English License withdrawal by the Police

I'm the Boss

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This tutorial will allow you to add a function to remove a license to a player as a police officer.​

Installation :
  • Go to the root of your mission and then in the dialog folder
  • Create a file named revoke_license.hpp in the dialog folder
  • Copy / Paste the code below into your revoke_license.hpp :
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  • Sauvegardez le fichier
  • Ouvrez le fichier dialog\MasterHandler.hpp
  • Ajoutez à la fin du fichier :
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  • Now go to the core \ pmenu folder
  • Create a file named fn_revokeLicense.sqf
  • Then copy / paste the code below inside the file :
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  • Save the file
  • Open the Functions.hpp file located at the root of your mission
  • Add in Class Player_Menu
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  • Like that :
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  • Now go to fn_removeLicenses.sqf located in core \ civilian
  • If the file is original add after :
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  • The code below :
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(If the file already has the numbers box 4 to 9, simply change the values and transfer them to fn_revokeLicense.sqf)
  • Now open your fn_copInteractionMenu.sqf located in core \ cop
  • And add the next button all the way down :
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(If you have never created the _ Btn9 in your pInterraction_Menu.hpp located in the folder dialog I invite you to follow the tutorial EN | Add a button in the pInteraction_Menu / vInteraction_Menu on the forum)

That's it, you just added the menu to withdraw licenses to the Policeman 😋
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