Français Solved Erreur lors de l'installation de l'Iphone X

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R bonjour, je reviens vers vous car j'ai acheter le script Iphone X, je l'ai installer en suivant la procédure à la lettre. Cependant, quand je me connecte au serveur, j'ai cette erreur qui s'affiche :

Puis quand je spawn, le menu Y ne fonctionne plus.. Une idée ? Merci de m'avoir lu.

Fichiers joints

  • 20200916175316_1.jpg
    132.2 KB · Affichages: 116
Oui je vois bien, mais pourtant je ne l'ai pas touché. Regarde

    Author: Jean_Park

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#define false 0
#define true 1

class The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone {
    default_lang = "fr"; // fr / en / es

    gps_script_enable = false;
    interpol_script_enable = false;
    phone_numbers_script_enable = false;
    advanced_phone_script_enable = false;
    bill_system_script_enable = false;
    companies_script_enable = false;
    governement_script_enable = false;
    dispatch_script_enable = false;
    whitelist_menu_script_enable = false;
    dynamic_market_script_enable = false;
    farming_helper_script_enable = false;

    enable_cellphone_animations = true; // You need to put the "The_Programmer_Cellphone" mod into your modpack !

    reboot_1 = "00H00";
    reboot_2 = "06H00";
    reboot_3 = "12H00";
    reboot_4 = "18H00";

    default_wallpaper = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\fonds\fond_3.paa";

    Fond[] = {
        {"Dark & Red","The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\fonds\fond_2.paa"},
        {"Iphone X","The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\fonds\fond_3.paa"},
        {"Aninme Wallpaper","The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\fonds\fond_4.paa"},
        {"BMW Wallpaper","The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\fonds\fond_5.paa"},
        {"Ferrari Wallpaper","The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\fonds\fond_6.paa"}

    Son_sms[] = {
        {"Mario Mushroom","mario_mushroom"},
        {"Classic Whistle","classic_whistle"},

    Sonnerie[] = {
        {"Dont Worry Be Happy","DontWorryBeHappy"},
        {"Hurr Durr","HurrDurr"},
        {"Rocket Ship","RocketShip"},
        {"Smoke Weed","SmokeWeed"}

    class Cfg_Buttons {
        class Clefs {
            action = "createDialog ""The_Programmer_Iphone_Key_Menu"";";
            displayName = "Clés";
            condition = "";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\clef.paa";
        class Setting {
            action = "if ((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone"" >> ""advanced_phone_script_enable"")) isEqualTo 1) then {createDialog ""The_Programmer_Iphone_Settings_Menu_3""} else {if ((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone"" >> ""phone_numbers_script_enable"")) isEqualTo 1) then {createDialog ""The_Programmer_Iphone_Settings_Menu_2""} else {createDialog ""The_Programmer_Iphone_Settings_Menu""};};";
            displayName = "Réglages";
            condition = "";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\reglage.paa";
        class contact {
            action = "[1] spawn the_programmer_iphone_fnc_contact_menu;";
            displayName = "Contacts";
            condition = "((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone"" >> ""advanced_phone_script_enable"")) isEqualTo 1) || ((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone"" >> ""phone_numbers_script_enable"")) isEqualTo 1)";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\contact.paa";
        class ButtonMyGang {
            action = "if (isNil ""life_action_gangInUse"") then {if(isNil {(group player) getVariable ""gang_owner""}) then {createDialog ""The_Programmer_Iphone_Create_Gang_Menu"";} else {[] spawn the_programmer_iphone_fnc_apps_gang;};};";
            displayName = "Gang";
            condition = "";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\groupe.paa";
        class Licences {
            action = "[] call the_programmer_iphone_fnc_apps_license;";
            displayName = "Licences";
            condition = "";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\licence.paa";
        class SyncData {
            action = "[] call SOCK_fnc_syncData;";
            displayName = "Sync Data";
            condition = "";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\syncro.paa";
        class Banking {
            action = "[1] call the_programmer_iphone_fnc_apps_payEasy;";
            displayName = "PayEasy";
            condition = "";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\banque.paa";
        class Inventaire {
            action = "createDialog ""The_Programmer_Iphone_Stuff_Menu"";";
            displayName = "Inventaire";
            condition = "";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\sac.paa";
        class Message {
            action = "if (((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone"" >> ""phone_numbers_script_enable"")) isEqualTo 1) || ((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone"" >> ""advanced_phone_script_enable"")) isEqualTo 1)) then {createDialog ""The_Programmer_Iphone_Cell_Menu""} else {createDialog ""The_Programmer_Iphone_Cell_TONIC_Menu""};";
            displayName = "Message";
            condition = "";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\chat.paa";
        class Weather {
            action = "[] spawn the_programmer_iphone_fnc_apps_weather;";
            displayName = "Météo";
            condition = "";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\Meteo.paa";
        class Camera {
            action = "[] spawn the_programmer_iphone_fnc_apps_camera;";
            displayName = "Caméra";
            condition = "((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone"" >> ""enable_cellphone_animations"")) isEqualTo 1)";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\camera.paa";
        class PasteMe {
            action = "createDialog ""The_Programmer_Paste_Me"";";
            displayName = "Paste Me";
            condition = "";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\pasteme.paa";
        class Entreprise {
            action = "[] spawn max_entreprise_fnc_openMenu;";
            displayName = "Entreprise";
            condition = "((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone"" >> ""companies_script_enable"")) isEqualTo 1)";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\Entreprise.paa";
        class Governement {
            action = "closeDialog 0; [] spawn max_gouvernement_fnc_selectGovernementMenu;";
            displayName = "Gouvernement";
            condition = "((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone"" >> ""governement_script_enable"")) isEqualTo 1)";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\Gouvernement.paa";
        class GPS {
            action = "[] call gps_menu_fnc_loadGPSMenu;";
            displayName = "GPS";
            condition = "((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone"" >> ""gps_script_enable"")) isEqualTo 1)";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\gps.paa";
        class Clavier {
            action = "createDialog ""The_Programmer_Iphone_Clavier_Menu"";";
            displayName = "Pavé numérique";
            condition = "((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone"" >> ""advanced_phone_script_enable"")) isEqualTo 1)";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\call.paa";
        class Facture {
            action = "createDialog ""facture_list"";";
            displayName = "Factures";
            condition = "((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone"" >> ""bill_system_script_enable"")) isEqualTo 1)";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\facture.paa";
        class DynamicMarket {
            action = "[] spawn theprogrammer_fnc_bourseViewInit;";
            displayName = "Bourse";
            condition = "((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone"" >> ""dynamic_market_script_enable"")) isEqualTo 1)";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\bourse.paa";
        class FarmingHelper {
            action = "createDialog ""The_Programmer_FarmingHelper_Menu"";";
            displayName = "Farms";
            condition = "((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone"" >> ""farming_helper_script_enable"")) isEqualTo 1)";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\farming.paa";
        class Admin {
            action = "createDialog ""the_programmer_admin_menu"";";
            displayName = "Admin Menu";
            condition = "((call life_adminlevel) >= 1)";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\admin.paa";
        class CallsManagement {
            action = "[] spawn max_callsmanage_fnc_openCallsManagementMenu;";
            displayName = "Dispatch";
            condition = "(((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone"" >> ""dispatch_script_enable"")) isEqualTo 1) && !(playerSide isEqualTo civilian))";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\dispatch.paa";
        class Interpol {
            action = "if ((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone"" >> ""interpol_script_enable"")) isEqualTo 1) then {closeDialog 0; [0] remoteExec [""max_interpol_fnc_getInterpol"",2];} else {[] call life_fnc_wantedMenu;};";
            displayName = "Interpol";
            condition = "playerSide isEqualTo West";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\police.paa";
        class WhiteList {
            action = "createDialog ""whitelist_menu"";";
            displayName = "Whitelist Menu";
            condition = "((call life_adminlevel) >= 1) && ((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_Iphone"" >> ""whitelist_menu_script_enable"")) isEqualTo 1)";
            picture = "The-Programmer\Iphone_X\textures\icons\whitelist.paa";
Dernière édition par un modérateur:
Tu as probablement mis deux fois le même #include dans ton theprogramer_dialog_master.cpp

Le forum est là pour ça, ne t'inquiètes pas de l'envahir tant que c'est respectueux ;)
Sinon, pour les problèmes d'installation de nos produits, tu peux faire un ticket sur notre discord :
Super ! merci c'est ce que je vais faire car j'ai plusieurs problèmes avec plusieurs produits. Merci