Français Solved Erreur de syntaxe dans le menu placeables lors du lancement du serveur

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bonjour j'ai installer récemment le menu placeables dans l'Iphone X mais quand je lance mon serveur le jeu me m'est cette erreur j'ai eu beau chercher de ou pouvait provenir ce problème sans réponse et c'est pour cela que je viens vous voir

voici ce que sa me m'est dans les logs

➥ Context: mpmissions\__cur_mp.KelleysIsland\stringtable.xml
File mpmissions\__cur_mp.KelleysIsland\The-Programmer\Iphone_X\dialogs\placeables.hpp, line 2: '.life_placeables': Missing ';' at the end of line
Warning Message: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.KelleysIsland\The-Programmer\Iphone_X\dialogs\placeables.hpp, line 3: Config: .: '"' encountered instead of ']'

Fichiers joints

Hello! Le fichier dialog ne ressemble pas à ça normalement.
Si tu as suivi de tutoriel, il devrait être comme ceci :
class Life_Cop_Placeables {  
    idd = 20000;  
    name= "life_cop_placeables";  
    movingEnable = false;  
    enableSimulation = true;  
    onLoad = "";  

    class controlsBackground {  
        class Life_RscTitleBackground: Life_RscText {  
            colorBackground[] = {"(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R',0.3843])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G',0.7019])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B',0.8862])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_A',0.7])"}...
Hello! Le fichier dialog ne ressemble pas à ça normalement.
Si tu as suivi de tutoriel, il devrait être comme ceci :
class Life_Cop_Placeables {  
    idd = 20000;  
    name= "life_cop_placeables";  
    movingEnable = false;  
    enableSimulation = true;  
    onLoad = "";  

    class controlsBackground {  
        class Life_RscTitleBackground: Life_RscText {  
            colorBackground[] = {"(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R',0.3843])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G',0.7019])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B',0.8862])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_A',0.7])"};  
            idc = -1;  
            x = 0.1;  
            y = 0.2;  
            w = 0.6;  
            h = (1 / 25);  

        class MainBackground: Life_RscText {  
            colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0.7};  
            idc = -1;  
            x = 0.1;  
            y = 0.2 + (11 / 250);  
            w = 0.6;  
            h = 0.6 - (22 / 250);  

    class controls {  
        class Title : Life_RscTitle {  
            colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};  
            idc = -1;  
            text = "Liste des objets";  
            x = 0.1;  
            y = 0.2;  
            w = 0.6;  
            h = (1 / 25);  

        class PlaceablesList : Life_RscListBox {  
            idc = 20001;  
            text = "";  
            sizeEx = 0.035;  
            x = 0.12;  
            y = 0.26;  
            w = 0.56;  
            h = 0.370;  

        class CloseButtonKey : Life_RscButtonMenu {  
            idc = -1;  
            text = "$STR_Global_Close";  
            onButtonClick = "closeDialog 0;";  
            x = -0.06 + (6.25 / 40) + (1 / 250 / (safezoneW / safezoneH));  
            y = 0.8 - (1 / 25);  
            w = (6.25 / 40);  
            h = (1 / 25);  

        class RemoveAll : life_RscButtonMenu {  
            idc = -1;  
            text = "Retirer tous";  
            onButtonClick = "[] call life_fnc_placeablesRemoveAll";  
            x = 0.1 + (6.25 / 40) + (1 / 250 / (safezoneW / safezoneH));  
            y = 0.8 - (1 / 25);  
            w = (6.25 / 40);  
            h = (1 / 25);  

        class Place : Life_RscButtonMenu {  
            idc = -1;  
            text = "Placer";  
            colorBackground[] = {"(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R',0.3843])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G',0.7019])", "(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B',0.8862])", 0.5};  
            onButtonClick = "[] spawn life_fnc_placeablePlace;";  
            x = 0.32;  
            y = 0.69;  
            w = (6.25 / 40);  
            h = (1 / 25);  