Français Solved Problème d'affichage du tableau de course pour les joueurs sur le circuit

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Nesta
  • Date de début Date de début


Bonjour, j'ai installé le script course de Vincent, tout fonctionne bien, j'ai juste un soucis du tableau de course qui s affiche pour tt le monde lorsqu'un joueur est sur le circuit. Je souhaites faire en sorte que seul le joueur qui fait la course puisse voir le _txt.
Pouvez vous m'aider svp? voici mon fichier:
//#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"
_trigger = _this;
if not(getpos player inarea  _trigger) exitwith{};
_nameTrigger = str(_trigger);
_sliptNameTrigger = [_nameTrigger, "_"] call BIS_fnc_splitString;
_nbCircuit = call compile (_sliptNameTrigger select 1);
_trigger_actuel = call compile (_sliptNameTrigger select 2);

player SetVariable["nb_trigger",
    call {
        _i = 0;
        while {not isNil ('trigger_'+str(_nbCircuit)+'_'+str(_i))} do {
            _i = _i + 1;

_trigger_precedant=(player getVariable[("Trigger_precedant_" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0])),-1]);
if _spam_du_trigger exitwith {}...
le trigger suivant, les autres sont pareil juste le init du trigger qui change (trigger_1_1 /trigger_1_2 /trigger_1_3) la boucle se termine quand le joueur passe sur le trigger_1_0.
J'ai essayé de faire un 2eme circuit, celui ci fonctionne mais impossible de clôturer un tour, il ne me détecte pas quand je passe le trigger d'arrivée. Il détecte bien le numéro de circuit 2 dans les triggers. J'ai vu dans un post que peut être tu te remettais sur ce script.
Hélas rien ne me saute aux yeux comme ça...

Essayes de récupérer la mission.VR de l ancien post puis avec un copié collé le mettre dans ta mission
En effet je suis entrain de faire la V2 de ça permettant aux joueurs de créer leurs circuits, avoir des données persistantes et d organiser des courses a plusieurs
Oui c'est comme ça que j'ai récupéré les bons codes pour les Triggers. Serait il possible de modifié la ligne 194 pour que le "hint" soit destiné au joueur qui fait la course?
Alors si il est pas destiné seulement au joueur qui fait la course cela signifie que le script est executé chez chaque client.
Il faut alors ajouter une condition au début (pas la seule facon mais c est le plus simple)
La condition est simplement de regarder si le joueur est dans le trigger. Si c est pas le cas, on exit le script
[CODE lang="cpp" title="Petite correction du script verification.sqf"]
//#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"
_trigger = _this;
if not(getpos player inarea _trigger) exitwith{};
_nameTrigger = str(_trigger);
sliptNameTrigger = [_nameTrigger, ""] call BIS_fnc_splitString;
_nbCircuit = call compile (_sliptNameTrigger select 1);
_nbTrigger = call compile (_sliptNameTrigger select 2);

player SetVariable["nb_trigger",
call {
_i = 0;
while {not isNil ('trigger_'+str(nbCircuit)+''+str(_i))} do {
_i = _i + 1;

trigger_precedant=(player getVariable[("Trigger_precedant" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0])),-1]);
_trigger_actuel=(call compile ((str (_this)) select [(count str (_this))-1,(count str (_this))]));
if _spam_du_trigger exitwith {};

if (_non_increment_trigger && !_trigger_de_arrivee) exitwith {};

_vien_du_dernier_trigger=(_trigger_precedant==((player GetVariable["nb_trigger",0])-1));
if (_trigger_de_arrivee && !_vien_du_dernier_trigger && _trigger_precedant!=-1) exitwith {};

trigger_precedant=(player getVariable[("Trigger_precedant" + str((player GetVariable["Circuit",0]))),-1]);
_trigger_actuel=(call compile ((str (_this)) select [(count str _this)-1,(count str _this)]));

_temps_tour=player getVariable["Temps_tour",-1];
temps_porte=(time-(player getVariable[("Temps_porte" + str ((player GetVariable["Circuit",0])) + "_" + str 0),time]));
temps_record_porte=SERVER getVariable[("Temps_porte" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "_" + str _trigger_actuel),-1];
record_joueur=player getVariable["Record"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),-1];
record_SERVER=SERVER getVariable["Record"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),-1];
recordMan=SERVER getVariable["RecordMan"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),"AUCUN"];
tableau_records=SERVER getVariable[("Tableau_record"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0])),[["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0]]];
if (_trigger_actuel==0 && _trigger_precedant==-1) then {
player setVariable[("Temps_porte_" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "_" + str 0),time,true]

player setVariable[("Trigger_precedant_" + str ((player GetVariable["Circuit",0]))),_trigger_actuel,true];
player setVariable[("Temps_porte_" + str ((player GetVariable["Circuit",0])) + "_" + str (_trigger_actuel)),_temps_porte,true];
if (_trigger_actuel==0) then {
player setVariable["Temps_tour",_temps_porte,true];
player setVariable[("Temps_porte_" + str ((player GetVariable["Circuit",0])) + "_" + str 0),time,true];

_temps_tour=player getVariable["Temps_tour",-1];
temps_porte=0 max (time-(player getVariable[("Temps_porte" + str ((player GetVariable["Circuit",0])) + "_" + str 0),-1]));
if (diff_porte<0) then {player setVariable["diff_porte" + str ((player GetVariable["Circuit",0])) + "_" + str (_trigger_actuel),"<t underline='true'>" + "<t color='#ff0000'>" + "+ " + (str (abs(_diff_porte)) select [0,5]) + "</t>" + "</t>",true];};
if (diff_porte>=0) then {player setVariable["diff_porte" + str ((player GetVariable["Circuit",0])) + "_" + str (_trigger_actuel),"<t underline='true'>" + "<t color='#32a000'>" + "- " + (str (abs(_diff_porte)) select [0,5]) + "</t>" + "</t>",true];};
if (temps_record_porte==-1) then {player setVariable["diff_porte" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "_" + str _trigger_actuel,"",true];};

if ((_trigger_actuel==0) && (_temps_tour >0.1) && (_record_joueur<0 || _record_joueur>_temps_tour)) then {
player setVariable["Record_"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),_temps_tour,true];
record_joueur=player getVariable["Record"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),-1];
if ((_record_SERVER<0) || (_record_SERVER>_record_joueur)) then {
SERVER setVariable["Record_"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),_record_joueur,true];
SERVER setVariable["RecordMan_"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),(name player),true];
record_SERVER=SERVER getVariable["Record"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),-1];
for "_i" from 1 to ((player GetVariable["nb_trigger",0])-1) do {
SERVER setVariable[("Temps_porte_" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "" + str _i),player getVariable[("Temps_porte" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "_" + str _i),-1],true];
if (((_temps_tour<((_tableau_records select 9) select 1))|| ((_tableau_records select 9) select 1)==0)&& (_temps_tour>0)) then {
for "_i" from 0 to 9 do{
_liste_temps=_liste_temps+[((_tableau_records select _i) select 1)];

for "_i" from 0 to 9 do{
if ((((_liste_temps select _i)>_temps_tour)||((_liste_temps select _i)==0) )&& (_bool==0)) then {

if (_rang_record==0) then {_new_tableau_record=[[name player,_temps_tour]]+_new_tableau_record;};
if (_rang_record==1) then {_new_tableau_record=((_new_tableau_record select [0,1]) + [[name player,_temps_tour]] + (_new_tableau_record select [1,9]))};
if (_rang_record==2) then {_new_tableau_record=((_new_tableau_record select [0,2]) + [[name player,_temps_tour]] + (_new_tableau_record select [2,9]))};
if (_rang_record==3) then {_new_tableau_record=((_new_tableau_record select [0,3]) + [[name player,_temps_tour]] + (_new_tableau_record select [3,9]))};
if (_rang_record==4) then {_new_tableau_record=((_new_tableau_record select [0,4]) + [[name player,_temps_tour]] + (_new_tableau_record select [4,9]))};
if (_rang_record==5) then {_new_tableau_record=((_new_tableau_record select [0,5]) + [[name player,_temps_tour]] + (_new_tableau_record select [5,9]))};
if (_rang_record==6) then {_new_tableau_record=((_new_tableau_record select [0,6]) + [[name player,_temps_tour]] + (_new_tableau_record select [6,9]))};
if (_rang_record==7) then {_new_tableau_record=((_new_tableau_record select [0,7]) + [[name player,_temps_tour]] + (_new_tableau_record select [7,9]))};
if (_rang_record==8) then {_new_tableau_record=((_new_tableau_record select [0,8]) + [[name player,_temps_tour]] + (_new_tableau_record select [8,9]))};
if (_rang_record==9) then {_new_tableau_record=_new_tableau_record+[[name player,_temps_tour]]};
_new_tableau_record=_new_tableau_record select [0,10];
SERVER setVariable[("Tableau_record_"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0])),_new_tableau_record,true];

// _gain=1000*(10-_rang_record);//Pour le life décommentez
// CASH = CASH + _gain;//Pour le life décommentez
// [0] call SOCK_fnc_updatePartial;//Pour le life décommentez
// [0,"STR_NOTF_RecordCircuit",true,[player getVariable ["realname", name player], (_rang_record+1),(player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),_gain]] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_broadcast",civilian];//Pour le life décommentez
// [0,"STR_NOTF_RecordCircuit",true,[player getVariable ["realname", name player], (_rang_record+1),(player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),_gain]] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_broadcast",west];//Pour le life décommentez

recordMan=SERVER getVariable["RecordMan"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),"AUCUN"];
tableau_records=SERVER getVariable[("Tableau_record"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0])),[["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0]]];

_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText("<t shadow='2'>" + "<t color='#8c8c8c'>" + "<t size='2'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "Circuit " + "</t>" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>")];//GRAS GROS SOULIGNE GRIS
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t size='2'>" + "<br /> " + "</t>")];
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText("<t align='left'>" + "<t shadow='2'>" + "<t color='#e5d664'>" + "<t size='1.1'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "Nom du Record: " + "</t>" + "<t color='#ff6932'>" + _recordMan + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>")];//ITALIQUE SOULIGNE JAUNE
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t size='1.1'>" + "<br /> " + "</t>")];

if (_record_SERVER!=-1) then {
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText("<t size='1.1'>" + "<t color='#e5d664'>" + "<t align='left'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "Temps Record: " + "</t>" + "<t color='#ff6932'>" + str _record_SERVER + "</t>" + "<t underline='true'>" + " secondes" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>")];//ITALIQUE SOULIGNE JAUNE
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t size='1.1'>" + "<br /> " + "</t>")];

_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];

if (_trigger_actuel!=0) then {
for "_i" from 1 to _trigger_actuel do {
txt=composeText [_txt,parseText("<t align='left'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "<t color='#ff00fa'>" + "Porte " + "</t>" + "<t color='#ff0004'>" + str _i + "</t>" + "<t color='#ff00fa'>" + " : " + "</t>" + "</t>" + "<t color='#ef931a'>"+ "<t size='1.3'>" +((str (player getVariable[("Temps_porte" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "" + str _i),time])) select [0,4]) + "</t>" + "</t>" + "<t color='#ff00fa'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + " secondes " + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>" +"<t size='1.1'>" + " " + (player getVariable["diff_porte" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "_" + str (_i),0]) + " "+ "</t>")];// ORANGE GRAS ITALIQUE
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
if (_record_SERVER>0) then {
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
if (_diff_porte<0) then {
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText("<t shadow='2'>" + "<t size='1.5'>" +"<t color='#ff0000'>" + "+ " + "<t underline='true'>" + (str (abs(_diff_porte)) select [0,5]) + "</t>" + " secondes" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>")];// ROUGE GROS GRAS
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
if (_diff_porte>0) then {
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText("<t shadow='2'>" + "<t size='1.5'>" +"<t color='#32a000'>" + "- " + "<t underline='true'>" + (str (abs(_diff_porte)) select [0,5]) + "</t>" + " secondes" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>")]; //VERT GROS GRAS
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];

if (_trigger_actuel==0) then {
if (_record_SERVER>0) then {
for "_i" from 1 to ((player GetVariable["nb_trigger",0])-1) do {
txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t align='left'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "<t color='#ff00fa'>" + "Porte " + "</t>" + "<t color='#ff0004'>" + str _i + "</t>" + "<t color='#ff00fa'>" + " : " + "</t>" + "</t>" + "<t color='#ef931a'>"+ "<t size='1.3'>" +((str (player getVariable[("Temps_porte" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "" + str _i),time])) select [0,4]) + "</t>" + "</t>" + "<t color='#ff00fa'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + " secondes" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "<t size='1.1'>" + " " + (player getVariable["diff_porte" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "_" + str (_i),0]) + " " + "</t>")]; // ORANGE GRAS ITALIQUE
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t align='left'>" + "<t size='1.3'>" + "<t color='#7c5b00'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "Temps circuit: " + "</t>" + "</t>" + "<t color='#fff200'>" + ((str _temps_tour) select [0,4]) + "</t>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "<t color='#7c5b00'>" + " secondes" + "</t>"+ "</t>"+ "</t>")]; //GROS VIOLET GRAS
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t align='left'>" + "<t size='1.3'>" +"<t color='#7c5b00'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "Record joueur: " + "</t>" + "</t>" + "<t color='#fff200'>" + ((str _record_joueur) select [0,4]) + "</t>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "<t color='#7c5b00'>" + " secondes" + "</t>" + "</t>"+ "</t>")];
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t align='left'>" + "<t size='1.3'>" + "<t color='#7c5b00'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "Record SERVER: " + "</t>" + "</t>" + "<t color='#fff200'>" + ((str _record_SERVER) select [0,4]) + "</t>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "<t color='#7c5b00'>" + " secondes" + "</t>" + "</t>"+ "</t>" )];
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
if (_temps_tour-_record_SERVER>0) then {
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t shadow='2'>" + "<t size='1.5'>" +"<t color='#ff0000'>" + "+ " + "<t underline='true'>" + ((str (abs(_temps_tour-_record_SERVER))) select [0,5]) + "</t>" + " secondes" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>")];// ROUGE GROS GRAS

if (_temps_tour-_record_SERVER<0) then {
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t shadow='2'>" + "<t size='1.5'>" + "<t color='#32a000'>" + "- " + "<t underline='true'>" + ((str (abs(_temps_tour-_record_SERVER))) select [0,5]) + "</t>" + " secondes" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>")];//VERT GROS GRAS

if (_temps_tour-_record_SERVER==0) then {
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t underline='true'>" + "<t size='1.5'>" + "<t color='#ffbb00'>" + "/!\RECORD BATTU/!\")];

_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];

if (_rang_record >-1) then {
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t underline='true'>" + "<t size='1.2'>" + "<t color='#00ffff'>" + "Classement : " + str (_rang_record+1))];
// _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];//Pour le life décommentez
// _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t underline='true'>" + "<t size='1.2'>" + "<t color='#00ffff'>" + "Gain : " + str (1000*(10-_rang_record)) + " Euros")];//Pour le life décommentez

_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t underline='true'>" + "<t size='1.5'>" + "<t color='#00ffff'>" + "LEADERBOARD")];
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
for "_i" from 0 to 9 do {
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t align='left'>" + "<t color='#ff8484'>" + str (_i+1) + " : " + ((_tableau_records select _i) select 0) + ": " + str ((_tableau_records select _i) select 1) + " secondes")];
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
hint _txt;

player setVariable["Temps_tour",-1,true];

[CODE lang="cpp" title="Code du trigger:"]ThisTrigger call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'core\scripts\Circuit\Verification.sqf';[/CODE]
Dernière édition:
//#include "..\..\script_macros.hpp"
_trigger = _this;
if not(getpos player inarea  _trigger) exitwith{};
_nameTrigger = str(_trigger);
_sliptNameTrigger = [_nameTrigger, "_"] call BIS_fnc_splitString;
_nbCircuit = call compile (_sliptNameTrigger select 1);
_trigger_actuel = call compile (_sliptNameTrigger select 2);

player SetVariable["nb_trigger",
    call {
        _i = 0;
        while {not isNil ('trigger_'+str(_nbCircuit)+'_'+str(_i))} do {
            _i = _i + 1;

_trigger_precedant=(player getVariable[("Trigger_precedant_" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0])),-1]);
if _spam_du_trigger exitwith {};

if (_non_increment_trigger && !_trigger_de_arrivee) exitwith {};

_vien_du_dernier_trigger=(_trigger_precedant==((player GetVariable["nb_trigger",0])-1));
if (_trigger_de_arrivee && !_vien_du_dernier_trigger && _trigger_precedant!=-1) exitwith {};

_trigger_precedant=(player getVariable[("Trigger_precedant_" + str((player GetVariable["Circuit",0]))),-1]);
_trigger_actuel=(call compile ((str (_this)) select [(count str _this)-1,(count str _this)]));

_temps_tour=player getVariable["Temps_tour",-1];
_temps_porte=(time-(player getVariable[("Temps_porte_" + str ((player GetVariable["Circuit",0])) + "_" + str 0),time]));
_temps_record_porte=SERVER getVariable[("Temps_porte_" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "_" + str _trigger_actuel),-1];
_record_joueur=player getVariable["Record_"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),-1];
_record_SERVER=SERVER getVariable["Record_"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),-1];
_recordMan=SERVER getVariable["RecordMan_"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),"AUCUN"];
_tableau_records=SERVER getVariable[("Tableau_record_"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0])),[["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0]]];
if (_trigger_actuel==0 && _trigger_precedant==-1) then {
    player setVariable[("Temps_porte_" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "_" + str 0),time,true]

player setVariable[("Trigger_precedant_" + str ((player GetVariable["Circuit",0]))),_trigger_actuel,true];
player setVariable[("Temps_porte_" + str ((player GetVariable["Circuit",0])) + "_" + str (_trigger_actuel)),_temps_porte,true];
if (_trigger_actuel==0) then {
    player setVariable["Temps_tour",_temps_porte,true];
    player setVariable[("Temps_porte_" + str ((player GetVariable["Circuit",0])) + "_" + str 0),time,true];

_temps_tour=player getVariable["Temps_tour",-1];
_temps_porte=0 max (time-(player getVariable[("Temps_porte_" + str ((player GetVariable["Circuit",0])) + "_" + str 0),-1]));
if (_diff_porte<0) then {player setVariable["diff_porte_" + str ((player GetVariable["Circuit",0])) + "_" + str (_trigger_actuel),"<t underline='true'>" + "<t color='#ff0000'>" + "+ " + (str (abs(_diff_porte)) select [0,5]) + "</t>" + "</t>",true];};
if (_diff_porte>=0) then {player setVariable["diff_porte_" + str ((player GetVariable["Circuit",0])) + "_" + str (_trigger_actuel),"<t underline='true'>" + "<t color='#32a000'>" + "- " + (str (abs(_diff_porte)) select [0,5]) + "</t>" + "</t>",true];};
if (_temps_record_porte==-1) then {player setVariable["diff_porte_" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "_" + str _trigger_actuel,"",true];};

if ((_trigger_actuel==0) &&  (_temps_tour >0.1) && (_record_joueur<0 || _record_joueur>_temps_tour)) then {
    player setVariable["Record_"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),_temps_tour,true];
    _record_joueur=player getVariable["Record_"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),-1];
    if ((_record_SERVER<0) || (_record_SERVER>_record_joueur)) then {
        SERVER setVariable["Record_"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),_record_joueur,true];
        SERVER setVariable["RecordMan_"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),(name player),true];
        _record_SERVER=SERVER getVariable["Record_"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),-1];
        for "_i" from 1 to ((player GetVariable["nb_trigger",0])-1) do {
            SERVER setVariable[("Temps_porte_" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "_" + str _i),player getVariable[("Temps_porte_" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "_" + str _i),-1],true];
if (((_temps_tour<((_tableau_records select 9) select 1))|| ((_tableau_records select 9) select 1)==0)&& (_temps_tour>0)) then {
    for "_i" from 0 to 9 do{
        _liste_temps=_liste_temps+[((_tableau_records select _i) select 1)];
    for "_i" from 0 to 9 do{
        if ((((_liste_temps select _i)>_temps_tour)||((_liste_temps select _i)==0) )&& (_bool==0)) then {
    if (_rang_record==0) then {_new_tableau_record=[[name player,_temps_tour]]+_new_tableau_record;};
    if (_rang_record==1) then {_new_tableau_record=((_new_tableau_record select [0,1]) + [[name player,_temps_tour]] + (_new_tableau_record select [1,9]))};
    if (_rang_record==2) then {_new_tableau_record=((_new_tableau_record select [0,2]) + [[name player,_temps_tour]] + (_new_tableau_record select [2,9]))};
    if (_rang_record==3) then {_new_tableau_record=((_new_tableau_record select [0,3]) + [[name player,_temps_tour]] + (_new_tableau_record select [3,9]))};
    if (_rang_record==4) then {_new_tableau_record=((_new_tableau_record select [0,4]) + [[name player,_temps_tour]] + (_new_tableau_record select [4,9]))};
    if (_rang_record==5) then {_new_tableau_record=((_new_tableau_record select [0,5]) + [[name player,_temps_tour]] + (_new_tableau_record select [5,9]))};
    if (_rang_record==6) then {_new_tableau_record=((_new_tableau_record select [0,6]) + [[name player,_temps_tour]] + (_new_tableau_record select [6,9]))};
    if (_rang_record==7) then {_new_tableau_record=((_new_tableau_record select [0,7]) + [[name player,_temps_tour]] + (_new_tableau_record select [7,9]))};
    if (_rang_record==8) then {_new_tableau_record=((_new_tableau_record select [0,8]) + [[name player,_temps_tour]] + (_new_tableau_record select [8,9]))};
    if (_rang_record==9) then {_new_tableau_record=_new_tableau_record+[[name player,_temps_tour]]};
    _new_tableau_record=_new_tableau_record select [0,10];
    SERVER setVariable[("Tableau_record_"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0])),_new_tableau_record,true];
    // _gain=1000*(10-_rang_record);//Pour le life décommentez
    // CASH = CASH + _gain;//Pour le life décommentez
    // [0] call SOCK_fnc_updatePartial;//Pour le life décommentez
    // [0,"STR_NOTF_RecordCircuit",true,[player getVariable ["realname", name player], (_rang_record+1),(player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),_gain]] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_broadcast",civilian];//Pour le life décommentez
    // [0,"STR_NOTF_RecordCircuit",true,[player getVariable ["realname", name player], (_rang_record+1),(player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),_gain]] remoteExecCall ["life_fnc_broadcast",west];//Pour le life décommentez

_recordMan=SERVER getVariable["RecordMan_"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]),"AUCUN"];
_tableau_records=SERVER getVariable[("Tableau_record_"+str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0])),[["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0],["",0]]];

_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText("<t shadow='2'>" + "<t color='#8c8c8c'>" + "<t size='2'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "Circuit " + "</t>" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>")];//GRAS GROS SOULIGNE GRIS
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t size='2'>" + "<br /> " + "</t>")];
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText("<t align='left'>" + "<t shadow='2'>" + "<t color='#e5d664'>" + "<t size='1.1'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "Nom du Record:   " + "</t>" + "<t color='#ff6932'>" + _recordMan  + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>")];//ITALIQUE SOULIGNE JAUNE
_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t size='1.1'>" + "<br /> " + "</t>")];

if (_record_SERVER!=-1) then {
    _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText("<t size='1.1'>" + "<t color='#e5d664'>" + "<t align='left'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "Temps  Record:   " + "</t>" + "<t color='#ff6932'>" + str _record_SERVER + "</t>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "   secondes" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>")];//ITALIQUE SOULIGNE JAUNE
    _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t size='1.1'>" + "<br /> " + "</t>")];

_txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];

if (_trigger_actuel!=0) then {
    for "_i" from 1 to _trigger_actuel do {
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText("<t align='left'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "<t color='#ff00fa'>" + "Porte " + "</t>" + "<t color='#ff0004'>" + str _i + "</t>" + "<t color='#ff00fa'>" + " :   " + "</t>" + "</t>" + "<t color='#ef931a'>"+ "<t size='1.3'>" +((str (player getVariable[("Temps_porte_" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "_" + str _i),time])) select [0,4]) + "</t>" + "</t>" + "<t color='#ff00fa'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "  secondes    " + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>" +"<t size='1.1'>" + "    " + (player getVariable["diff_porte_" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "_" + str (_i),0]) + " "+ "</t>")];// ORANGE GRAS ITALIQUE
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
    if (_record_SERVER>0) then {
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
        if (_diff_porte<0) then {
            _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText("<t shadow='2'>" + "<t size='1.5'>" +"<t color='#ff0000'>" + "+   " + "<t underline='true'>" + (str (abs(_diff_porte)) select [0,5]) + "</t>" + "   secondes" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>")];// ROUGE GROS GRAS
            _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
        if (_diff_porte>0) then {
            _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText("<t shadow='2'>" + "<t size='1.5'>" +"<t color='#32a000'>" + "-   " + "<t underline='true'>" + (str (abs(_diff_porte)) select [0,5]) + "</t>" + "   secondes" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>")]; //VERT GROS GRAS
            _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];

if (_trigger_actuel==0) then {
    if (_record_SERVER>0) then {
        for "_i" from 1 to ((player GetVariable["nb_trigger",0])-1) do {
            _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t align='left'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "<t color='#ff00fa'>" + "Porte " + "</t>" + "<t color='#ff0004'>" + str _i + "</t>" + "<t color='#ff00fa'>" + " :   " + "</t>" + "</t>" + "<t color='#ef931a'>"+ "<t size='1.3'>" +((str (player getVariable[("Temps_porte_" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "_" + str _i),time])) select [0,4]) + "</t>" + "</t>" + "<t color='#ff00fa'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "  secondes" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "<t size='1.1'>" + "    " + (player getVariable["diff_porte_" + str (player GetVariable["Circuit",0]) + "_" + str (_i),0]) + " " + "</t>")]; // ORANGE GRAS ITALIQUE
            _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t align='left'>" + "<t size='1.3'>" + "<t color='#7c5b00'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "Temps circuit:   " + "</t>" + "</t>" + "<t color='#fff200'>" + ((str _temps_tour) select [0,4]) + "</t>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "<t color='#7c5b00'>" + " secondes"  + "</t>"+ "</t>"+ "</t>")]; //GROS VIOLET GRAS
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t align='left'>" + "<t size='1.3'>" +"<t color='#7c5b00'>" + "<t underline='true'>" +  "Record  joueur:   " + "</t>" + "</t>" + "<t color='#fff200'>" + ((str _record_joueur) select [0,4]) + "</t>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "<t color='#7c5b00'>" + " secondes" + "</t>" + "</t>"+ "</t>")];
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t align='left'>" + "<t size='1.3'>" + "<t color='#7c5b00'>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "Record SERVER:   " + "</t>" + "</t>" + "<t color='#fff200'>" + ((str _record_SERVER) select [0,4]) + "</t>" + "<t underline='true'>" + "<t color='#7c5b00'>" + " secondes" + "</t>" + "</t>"+ "</t>"    )];
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
        if (_temps_tour-_record_SERVER>0) then {
            _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t shadow='2'>" + "<t size='1.5'>" +"<t color='#ff0000'>" + "+   " + "<t underline='true'>" + ((str (abs(_temps_tour-_record_SERVER))) select [0,5]) + "</t>" + "   secondes" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>")];// ROUGE GROS GRAS
        if (_temps_tour-_record_SERVER<0) then {
            _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t shadow='2'>" + "<t size='1.5'>" + "<t color='#32a000'>" + "-   " + "<t underline='true'>" + ((str (abs(_temps_tour-_record_SERVER))) select [0,5]) + "</t>" + "   secondes" + "</t>" + "</t>" + "</t>")];//VERT GROS GRAS
        if (_temps_tour-_record_SERVER==0) then {
            _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t underline='true'>" + "<t size='1.5'>" + "<t color='#ffbb00'>" + "/!\RECORD BATTU/!\")];
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
        if (_rang_record >-1) then {
            _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t underline='true'>" + "<t size='1.2'>" + "<t color='#00ffff'>" + "Classement :  " + str (_rang_record+1))];
            // _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];//Pour le life décommentez
            // _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t underline='true'>" + "<t size='1.2'>" + "<t color='#00ffff'>" + "Gain :  " + str (1000*(10-_rang_record)) + " Euros")];//Pour le life décommentez
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t underline='true'>" + "<t size='1.5'>" + "<t color='#00ffff'>" + "LEADERBOARD")];
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
        _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
        for "_i" from 0 to 9 do {
            _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<t align='left'>" + "<t color='#ff8484'>" + str (_i+1) + " :   " + ((_tableau_records select _i) select 0) + ": " + str ((_tableau_records select _i) select 1) + " secondes")];
            _txt=composeText [_txt,parseText ("<br /> ")];
hint _txt;

player setVariable["Temps_tour",-1,true];