I will explain you how to change the map of your server and configure the spawn without any problem.
First of all, to get the name of your map, you can open it in Eden Editor (as for mapping), then type this command in the debug console:
This is also the name of the .pbo that adds the map. In this tutorial, we will call this result THENAMEOFTHEMAP.
First of all, you have to change the extension of your mission which will give for example : Altis_Life.THENAMEOFTHEMAP
Don't forget to change the name of the mission folder in your server config as you changed the extension.
Replace your mission.sqm file in your mission folder by the one of your new map mapping.
Then, go to your Config_SpawnPoints.hpp file, replace :
By :
Do the same thing in the Config_Housing.hpp file. You may also need to change or add the classnames of the purchasable houses in the file.
Then, in the fn_initCiv.sqf file, delete these lines:
In your life_server/init.sqf file, replace these lines :
by :
Replace Land_Research_house_V1_F in the first line with the classname of the central bank, and [16019.5,16952.9,0] with its position.
In order to make all the changes, you should also modify the lines where TON_fnc_terrainSort is called, i.e. in the files :
fn_setupStation.sqf; fn_virt_buy.sqf; fn_weaponShopBuySell.sqf; fn_blastingCharge.sqf; fn_boltcutter.sqf; fn_houseMenu.sqf; fn_actionKeyHandler.sqf; fn_fedCamDisplay.sqf; fn_jailMe.sqf; fn_captureHideout.sqf
But that's a lot of blah blah blah for features that are hardly used so they won't be detailed here.
I hope this tutorial helped you, don't hesitate to give me feedback in the comments!
I will explain you how to change the map of your server and configure the spawn without any problem.
First of all, to get the name of your map, you can open it in Eden Editor (as for mapping), then type this command in the debug console:
This is also the name of the .pbo that adds the map. In this tutorial, we will call this result THENAMEOFTHEMAP.
First of all, you have to change the extension of your mission which will give for example : Altis_Life.THENAMEOFTHEMAP
Don't forget to change the name of the mission folder in your server config as you changed the extension.
Replace your mission.sqm file in your mission folder by the one of your new map mapping.
Then, go to your Config_SpawnPoints.hpp file, replace :
class Altis {
Then, in the fn_initCiv.sqf file, delete these lines:
private _altisArray = ["Land_i_Shop_01_V1_F","Land_i_Shop_01_V2_F","Land_i_Shop_01_V3_F","Land_i_Shop_02_V1_F","Land_i_Shop_02_V2_F","Land_i_Shop_02_V3_F"];
private _tanoaArray = ["Land_House_Small_01_F"];
private _spawnBuildings = [["Altis", _altisArray], ["Tanoa", _tanoaArray]]] call TON_fnc_terrainSort;
civ_spawn_1 = nearestObjects[getMarkerPos "civ_spawn_1", _spawnBuildings,350];
civ_spawn_2 = nearestObjects[getMarkerPos "civ_spawn_2", _spawnBuildings,350];
civ_spawn_3 = nearestObjects[getMarkerPos "civ_spawn_3", _spawnBuildings,350];
civ_spawn_4 = nearestObjects[getMarkerPos "civ_spawn_4", _spawnBuildings,350];
In your life_server/init.sqf file, replace these lines :
/* Setup the federal reserve building(s) */
private _vaultHouse = [[["Altis", "Land_Research_house_V1_F"]], ["Tanoa", "Land_Medevac_house_V1_F"]] call TON_fnc_terrainSort;
private _altisArray = [16019.5,16952.9,0];
private _tanoaArray = [11074.2,11501.5,0.00137329];
private _pos = [[["Altis", _altisArray], ["Tanoa", _tanoaArray]]] call TON_fnc_terrainSort;
_dome = nearestObject [_pos, "Land_Dome_Big_F"];
_rsb = nearestObject [_pos,_vaultHouse];
/* Setup the federal reserve building(s) */
private _vaultHouse = "Land_Research_house_V1_F";
private _pos = [16019.5,16952.9,0];
_dome = nearestObject [_pos, "Land_Dome_Big_F"];
_rsb = nearestObject [_pos,_vaultHouse];
In order to make all the changes, you should also modify the lines where TON_fnc_terrainSort is called, i.e. in the files :
fn_setupStation.sqf; fn_virt_buy.sqf; fn_weaponShopBuySell.sqf; fn_blastingCharge.sqf; fn_boltcutter.sqf; fn_houseMenu.sqf; fn_actionKeyHandler.sqf; fn_fedCamDisplay.sqf; fn_jailMe.sqf; fn_captureHideout.sqf
But that's a lot of blah blah blah for features that are hardly used so they won't be detailed here.
I hope this tutorial helped you, don't hesitate to give me feedback in the comments!