Bonjour, j'ai cherché un peut partout et je ne trouve pas comment faire le point de spawn et d'activer le bouton pour la police pour mettre une personne en prison
Merci par avance
Merci par avance
this addAction["Mettre en prison",{_nearestPlayers = nearestObjects [player,["CAManBase"],10]; if ((count _nearestPlayers) >= 2) then {[(_nearestPlayers select 1)] call life_fnc_arrestAction;};},"",0,false,false,"",'playerSide isEqualTo west'];
sendtoJail_locations[] = { "police_hq_1", "police_hq_2", "cop_spawn_3", "cop_spawn_5", "Correctional_Facility" }; //Enter the variableName from the mission.sqm here to allow cops to send a person to jail at these locations.
sendtoJail_locations[] = { "police_hq_1", "police_hq_2", "cop_spawn_3", "cop_spawn_5", "Correctional_Facility", "MONNOMDEMARQUEUR" }; //Enter the variableName from the mission.sqm here to allow cops to send a person to jail at these locations.
this addAction["Mettre en prison",{_nearestPlayers = nearestObjects [player,["CAManBase"],10]; if ((count _nearestPlayers) >= 2) then {[(_nearestPlayers select 1)] call life_fnc_arrestAction;};},"",0,false,false,"",'playerSide isEqualTo west'];