 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1147 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1148 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1149 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1150 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1151 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1152 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1153 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1154 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1155 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1156 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1157 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1158 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1159 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1160 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1161 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1162 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1163 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1164 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1165 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1166 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1167 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1168 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1169 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1170 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1171 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1172 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1173 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1174 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1175 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1176 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1177 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1178 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1179 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1180 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1181 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1182 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1183 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1184 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1185 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1186 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1187 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1188 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1189 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1190 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1191 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1192 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1193 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1194 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1195 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1196 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1197 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1198 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1199 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1200 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1201 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1202 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1203 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1204 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1205 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1206 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1207 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1208 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1209 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1210 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1211 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1212 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1213 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1214 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1215 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1216 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1217 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1218 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1219 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1220 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1221 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1222 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1223 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1224 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1225 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1226 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1227 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1228 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1229 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1230 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1231 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1232 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1233 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1234 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1235 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1236 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1237 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1238 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1239 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1240 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1241 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1242 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1243 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1244 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1245 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1246 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1247 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1248 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1249 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1250 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1251 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1252 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1253 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1254 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1255 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1256 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1257 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1258 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1259 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1260 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1261 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1262 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1263 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1264 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1265 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1266 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1267 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1268 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1269 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1270 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1271 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1272 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1273 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1274 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1275 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1276 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1277 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1278 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1279 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1280 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1281 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1282 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1283 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1284 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1285 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1286 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1287 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1288 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1289 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1290 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1291 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1292 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1293 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1294 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1295 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1296 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1297 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1298 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1299 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1300 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1301 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1302 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1303 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1304 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1305 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1306 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1307 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1308 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1309 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1310 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1311 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1312 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1313 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1314 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1315 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1316 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1317 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1318 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1319 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1320 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1321 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1322 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1323 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1324 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1325 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1326 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1327 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1328 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1329 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1330 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1331 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1332 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1333 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1334 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1335 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1336 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1337 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1338 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1339 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1340 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1341 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1342 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1343 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1344 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1345 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1346 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1347 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1348 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1349 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1350 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1351 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1352 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1353 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1354 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1355 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1356 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1357 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1358 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1359 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1360 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1361 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1362 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1363 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1364 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1365 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1366 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1367 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1368 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1369 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1370 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1371 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1372 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1373 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1374 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1375 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1376 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1377 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1378 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1379 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1380 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1381 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1382 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1383 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1384 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1385 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1386 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1387 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1388 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1389 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1390 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1391 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1392 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1393 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1394 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1395 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1396 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1397 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1398 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1399 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1400 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1401 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1402 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1403 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1404 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1405 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1406 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Double id 1407 detected (1x)
16:06:30 Error in expression <["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_i],1,true];
16:06:30   Error position: <};
16:06:30   Error Missing {
16:06:30 File core\housing\fn_buyHouse.sqf [life_fnc_buyHouse]..., line 120
16:06:30 Error in expression <["bis_disabled_Door_%1",_i],1,true];
16:06:30   Error position: <};
16:06:30   Error Missing {
16:06:30 File core\housing\fn_buyHouse.sqf [life_fnc_buyHouse]..., line 120
16:06:31 "---------------------------------------------------------------------"
16:06:31 "---------------------------------------------------------------------"
16:06:31 CallExtension loaded: extDB3 (C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@extDB3\extDB3_x64.dll) [] []

16:06:31 "extDB3 Loaded"
16:06:31 "---------------------------------------------------------------------"
16:06:31 "---------------------------------------------------------------------"
16:06:31 CallExtension loaded: theprogrammer_core (C:\Users\cedri\Desktop\serv arma\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@The_Programmer\theprogrammer_core_x64.dll) [The-Programmer Core extension]

16:06:31 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
16:06:31 "---------------------------------------- The Programmer Core ---------------------------------------"
16:06:31 "---------------------------------------- Core Version : 3.0 ----------------------------------------"
16:06:31 "---------------------------------------- DDL Version : 2.0.0 ---------------------------------------"
16:06:31 "---------------------------- Server Name : papy test ----------------------------"
16:06:31 "------------------------ Loading your products from -------------------------"
16:06:31 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading The-Programmer Core v3.0 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Licenses Plates v3.1 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Technical Inspection v3.0 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Billing System v3.0 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Points License v3.0 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Whitelist Menu v3.0 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Impound Menu v3.1 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Advanced GPS v2.1 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Key Transfer v3.0 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Drug and screen effect v2.1 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Interpol v2.0 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Companies System v3.0 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Iphone X v3.0 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Advanced Identity v3.2 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Fuel Stations v2.2 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Restrain System v3.1 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] A new update for Dispatch System is available (latest : v3.1, current : v3.0)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Advanced Phone Simple Buy v3.1 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Duty System v3.0 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Dynamic Market v1.2 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Advanced Insure v1.0 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "[The Programmer] Loading Credit System v1.0 (lastest)"
16:06:31 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
16:06:31 "--------------------------------------- The Programmer Core ----------------------------------------"
16:06:31 "---------------------------------- SUCCESS ! 22 product(s) loaded ----------------------------------"
16:06:31 "--------------------------------------- End loading products ---------------------------------------"
16:06:31 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
16:06:31 [CBA] (xeh) INFO: [28,53.86,0] PreInit started. v3.15.2.201119
16:06:31 [CBA] (xeh) WARNING: One or more children of class CAManBase do not support Extended Event Handlers. Fall back to loop.
16:06:31 [CBA] (settings) INFO: Reading settings from settings file.
16:06:31 [CBA] (settings) INFO: Finished reading settings from settings file.
16:06:31 [CBA] (xeh) INFO: [28,53.977,0] PreInit finished.
16:06:32 Strange convex component10 in dtc_moto\dtc_1200rt\civil\dtc_1200rt.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component10 in dtc_moto\dtc_1200rt\civil\dtc_1200rt.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 V_DTC_1200RT: special_tony - unknown animation source special_tony
16:06:32 V_DTC_1200RT: inventaire_1 - unknown animation source inventaire_1
16:06:32 V_DTC_1200RT: clignotantsgauchestart - unknown animation source clignotantsgauche
16:06:32 V_DTC_1200RT: clignotantsdroitstart - unknown animation source clignotantsdroit
16:06:32 V_DTC_1200RT: lampg1 - unknown animation source gyro1
16:06:32 V_DTC_1200RT: lampg2 - unknown animation source gyro1
16:06:32 V_DTC_1200RT: lampg3 - unknown animation source gyro1
16:06:32 V_DTC_1200RT: glass1_destruct - unknown animation source hitglass1
16:06:32 V_DTC_1200RT: wheel_1_2_destruct - unknown animation source hitlf2wheel
16:06:32 V_DTC_1200RT: wheel_2_2_destruct - unknown animation source hitrf2wheel
16:06:32 V_DTC_1200RT: wheel_1_2_destruct_unhide - unknown animation source hitlf2wheel
16:06:32 V_DTC_1200RT: wheel_2_2_destruct_unhide - unknown animation source hitrf2wheel
16:06:32 V_DTC_1200RT: wheel_1_2_damage - unknown animation source hitlf2wheel
16:06:32 V_DTC_1200RT: wheel_2_2_damage - unknown animation source hitrf2wheel
16:06:32 V_DTC_1200RT: wheel_1_2_damper_damage_backanim - unknown animation source hitlf2wheel
16:06:32 V_DTC_1200RT: wheel_2_2_damper_damage_backanim - unknown animation source hitrf2wheel
16:06:32 Render target memory points PIP2_pos & PIP2_dir not found.
16:06:32 DTC_depanneur_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'entree_1_axis' for 'entree_1'
16:06:32 DTC_depanneur_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'entree_2_axis' for 'entree_2'
16:06:32 DTC_depanneur_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'secure_armurerie_axis' for 'secure_armurerie'
16:06:32 DTC_depanneur_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'porte_blindee_1_axis' for 'porte_blindee_1'
16:06:32 Strange convex component36 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component38 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component204 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component205 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component206 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component207 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component208 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component209 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component210 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component211 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component212 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component213 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component214 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component215 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component216 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component217 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component218 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component219 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component224 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component225 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component226 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component227 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component228 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component229 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component230 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component231 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component236 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component237 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component238 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component239 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component240 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component241 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component242 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component243 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component256 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component257 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component258 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component259 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component260 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component261 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component262 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component263 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component264 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component265 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component266 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component267 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component268 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component269 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component270 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component271 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component272 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component273 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component274 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component275 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component276 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component277 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component278 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component279 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component292 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component293 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component294 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component295 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component296 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component297 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component298 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component299 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component300 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component301 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component302 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component303 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component304 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component305 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component306 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component307 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component308 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component309 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component310 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component311 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component312 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component313 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component314 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component315 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component36 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component38 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component204 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component205 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component206 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component207 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component208 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component209 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component210 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component211 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component212 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component213 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component214 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component215 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component216 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component217 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component218 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component219 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component224 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component225 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component226 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component227 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component228 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component229 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component230 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component231 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component236 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component237 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component238 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component239 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component240 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component241 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component242 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component243 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component256 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component257 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component258 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component259 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component260 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component261 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component262 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component263 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component264 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component265 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component266 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component267 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component268 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component269 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component270 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component271 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component272 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component273 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component274 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component275 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component276 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component277 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component278 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component279 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component292 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component293 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component294 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component295 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component296 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component297 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component298 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component299 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component300 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component301 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component302 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component303 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component304 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component305 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component306 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component307 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component308 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component309 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component310 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component311 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component312 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component313 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component314 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component315 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component36 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component38 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component204 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component205 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component206 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component207 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component208 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component209 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component210 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component211 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component212 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component213 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component214 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component215 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component216 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component217 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component218 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component219 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component224 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component225 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component226 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component227 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component228 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component229 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component230 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component231 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component236 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component237 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component238 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component239 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component240 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component241 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component242 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component243 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component256 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component257 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component258 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component259 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component260 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component261 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component262 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component263 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component264 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component265 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component266 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component267 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component268 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component269 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component270 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component271 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component272 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component273 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component274 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component275 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component276 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component277 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component278 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component279 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component292 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component293 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component294 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component295 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component296 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component297 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component298 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component299 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component300 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component301 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component302 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component303 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component304 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component305 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component306 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component307 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component308 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component309 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component310 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component311 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component312 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component313 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component314 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component315 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component36 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component38 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component204 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component205 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component206 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component207 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component208 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component209 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component210 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component211 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component212 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component213 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component214 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component215 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component216 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component217 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component218 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component219 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component224 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component225 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component226 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component227 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component228 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component229 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component230 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component231 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component236 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component237 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component238 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component239 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component240 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component241 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component242 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component243 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component256 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component257 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component258 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component259 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component260 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component261 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component262 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component263 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component264 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component265 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component266 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component267 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component268 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component269 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component270 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component271 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component272 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component273 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component274 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component275 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component276 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component277 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component278 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component279 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component292 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component293 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component294 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component295 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component296 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component297 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component298 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component299 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component300 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component301 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component302 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component303 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component304 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component305 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component306 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component307 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component308 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component309 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component310 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component311 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component312 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component313 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component314 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Strange convex component315 in dtc_batiments\dtc_depanneur\dtc_depanneur.p3d:geometryView
16:06:32 Land_DTC_depanneur: glass_1_hide - unknown animation source glass_1_source
16:06:32 Land_DTC_depanneur: glass_1_unhide - unknown animation source glass_1_source
16:06:32 Land_DTC_depanneur: glass_2_hide - unknown animation source glass_2_source
16:06:32 Land_DTC_depanneur: glass_2_unhide - unknown animation source glass_2_source
16:06:32 Land_DTC_depanneur: glass_3_hide - unknown animation source glass_3_source
16:06:32 Land_DTC_depanneur: glass_3_unhide - unknown animation source glass_3_source
16:06:32 Land_DTC_depanneur: glass_4_hide - unknown animation source glass_4_source
16:06:32 Land_DTC_depanneur: glass_4_unhide - unknown animation source glass_4_source
16:06:32 Land_DTC_depanneur: glass_5_hide - unknown animation source glass_5_source
16:06:32 Land_DTC_depanneur: glass_5_unhide - unknown animation source glass_5_source
16:06:32 Land_DTC_depanneur: glass_6_hide - unknown animation source glass_6_source
16:06:32 Land_DTC_depanneur: glass_6_unhide - unknown animation source glass_6_source
16:06:32 Land_DTC_depanneur: glass_7_hide - unknown animation source glass_7_source
16:06:32 Land_DTC_depanneur: glass_7_unhide - unknown animation source glass_7_source
16:06:32 Land_DTC_depanneur: glass_8_hide - unknown animation source glass_8_source
16:06:32 Land_DTC_depanneur: glass_8_unhide - unknown animation source glass_8_source
16:06:32 Warning: Unsupported UVSet 2
16:06:32 Warning: Unsupported UVSet 2
16:06:32 Warning: special LOD contains 2nd UV set.
16:06:32 Warning: Unsupported UVSet 2
16:06:32 Warnings in a3df_creditagricole\creditagricole.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Warning: Unsupported UVSet 2
16:06:32 Warning: Unsupported UVSet 2
16:06:32 Warning: special LOD contains 2nd UV set.
16:06:32 Warning: Unsupported UVSet 2
16:06:32 Warnings in a3df_creditagricole\creditagricole.p3d:roadway
16:06:32 Strange convex component60 in a3df_creditagricole\creditagricole.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component61 in a3df_creditagricole\creditagricole.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component118 in german_industries_adac\fahrrampen\fahrrampen.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component124 in german_industries_adac\fahrrampen\fahrrampen.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component127 in german_industries_adac\fahrrampen\fahrrampen.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component133 in german_industries_adac\fahrrampen\fahrrampen.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component210 in german_industries_adac\fahrrampen\fahrrampen.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component216 in german_industries_adac\fahrrampen\fahrrampen.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component219 in german_industries_adac\fahrrampen\fahrrampen.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component225 in german_industries_adac\fahrrampen\fahrrampen.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 barriere_parking: porte1 - unknown animation source doors
16:06:32 Error: selection end1 missing in memory LOD of model slb2k11_items\schilder\type2\barrierelicht.p3d
16:06:32 Render target memory points PIP3_pos & PIP3_dir not found.
16:06:32 Strange convex component09 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component14 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component69 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component70 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component71 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component74 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component75 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component82 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component83 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometry
16:06:32 Strange convex component09 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component14 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component69 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component70 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component71 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component74 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component75 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component82 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component83 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometryPhys
16:06:32 Strange convex component15 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component59 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component69 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component70 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 Strange convex component71 in bazorka_conces\bazorka_conces.p3d:geometryFire
16:06:32 a3\weapons_f\binocular\nvg_proxy.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:06:32 jd_client\clothing\jd_tie.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:06:32 Connected to Steam servers
16:06:32 Error: Object(2 : 982) not found
16:06:32 Error: Object(2 : 984) not found
16:06:32 Error: Object(2 : 986) not found
16:06:32 Error: Object(2 : 988) not found
16:06:32 Error: Object(2 : 990) not found
16:06:32 Error: Object(2 : 994) not found
16:06:32 Error: Object(2 : 997) not found
16:06:32 Error: Object(2 : 1000) not found
16:06:32 Error: Object(2 : 1003) not found
16:06:32 c:\bis\source\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!
16:06:32  Mission id: 0664921b89dc5cb737eec9c210bc04e97cc9d8f7
16:06:32 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_storeparamsvalues_data
16:06:35 "extDB3: Connected to Database"
16:06:35 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
16:06:35 "---------------------------------- Starting Altis Life Server Init ---------------------------------"
16:06:35 "------------------------------------------ Version 5.0.0 -------------------------------------------"
16:06:35 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
16:06:35 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
16:06:35 "               End of Altis Life Server Init :: Total Execution Time 0.00500107 seconds "
16:06:35 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
16:06:35 Error in expression <query,1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;

master_group attachTo[bank_obj,[0,0,0]];>
16:06:35   Error position: <master_group attachTo[bank_obj,[0,0,0]];>
16:06:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: master_group
16:06:35 File life_server\init.sqf..., line 89
16:06:35 [CBA] (xeh) INFO: [149,57.688,2.671] PostInit started. MISSIONINIT: missionName=klf, missionVersion=53, worldName=kelleysisland, isMultiplayer=true, isServer=true, isDedicated=true, CBA_isHeadlessClient=false, hasInterface=false, didJIP=false
16:06:35 [CBA] (versioning) INFO: [149,57.689,2.671] VERSIONING:cba=
16:06:35 [CBA] (xeh) INFO: [149,57.69,2.671] PostInit finished.
16:06:35 "[FUEL STATIONS] Success loaded 113 fuel pumps"
16:07:03 BEServer: registering a new player #430156555
16:08:46 jd_client\clothing\jd_pipe.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape
16:08:47 Scripting function 'bis_fnc_execvm' is not allowed to be remotely executed
16:08:48 Scripting function 'test' is not allowed to be remotely executed
16:08:48 Warning Message: Cannot load material file tryk_unit\data\hd\baker.rvmat.
16:08:48 Cannot load material file tryk_unit\data\hd\baker.rvmat
16:08:52 "--- [The Programmer Logs] Player connection : Claude Breton (player-id : 76561198040455555) ---"
16:09:28 Loading movesType CfgMovesCock_F
16:09:28 Reading cached action map data
16:09:28 Loading movesType CfgMovesHen_F
16:09:28 Reading cached action map data
16:09:28 Loading movesType CfgMovesGoat_F
16:09:28 Reading cached action map data
16:09:28 Loading movesType CfgMovesSheep_F
16:09:28 Reading cached action map data
16:09:28 Error: Object(4 : 7) not found
16:09:29 Error: Object(4 : 9) not found
16:09:31 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Selection 1c not found
16:09:31 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Selection 2c not found
16:09:31 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Selection 3c not found
16:09:31 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Selection 4c not found
16:09:31 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Selection 5c not found
16:09:31 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Selection 6c not found
16:09:31 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Selection 7c not found
16:09:31 Wrong vertex mapping for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Selection 8c not found
16:09:31 Wrong geometry convex component mapping  for person collision geometry found in a3\characters_f\civil\c_nikos.p3d. Convex component number 3. not found
16:09:31 Error: Object(4 : 17) not found
16:09:32 Error: Object(4 : 18) not found
16:10:27 Client: Remote object 4:0 not found
16:10:29 Warning: Cleanup player - person 2:1358 not found
16:10:33 Scripting function 'bis_fnc_execvm' is not allowed to be remotely executed
16:10:33 Scripting function 'test' is not allowed to be remotely executed
16:10:34 Error: Object(4 : 25) not found
16:10:34 Error: Object(4 : 26) not found
16:10:36 "--- [The Programmer Logs] Player connection : Claude Breton (player-id : 76561198040455555) ---"
16:11:39 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
16:16:41 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
16:21:43 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
16:26:45 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
16:31:48 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
16:36:35 Error in expression <step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_funds = fed_bank getVariable ["safe",0];
16:36:35   Error position: <fed_bank getVariable ["safe",0];
16:36:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: fed_bank
16:36:35 File \life_server\Functions\Systems\fn_federalUpdate.sqf [TON_fnc_federalUpdate]..., line 11
16:36:35 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
16:36:35   Error position: <_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
16:36:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
16:36:35 File life_server\init.sqf..., line 169
16:36:35 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
16:36:35   Error position: <_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
16:36:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
16:36:35 File life_server\init.sqf..., line 169
16:36:35 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
16:36:35   Error position: <_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
16:36:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
16:36:35 File life_server\init.sqf..., line 169
16:36:35 Error in expression <ariable ["sellers",[],true];
} forEach [Dealer_1,Dealer_2,Dealer_3];

[] s>
16:36:35   Error position: <Dealer_1,Dealer_2,Dealer_3];

[] s>
16:36:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: dealer_1
16:36:35 File life_server\init.sqf..., line 170
16:36:50 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
16:41:52 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
16:46:55 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
16:51:57 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
16:56:59 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
17:02:02 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
17:06:35 Error in expression <step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_funds = fed_bank getVariable ["safe",0];
17:06:35   Error position: <fed_bank getVariable ["safe",0];
17:06:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: fed_bank
17:06:35 File \life_server\Functions\Systems\fn_federalUpdate.sqf [TON_fnc_federalUpdate]..., line 11
17:06:35 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
17:06:35   Error position: <_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
17:06:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
17:06:35 File life_server\init.sqf..., line 169
17:06:35 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
17:06:35   Error position: <_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
17:06:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
17:06:35 File life_server\init.sqf..., line 169
17:06:35 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
17:06:35   Error position: <_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
17:06:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
17:06:35 File life_server\init.sqf..., line 169
17:06:35 Error in expression <ariable ["sellers",[],true];
} forEach [Dealer_1,Dealer_2,Dealer_3];

[] s>
17:06:35   Error position: <Dealer_1,Dealer_2,Dealer_3];

[] s>
17:06:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: dealer_1
17:06:35 File life_server\init.sqf..., line 170
17:07:04 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
17:12:07 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
17:17:09 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
17:22:11 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
17:27:13 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
17:32:16 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
17:36:35 Error in expression <step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_funds = fed_bank getVariable ["safe",0];
17:36:35   Error position: <fed_bank getVariable ["safe",0];
17:36:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: fed_bank
17:36:35 File \life_server\Functions\Systems\fn_federalUpdate.sqf [TON_fnc_federalUpdate]..., line 11
17:36:35 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
17:36:35   Error position: <_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
17:36:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
17:36:35 File life_server\init.sqf..., line 169
17:36:35 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
17:36:35   Error position: <_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
17:36:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
17:36:35 File life_server\init.sqf..., line 169
17:36:35 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
17:36:35   Error position: <_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
17:36:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
17:36:35 File life_server\init.sqf..., line 169
17:36:35 Error in expression <ariable ["sellers",[],true];
} forEach [Dealer_1,Dealer_2,Dealer_3];

[] s>
17:36:35   Error position: <Dealer_1,Dealer_2,Dealer_3];

[] s>
17:36:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: dealer_1
17:36:35 File life_server\init.sqf..., line 170
17:37:18 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
17:42:21 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
17:47:23 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
17:52:26 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
17:57:28 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
18:02:30 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
18:06:35 Error in expression <step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_funds = fed_bank getVariable ["safe",0];
18:06:35   Error position: <fed_bank getVariable ["safe",0];
18:06:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: fed_bank
18:06:35 File \life_server\Functions\Systems\fn_federalUpdate.sqf [TON_fnc_federalUpdate]..., line 11
18:06:35 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
18:06:35   Error position: <_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
18:06:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
18:06:35 File life_server\init.sqf..., line 169
18:06:35 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
18:06:35   Error position: <_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
18:06:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
18:06:35 File life_server\init.sqf..., line 169
18:06:35 Error in expression <0 to 1 step 0 do {
uiSleep (30 * 60);
_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
18:06:35   Error position: <_x setVariable ["sellers",[],true];
} fo>
18:06:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
18:06:35 File life_server\init.sqf..., line 169
18:06:35 Error in expression <ariable ["sellers",[],true];
} forEach [Dealer_1,Dealer_2,Dealer_3];

[] s>
18:06:35   Error position: <Dealer_1,Dealer_2,Dealer_3];

[] s>
18:06:35   Error Undefined variable in expression: dealer_1
18:06:35 File life_server\init.sqf..., line 170
18:07:32 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
18:12:35 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"
18:17:38 "[DYNAMIC MARKET] The data has been correctly saved in the database"