#include "script_macros.hpp"
File: functions.sqf
Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine
Description: They are functions.
publicVariable "TON_fnc_terrainSort";
TON_fnc_index =
compileFinal "
params [
_stack findIf {_item in _x};
TON_fnc_player_query =
compileFinal "
private [""_ret""];
_ret = _this select 0;
if (isNull _ret) exitWith {};
if (isNil ""_ret"") exitWith {};
[life_atmbank,life_cash,owner player,player,profileNameSteam,getPlayerUID player,playerSide] remoteExecCall [""life_fnc_adminInfo"",_ret];
publicVariable "TON_fnc_player_query";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_index";
TON_fnc_isNumber =
compileFinal "
params [
if (_string isEqualTo '') exitWith {false};
private _array = _string splitString '';
private _return = true;
if !(_x in ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']) exitWith {
_return = false;
} forEach _array;
publicVariable "TON_fnc_isNumber";
TON_fnc_clientGangKick =
compileFinal "
private [""_unit"",""_group""];
_unit = _this select 0;
_group = _this select 1;
if (isNil ""_unit"" || isNil ""_group"") exitWith {};
if (player isEqualTo _unit && (group player) == _group) then {
life_my_gang = objNull;
[player] joinSilent (createGroup civilian);
hint localize ""STR_GNOTF_KickOutGang"";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientGangKick";
TON_fnc_clientGetKey =
compileFinal "
private [""_vehicle"",""_unit"",""_giver""];
_vehicle = _this select 0;
_unit = _this select 1;
_giver = _this select 2;
if (isNil ""_unit"" || isNil ""_giver"") exitWith {};
if (player isEqualTo _unit && !(_vehicle in life_vehicles)) then {
_name = getText(configFile >> ""CfgVehicles"" >> (typeOf _vehicle) >> ""displayName"");
hint format [localize ""STR_NOTF_gaveKeysFrom"",_giver,_name];
life_vehicles pushBack _vehicle;
[getPlayerUID player,playerSide,_vehicle,1] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_keyManagement"",2];
publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientGetKey";
TON_fnc_clientGangLeader =
compileFinal "
private [""_unit"",""_group""];
_unit = _this select 0;
_group = _this select 1;
if (isNil ""_unit"" || isNil ""_group"") exitWith {};
if (player isEqualTo _unit && (group player) == _group) then {
player setRank ""COLONEL"";
_group selectLeader _unit;
hint localize ""STR_GNOTF_GaveTransfer"";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientGangLeader";
TON_fnc_clientGangLeft =
compileFinal "
private [""_unit"",""_group""];
_unit = _this select 0;
_group = _this select 1;
if (isNil ""_unit"" || isNil ""_group"") exitWith {};
if (player isEqualTo _unit && (group player) == _group) then {
life_my_gang = objNull;
[player] joinSilent (createGroup civilian);
hint localize ""STR_GNOTF_LeaveGang"";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientGangLeft";
//Cell Phone Messaging
//To EMS
TON_fnc_cell_emsrequest =
compileFinal "
private [""_msg"",""_to""];
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
_length = count (toArray(_msg));
if (_length > 400) exitWith {hint localize ""STR_CELLMSG_LIMITEXCEEDED"";ctrlShow[3022,true];};
_to = ""EMS Units"";
if (_msg isEqualTo """") exitWith {hint localize ""STR_CELLMSG_EnterMSG"";ctrlShow[3022,true];};
[_msg,name player,5,mapGridPosition player,player] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",independent];
life_med_calls pushBack [(name player),(position player),_msg,servertime,"""",player];
publicVariable ""life_med_calls"";
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format [localize ""STR_CELLMSG_ToEMS"",_to,_msg];
//To One Person
TON_fnc_cell_textmsg =
compileFinal "
private [""_msg"",""_to""];
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
_length = count (toArray(_msg));
if (_length > 400) exitWith {hint localize ""STR_CELLMSG_LIMITEXCEEDED"";ctrlShow[3015,true];};
if (lbCurSel 3004 isEqualTo -1) exitWith {hint localize ""STR_CELLMSG_SelectPerson""; ctrlShow[3015,true];};
_to = call compile format [""%1"",(lbData[3004,(lbCurSel 3004)])];
if (isNull _to) exitWith {ctrlShow[3015,true];};
if (isNil ""_to"") exitWith {ctrlShow[3015,true];};
if (_msg isEqualTo """") exitWith {hint localize ""STR_CELLMSG_EnterMSG"";ctrlShow[3015,true];};
[_msg,name player,0] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",_to];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format [localize ""STR_CELLMSG_ToPerson"",name _to,_msg];
//To All Cops
TON_fnc_cell_textcop =
compileFinal "
private [""_msg"",""_to""];
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
_to = ""The Police"";
if (_msg isEqualTo """") exitWith {hint localize ""STR_CELLMSG_EnterMSG"";ctrlShow[3016,true];};
_length = count (toArray(_msg));
if (_length > 400) exitWith {hint localize ""STR_CELLMSG_LIMITEXCEEDED"";ctrlShow[3016,true];};
[_msg,name player,1,mapGridPosition player,player] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",-2];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format [localize ""STR_CELLMSG_ToPerson"",_to,_msg];
//To All Admins
TON_fnc_cell_textadmin =
compileFinal "
private [""_msg"",""_to"",""_from""];
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
_to = ""The Admins"";
if (_msg isEqualTo """") exitWith {hint localize ""STR_CELLMSG_EnterMSG"";ctrlShow[3017,true];};
_length = count (toArray(_msg));
if (_length > 400) exitWith {hint localize ""STR_CELLMSG_LIMITEXCEEDED"";ctrlShow[3017,true];};
[_msg,name player,2,mapGridPosition player,player] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",-2];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format [localize ""STR_CELLMSG_ToPerson"",_to,_msg];
//Admin To One Person
TON_fnc_cell_adminmsg =
compileFinal "
if (isServer) exitWith {};
if ((call life_adminlevel) < 1) exitWith {hint localize ""STR_CELLMSG_NoAdmin"";};
private [""_msg"",""_to""];
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
_to = call compile format [""%1"",(lbData[3004,(lbCurSel 3004)])];
if (isNull _to) exitWith {ctrlShow[3020,true];};
if (isNil ""_to"") exitWith {ctrlShow[3020,true];};
if (_msg isEqualTo """") exitWith {hint localize ""STR_CELLMSG_EnterMSG"";ctrlShow[3020,true];};
[_msg,name player,3] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",_to];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format [localize ""STR_CELLMSG_AdminToPerson"",name _to,_msg];
TON_fnc_cell_adminmsgall =
compileFinal "
if (isServer) exitWith {};
if ((call life_adminlevel) < 1) exitWith {hint localize ""STR_CELLMSG_NoAdmin"";};
private [""_msg"",""_from""];
_msg = ctrlText 3003;
if (_msg isEqualTo """") exitWith {hint localize ""STR_CELLMSG_EnterMSG"";ctrlShow[3021,true];};
[_msg,name player,4] remoteExecCall [""TON_fnc_clientMessage"",-2];
[] call life_fnc_cellphone;
hint format [localize ""STR_CELLMSG_AdminToAll"",_msg];
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_textmsg";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_textcop";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_textadmin";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_adminmsg";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_adminmsgall";
publicVariable "TON_fnc_cell_emsrequest";
//Client Message
0 = private message
1 = police message
2 = message to admin
3 = message from admin
4 = admin message to all
TON_fnc_clientMessage =
compileFinal "
if (isServer) exitWith {};
private [""_msg"",""_from"", ""_type""];
_msg = _this select 0;
_from = _this select 1;
_type = _this select 2;
if (_from isEqualTo """") exitWith {};
switch (_type) do {
case 0 : {
private [""_message""];
_message = format ["">>>MESSAGE FROM %1: %2"",_from,_msg];
hint parseText format [""<t color='#FFCC00'><t size='2'><t align='center'>New Message<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>You<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>%1<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%2"",_from,_msg];
[""TextMessage"",[format [""You Received A New Private Message From %1"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
systemChat _message;
case 1 : {
if (side player != west) exitWith {};
private [""_message"",""_loc"",""_unit""];
_loc = _this select 3;
_unit = _this select 4;
_message = format [""--- 911 DISPATCH FROM %1: %2"",_from,_msg];
if (isNil ""_loc"") then {_loc = ""Unknown"";};
hint parseText format [""<t color='#316dff'><t size='2'><t align='center'>New Dispatch<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>All Officers<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>%1<br/><t color='#33CC33'>Coords: <t color='#ffffff'>%2<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%3"",_from,_loc,_msg];
[""PoliceDispatch"",[format [""A New Police Report From: %1"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
systemChat _message;
case 2 : {
if ((call life_adminlevel) < 1) exitWith {};
private [""_message"",""_loc"",""_unit""];
_loc = _this select 3;
_unit = _this select 4;
_message = format [""!!! ADMIN REQUEST FROM %1: %2"",_from,_msg];
if (isNil ""_loc"") then {_loc = ""Unknown"";};
hint parseText format [""<t color='#ffcefe'><t size='2'><t align='center'>Admin Request<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>Admins<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>%1<br/><t color='#33CC33'>Coords: <t color='#ffffff'>%2<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%3"",_from,_loc,_msg];
[""AdminDispatch"",[format [""%1 Has Requested An Admin!"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
systemChat _message;
case 3 : {
private [""_message""];
_message = format [""!!! ADMIN MESSAGE: %1"",_msg];
_admin = format [""Sent by admin: %1"", _from];
hint parseText format [""<t color='#FF0000'><t size='2'><t align='center'>Admin Message<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>You<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>An Admin<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%1"",_msg];
[""AdminMessage"",[""You Have Received A Message From An Admin!""]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
systemChat _message;
if ((call life_adminlevel) > 0) then {systemChat _admin;};
case 4 : {
private [""_message"",""_admin""];
_message = format [""!!!ADMIN MESSAGE: %1"",_msg];
_admin = format [""Sent by admin: %1"", _from];
hint parseText format [""<t color='#FF0000'><t size='2'><t align='center'>Admin Message<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>All Players<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>The Admins<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%1"",_msg];
[""AdminMessage"",[""You Have Received A Message From An Admin!""]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
systemChat _message;
if ((call life_adminlevel) > 0) then {systemChat _admin;};
case 5: {
if (side player != independent) exitWith {};
private [""_message"",""_loc"",""_unit""];
_loc = _this select 3;
_unit = _this select 4;
_message = format [""!!! EMS REQUEST: %1"",_msg];
hint parseText format [""<t color='#FFCC00'><t size='2'><t align='center'>EMS Request<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'><t align='left'><t size='1'>To: <t color='#ffffff'>You<br/><t color='#33CC33'>From: <t color='#ffffff'>%1<br/><t color='#33CC33'>Coords: <t color='#ffffff'>%2<br/><br/><t color='#33CC33'>Message:<br/><t color='#ffffff'>%3"",_from,_loc,_msg];
[""TextMessage"",[format [""EMS Request from %1"",_from]]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
publicVariable "TON_fnc_clientMessage";