Bonjour, tout est dans le titre j'aimerais pouvoir faire en sorte que les employé de l'entreprise 1 puisse mettre les véhicules en fourrière comme les cop. Merci 

Author: Beast
Teamspeak 3:
Web site:
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- This file is forbidden unless you have permission from the author. If you have this file without permission to use it please do not use it and do not share it.
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- Out of respect for the author please do not delete this information.
#define true 1
#define false 0
class interationCfg {
class vehicle_menu {
class button_1 {
displayName = "STR_vInAct_Registration"; //The text that will be shown on the exact button
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_searchVehAction; closeDialog 0;"; //The action the button will do after clicking on it ONCE
buttonToolTip = ""; //The ToolTip that will be shown while the cursor is on the exact button
side[] = {west}; //Sides that will be able to click the button civ -for civilians \ west - for cops \ guer - for medics \ east - only if enable in your server
disable = false; // false the button is activated || true the button is hidden
condition = "((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_RadialMenu"" >> ""plate_system"")) isEqualTo 0)"; // condition to enable or disable the button
class button_2 {
displayName = "STR_vInAct_Unflip";
buttonAction = "cursorObject setPos [(getPos cursorObject select 0), (getPos cursorObject select 1), (getPos cursorObject select 2)+0.5]; closeDialog 0;"; //The action the button will do after clicking on it ONCE.
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ,west,guer};
disable = false;
condition = "";
class button_3 {
displayName = "STR_vInAct_Repair";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn TheProgrammer_fnc_RepairSwitch;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ,west,guer};
disable = false;
condition = "";
class button_4 {
displayName = "STR_vInAct_SearchVehicle";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_vehInvSearch; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "";
class button_5 {
displayName = "STR_vInAct_PullOut";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_pulloutAction; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "!(crew cursorObject isEqualTo [])";
class button_6 {
displayName = "Mining And Fuel";
buttonAction = "[] spawn {closeDialog 0; sleep 0.1; ['vehicle_mining'] spawn CBX_fnc_openInteraction;};";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ};
disable = false;
condition = "(((typeOf cursorObject) == 'O_Truck_03_device_F') || ((typeOf cursorObject) in ['C_Van_01_fuel_F','I_Truck_02_fuel_F','B_Truck_01_fuel_F']) && (cursorObject in life_vehicles))";
class button_7 {
displayName = "STR_vInAct_PushBoat";
buttonAction = "[] spawn life_fnc_pushObject; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ,west,guer};
disable = false;
condition = "cursorObject isKindOf 'Ship' && {crew cursorObject isEqualTo []}";
class button_8 {
displayName = "STR_vInAct_Impound";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn max_fourriere_fnc_impoundAction; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "";
class button_9 {
displayName = "Technical Inspection";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn max_controltech_fnc_verifControlTech; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_RadialMenu"" >> ""Technical_Inspection"")) isEqualTo 1)";
class button_10 {
displayName = "Ticket system";
buttonAction = "closeDialog 0; createDialog ""max_contravention"";";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_RadialMenu"" >> ""Ticket_system"")) isEqualTo 1)";
class button_11 {
displayName = "Licence plate";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn max_immat_fnc_verifPlate; closeDialog 0";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_RadialMenu"" >> ""plate_system"")) isEqualTo 1)";
class vehicle_mining {
class button_1 {
displayName = "STR_vInAct_DeviceMine";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_deviceMine;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ};
disable = false;
condition = "((typeOf cursorObject) == 'O_Truck_03_device_F') && isNil {(cursorObject getVariable 'mining')} && (local cursorObject) && {cursorObject in life_vehicles}";
class button_2 {
displayName = "STR_FuelTank_Stop";
buttonAction = "cursorObject setVariable ['fuelTankWork',nil,true]; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ};
disable = false;
condition = "!isNil {cursorObject getVariable 'fuelTankWork'}";
class button_3 {
displayName = "STR_FuelTank_Supply";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_fuelSupply";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ};
disable = false;
condition = "count (nearestObjects [cursorObject, ['Land_FuelStation_Feed_F','Land_fs_feed_F'], 15]) > 0";
class button_4 {
displayName = "STR_FuelTank_Store";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_fuelStore";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ};
disable = false;
condition = "(['fuel_storage_1','fuel_storage_2'] findif {player distance (getMarkerPos _x) <20} != -1)";
class cop_interaction {
class button_1 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_Unrestrain";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] call life_fnc_unrestrain; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "";
class button_2 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_checkLicenses";
buttonAction = "[player] remoteExecCall [""life_fnc_licenseCheck"",cursorObject]; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "";
class button_3 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_SearchPlayer";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_searchAction; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "";
class button_4 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_Escort";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] call life_fnc_escortAction; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "Button 4";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "!(player getVariable ['isEscorting',false])";
class button_5 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_StopEscort";
buttonAction = "[] call life_fnc_stopEscorting; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "player getVariable ['isEscorting',false]";
class button_6 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_TicketBtn";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] call life_fnc_ticketAction;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "";
class button_7 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_Arrest";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] call life_fnc_arrestAction; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "(((getArray (missionConfigFile >> 'Life_Settings' >> 'sendtoJail_locations')) findif {player distance (getMarkerPos _x) <30}) != -1)";
class button_8 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_PutInCar";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] call life_fnc_putInCar; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "!(player getVariable ['isEscorting',false])";
class button_9 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_Seize";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_seizePlayerAction; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "call life_coplevel > getNumber (missionConfigFile >> 'Life_Settings' >> 'seize_minimum_rank')";
class button_10 {
displayName = "Driving licence";
buttonAction = "[] remoteExec ['max_permisPoints_fnc_getPermisInfo', cursorObject];";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "";
class house_menu {
class button_1 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_BuyHouse";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_buyHouse; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ};
disable = false;
condition = "_houseCfg = [(typeOf cursorObject)] call life_fnc_houseConfig; !(cursorObject in life_vehicles) && isNil {cursorObject getVariable 'house_owner'} && !(count _houseCfg isEqualTo 0) && (isClass (missionConfigFile >> 'Housing' >> worldName >> typeOf cursorObject))";
class button_2 { //house grage
displayName = "STR_pInAct_BuyGarage";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_buyHouseGarage; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ};
disable = false;
condition = "(!(cursorObject getVariable ['garageBought',false])) && (getNumber (missionConfigFile >> 'Housing' >> worldName >> (typeOf cursorObject) >> 'canGarage') isEqualTo 1) && (cursorObject in life_vehicles) && !isNil {cursorObject getVariable 'house_owner'}";
class button_3 { //normal_garage
displayName = "STR_BUY_GARAGE";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_buyHouse; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ};
disable = false;
condition = "_houseCfg = [(typeOf cursorObject)] call life_fnc_houseConfig; !(cursorObject in life_vehicles) && isNil {cursorObject getVariable 'house_owner'} && !(count _houseCfg isEqualTo 0) && (isClass (missionConfigFile >> 'Garages' >> worldName >> typeOf cursorObject))";
class button_4 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_SellHouse";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_sellHouse; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ};
disable = false;
condition = "(cursorObject in life_vehicles) && (isClass (missionConfigFile >> 'Housing' >> worldName >> typeOf cursorObject))";
class button_5 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_AccessGarage";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject,""Car""] spawn life_fnc_vehicleGarage; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ};
disable = false;
condition = "(((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> 'Housing' >> worldName >> (typeOf cursorObject) >> 'canGarage') isEqualTo 1) && (cursorObject getVariable ['garageBought',false])) || (isClass (missionConfigFile >> 'Garages' >> worldName >> (typeOf cursorObject)))) && {cursorObject in life_vehicles}";
class button_6 {
displayName = "STR_Vehicle_StoreVehicle";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject,player] spawn life_fnc_storeVehicle; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ};
disable = false;
condition = "(((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> 'Housing' >> worldName >> (typeOf cursorObject) >> 'canGarage') isEqualTo 1) && (cursorObject getVariable ['garageBought',false])) || (isClass (missionConfigFile >> 'Garages' >> worldName >> (typeOf cursorObject)))) && {cursorObject in life_vehicles}";
class button_7 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_LockStorage";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] call life_fnc_lockHouse; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ};
disable = false;
condition = "((cursorObject in life_vehicles) && !(cursorObject getVariable ['locked',false]))";
class button_8 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_UnlockStorage";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] call life_fnc_lockHouse; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ};
disable = false;
condition = "((cursorObject in life_vehicles) && (cursorObject getVariable ['locked',false])) && (isClass (missionConfigFile >> 'Housing' >> worldName >> typeOf cursorObject))";
class button_9 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_LightsOn";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] call life_fnc_lightHouseAction; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ};
disable = false;
condition = "cursorObject in life_vehicles && (isClass (missionConfigFile >> 'Housing' >> worldName >> typeOf cursorObject))";
class button_10 { //sell house garage
displayName = "STR_pInAct_SellGarage";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_sellHouseGarage; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ};
disable = false;
condition = "getNumber (missionConfigFile >> 'Housing' >> worldName >> (typeOf cursorObject) >> 'canGarage') isEqualTo 1 && {!(cursorObject getVariable ['blacklistedGarage',false])} && {cursorObject getVariable ['garageBought',false]} && ((cursorObject getVariable 'house_owner' select 0) == (getPlayerUID player))";
class button_11 { //sell normal garage
displayName = "STR_pInAct_SellGarage";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_sellHouse; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {civ};
disable = false;
condition = "(isClass (missionConfigFile >> 'Garages' >> worldName >> typeOf cursorObject)) && ((cursorObject getVariable 'house_owner' select 0) == (getPlayerUID player))";
class cop_house_menu {
class button_1 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_Repair";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_repairDoor; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "_vaultHouse = [[['Altis', 'Land_Research_house_V1_F'], ['Tanoa', 'Land_Medevac_house_V1_F']]] call TON_fnc_terrainSort; _altisArray = [16019.5,16952.9,0];_tanoaArray = [11074.2,11501.5,0.00137329];_pos = [[['Altis', _altisArray], ['Tanoa', _tanoaArray]]] call TON_fnc_terrainSort;((nearestObject [_pos,'Land_Dome_Big_F']) isEqualTo cursorObject) || ((nearestObject [_pos,_vaultHouse]) isEqualTo cursorObject)";
class button_2 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_CloseOpen";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] call life_fnc_doorAnimate; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "_vaultHouse = [[['Altis', 'Land_Research_house_V1_F'], ['Tanoa', 'Land_Medevac_house_V1_F']]] call TON_fnc_terrainSort; _altisArray = [16019.5,16952.9,0];_tanoaArray = [11074.2,11501.5,0.00137329];_pos = [[['Altis', _altisArray], ['Tanoa', _tanoaArray]]] call TON_fnc_terrainSort;((nearestObject [_pos,'Land_Dome_Big_F']) isEqualTo cursorObject) || ((nearestObject [_pos,_vaultHouse]) isEqualTo cursorObject)";
class button_3 {
displayName = "STR_House_Raid_Owner";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] call life_fnc_copHouseOwner;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "!isNil {cursorObject getVariable 'house_owner'}";
class button_4 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_BreakDown";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_copBreakDoor; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "!isNil {cursorObject getVariable 'house_owner'}";
class button_5 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_SearchHouse";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_raidHouse; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "!(player distance cursorObject > 15) && !isNil {cursorObject getVariable 'house_owner'} && {cursorObject isKindOf ""House""}";
class button_6 {
displayName = "STR_pInAct_LockHouse";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn life_fnc_lockupHouse; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "!isNil {cursorObject getVariable 'house_owner'}";
class button_8 { //change le numero pour qui suive les autre
displayName = "STR_vInAct_Impound";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn max_fourriere_fnc_impoundAction; closeDialog 0;";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west}; // ici tu mais la side civ
disable = false;
condition = ""; // la tu mais une licence ex: licences_civ_depanneur
class button_11 {
displayName = "Licence plate";
buttonAction = "[cursorObject] spawn max_immat_fnc_verifPlate; closeDialog 0";
buttonToolTip = "";
side[] = {west};
disable = false;
condition = "((getNumber (missionConfigFile >> ""The_Programmer_Settings_RadialMenu"" >> ""plate_system"")) isEqualTo 1)";