Maxence a écrit le dernier message :
Hello, there is no function in Interpol that allows you to do this. So I'll help you to create it.
In your mission -> CfgRemoteExec.hpp, add the following line :
In your life_server -> config.cpp, below :
add this class :
Then in your life_server -> Functions -> Systems, create a file fn_deletePlayerCrimes.sqf with :
You'll now be able to use this function to delete the crimes of the player in the (mission) script file you want using this function :
In your mission -> CfgRemoteExec.hpp, add the following line :
In your life_server -> config.cpp, below :
file = "\life_server\Functions\Systems";
class deletePlayerCrimes {};
Then in your life_server -> Functions -> Systems, create a file fn_deletePlayerCrimes.sqf with :
_namePlayer = param [0,"",[""]];
_split = _namePlayer splitString " ";
_prenom = _split select 0;
_nom = "";
for "_i" from 1 to count(_split)-1 do {
_nom = _nom + (_split select _i);
_query = format ["SELECT id FROM interpol WHERE (prenom='%1' OR prenom='%2') AND (nom='%2' OR nom='%1')",_prenom,_nom];
_queryResult = [_query,2] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;
if ((count _queryResult) isEqualTo 0) exitWith {diag_log format ["ERROR Interpol : Cannot find player : %1",(_namePlayer)];};
_interpolID = _queryResult select 0;
_query = format ["UPDATE interpol_crimes SET payed='1' WHERE interpol_id='%1'",_interpolID];
[_query,1] call DB_fnc_asyncCall;
You'll now be able to use this function to delete the crimes of the player in the (mission) script file you want using this function :
[(name player)] remoteExec ["TON_fnc_deletePlayerCrimes",2];